Monday, 24 November 2014

‘A Person who Receives Praise from God’

SERMON ON 16TH, Nov, 2014
 (Ps 62:1-12; Rom 2: 17-24)

Prayer: Though, your humble servant, who is standing before you and your people, is too small to make known your holy words, I came to thee, O Lord, expecting your blessing. I am only like empty vessel that needs sources and supplies in order that this simple /tool/instrument may become a channel of blessing for people who come before you. Speak to us, speak to your people through your servant, through your words, through the bread and wine and through various elements that have been consecrated in your name. We pray………….AMEN!

The chosen texts for tonight have been taken from Ps 62 and Rom.2.

Before i prepared my sermon for this evening. i read these 2 texts several times, and I also prayed to God for several times, expecting that God would bless me and would speak to me trough the chosen texts.

Therefore, after waiting God for a couple of weeks, one thing that has come to my mind at the last moment was – ‘A Person who Receives Praise from God’. Therefore with this theme we will meditate upon the words of God in this evening service.  (But, i feel little bit sorry to say that this theme is taken not exactly from the chosen texts, but from the following verses of the same chapter of the chosen texts)

However, as we meditate upon the words of God through this theme, it is good to note that, the theme – ‘a person who receives praise from God’ can be understood in various ways, for example – ‘a person who pleases God’ or ‘a servant of God, to whom God has shown his favor’, etc. so these diverse expressions have disclosed that there can be a number of corresponding and parallel themes of this type.

Well- Just, before, we move on to the core topic, I want to begin my message with a story which is short, and at the same time very interesting. I want to begin with this because i believed that this story will give us some clue of the message that is going to be delivered.

*I do not know whether you have ever heard about a missionary, whose name was - Tailor Smith (some of you might know about him and might also read about the story), he was a missionary, and his story begun like this - while he was enjoying his missionary furlough program, he was invited by some Christian organization to preach and to give some reports in their conference organized by themselves.

So as he went there to deliver his message and to give some reports. While he was on his way (i.e. before he reached the place), he was suddenly caught up by some unanticipated cold fever that simultaneously had affected his throat as well as his tongue. So from the moment he was being caught up, he was unable to speak properly.

Therefore, when he stood up in the pulpit to deliver his message, he was unable to speak aloud because of what he had on the way. It has been written as – ‘only few people who were in the front, had been able to follow and could knew the message that the preacher had delivered from the pulpit.’

But at the end of the service, one imaginable and unbelievable thing had happened outside the conference hall. One man who was in the balcony at the moment while the preacher preached, came to Tailor Smith, giving his hand and said to him ‘Sir, before I listen to your message, i was not a believer, but from the moment you delivered the message, I have decided to follow Jesus, I want to become a Christian’. Then he continued, telling another wonderful story, he said, ‘I was unable to know what you have said from the pulpit, but when a saw something which was in your, that compelled me to decide what I have decided.’

How wonderful and amazing story it was, it’s really amazing! Though the man was unable to hear the message delivered from the pulpit, the man, on the other hand could see what was in the preacher.

The truth, the light or the image of God that was in the preacher might be something that compelled a man to surrender before God.(This story is being modified by me to make more effective to the listeners)

#Friends, the reason why I want to reflect upon this short story is not to emulate (copy or imitate) what is impossible for us, and not to reproduce something extraordinary experience that a person has possessed with the help of the power of the Holy Spirit, rather something which was in the person, i.e. – ‘the power of truth’ or ‘the true light’ that has a power to inspire and motivate others.

Alongside to this short story, i have another interesting account that has been recorded in our Bible – i.e. one of the greatest sins that the people of God, Israel, have committed, during the Old Testament time.

But as we make a few expressions on this account, it is good to acknowledge that – In the bible, there are also a number of prominent people who did so many great works, miracles, and wonderful things for God. There are also several God’s people who did good and great things for God as well as who pleased God. We also have many people who had been setting numerous excellent examples for people at the time and even people today. Indeed, they were not only pleasing God but also able to sacrificed their lives even till death for God shake.

But when we examine the story of Israel, especially the story that can be seen after ‘exodus event’ and before ‘exilic period’ – Their spiritualities as a whole, sometime looked astonishing. The unimpressive behaviors and characters they possessed were very shocking or appalling for many people.

Several narratives of the OT have clearly disclosed these kinds of accounts, these kinds of behaviors and experiences. (Joel & Amos); see also Mt23:1ff
Then the question which is set before us therefore is - Why? How it happened?

