Saturday, 21 November 2015

(According to BCM tradition)


In obedience to what the Bible says the Baptist Church practices child dedication; and it is always a very important rite in the church. Families dedicate their children together in local churches.  As we dedicate the child this morning, let us all witness this act of child dedication with prayer.  I will read the word of God from ________ first to guide us in our dedication of the Child.

Bible reading:  Deut. 4:6-10,   Mark 10:13-16, etc

Name of child: (minister will make known/announce....)
Date of birth: (-do-)

The parents may come forward as I will be asking questions to them.

To the parents:  
Dear parents, you have come forward to dedicate your child to God. By bringing him/her for dedication, you are not only confessing your faith in Christ,  but also show your desire that the child may grow in Christian life,  knowing the will of God among the people of God who are here are witnesses.  I will ask you questions, please answer these questions from your heart.

Minister: Are you really willing to dedicate your child to God?

Parents: Yes, we do.

Minister: If you are willing to dedicate your child to God will you bring him/her from childhood   in the fear of the Lord, and also guide him/her to the knowledge of Jesus Christ?

Parents: By the help of God we will

Minister: Will you bring the child in faith, holiness, truthfulness, love and good witness of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Parents: By the help of God, We will  

Minister: Will you live a life that is exemplary in the standard of being the followers of Jesus Christ and guide him/her in accordance with the teaching of the Bible and norms of the Church?

Parents: By the help of God, We will

Minister:   (Congregation may stand as a sign of support)
My dear child ________________, in order that you may take part and share in the reign of God in heaven, may truly become member of the church of God here on earth I dedicate you, today to the God Almighty, our Creator and our Saviour.

May the Triune God, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit bless you, keep and protect you, and shine His face like the sun upon you now and forevermore.

Giving Certificate:

Prayer:  Lord, our Almighty God, we thank you for this child ________________. As we have dedicated him/her to you Lord, may you guide, strengthen, protect and sanctify him/her all the day of his/her life. Enable and strengthen the parents to fulfil the promises they have made, so that under their care he/she may grow up in the fear and knowledge of your love and in devotion to you through Jesus Christ our Lord to Whom with You and the Holy Spirit one God in wisdom, power and love, we our offer thanks and praise now and always through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...