We will try to give the appropriate answer for this; in order to do this, let us put our imagination back to the O.T time –
When they came to the Temple, their religiosity, their commitments to God, personal dedications they have rendered before God, their spirituality inside the temple had been appeared as ‘very deep’. That means, the ways they behave inside the temple were very impressive and at the same time very inspiring. But when we examine their lives outside the temple, it was completely a reverse one. The community or the society where they lived was no longer a pleasant and lovely or a blessed one as they have done inside the temple.

This does mean that;
- The deepness of their spirituality inside the temple does not reach beyond the boundary of the temple.
- The images of their community where they lived and the atmosphere they made inside the temple were incomparable. It becomes unmerited to remark.
- It may also mean that, while they have rendered their best to please God inside the temple, their lives outside the temple unable to please God.
- It does also mean that, while they were trying to please God through various worshiping services, they, on the other hand, have no longer cared about their social lives (to please God).

Then, if these pictures become the lives and spiritual condition of the people of Israel, what would be the result/consequences of their religiosity?

1. If their spiritualities, their relationships with God have created a boundary; the lives, commitments they have rendered for God may not be able to reach ‘up to the mark’ to please God.

2. If their social lives, private lives, or their isolated lives (were) unable to please God, correspondingly, there will be no hope/chance to please God through various worship activities inside the temple.

Therefore, friends, according to my observation, these are - the hidden message that we can unveil from these particular passages – i.e. a chosen text of Rom 2:17-28.
Though these particular passages (i.e. Rom 2:17-28) do not tell us directly the main picture; - the image of the Old Testament religiosity and the Old Testament other side of spirituality has been clearly portrayed in this passages.

The text says;
- V21, you, then, that teach others, will you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal?
- V22, you that forbid adultery, do you commit adultery?
- V23, You that boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?
- V 24, for, as it is written, ‘the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.’
Therefore, a brief summary of these verses could be – though they have boasted the law, their behaviors, attitude, manners could not please God.

Therefore, as the scripture tell us, notified and directed to us, now is a time to reexamine/retrospect ourselves in order to reach ‘up to the mark’ to please God. Otherwise, if our outward lives make us unable to reach ‘up to the mark’ to please God; that unimpressive and unpleasing lives will also put us among the people whom we considered as people who used to blaspheme the name of God.

If the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles, among the community of believers, among nominal Christians, among the backsliders, because of what we have been done, – because of our unbalance spirituality, our worship lives, and our distorted lives; these lives will make us guilty, unaccountable before God.

Then, there will be no hope to please God with these lives. If God does not please to us, our services, our commitments, our worship and spiritual lives will not have roots and values. It will be in vain. It will be in futile.

Therefore, in order to please God and in order to receive praise from God, then, what life would be worthy which is more substantial and significant for all of us? What life would be more appropriate to become praiseworthy and to receive a reward from God?

It is Apparent and clearly mentioned that, there can be a number of options for this, but since we already have ‘selected passage’, we cannot simply turn aside from this selected texts. Therefore, let us turns to Ps62: 1-12
1. V, 1&2 say, ‘For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken…’
2. V, 7& 8 say, ‘On God rests my deliverance and my honor; my mighty rock, my refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.’
3. V, 10&11 also say, ‘Put no confidence in extortion, and set no vain hopes on robbery; if riches increase, do not set your heart on them. Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.

Therefore, according to this psalm and according to my assessment, this psalm tells us that;
- People who relay on the salvation of God, who use God as for his/her rock, as his/her foundation, as his/her fortress - will please God.
- Who puts his/her trust on him, uses him for his/her refuge, and puts confidence not in the power of earthly richness or lawlessness but in the power of God…will please God.

This psalm clearly reveals the testimony of its composer; it also reveals his/her spirituality and commitment to God. Furthermore, this psalm also discloses the relationship between God and a person, a person who relay his/her life upon God the redeemer.
Friends, let us also put our trust in God.
- Let our testimony be revealed, not only from our actions inside the chapel, but also from our entire lives.
- Let our outward spirituality and worshiping live be identical.
- Let our entire spirituality be remaining the same at the time of rainy, winter and summer season.
- Let us worship God in truth and spirit, not only to the place where we worship God as a community, but also to the place where we are alone, where we are with friends, even where we are isolated.

A person who is having this kind of lives will become someone whom we considered as worthy/commendable to receive praise from God.
May the Lord God bless us all.....

(Needs revision...K.Zartea)


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...