Tuesday, 19 April 2016


(Delivered by me on behalf of faculty of Serampore College, Theology Department on the special occasion of valedictory service which was held on 17th, April, 2016)                                                                                       
Respected chief guest and today’s speaker - Rev. Dr. Lalchungnunga who is also former principal of our College, principal of serampore college Dr. Vansanglura, principal of Bishop College Rev Dr. Sunil Caleb, Registrar of NEPGTS Rev Dr. Limatula Longkumer, my dear colleagues, and all my beloved students, including all other members of serampore community and relatives of our students and visitors who came from different parts of the country and abroad;

It is my pleasure to honor each and every one of you who are present here in this wonderful occasion. And at the same time i am also happy to take this privilege to bring a farewell speech on behalf of faculty of Serampore College, theology department.

Since our living God is the one who is ‘all in all’ for our lives, therefore i, first of all would like to give thanks to almighty God for his wonderful protection and guidance and for all the provisions he has given to his people to come together at this manner - to celebrate and honor this special occasion.

Today, as i stand before you, i feel honored and sad at the same time; honored because i have the opportunity to deliver this farewell speech, sad because it’s me who has to do the tough job of wishing goodbye to our beloved outgoing friends.

Being a member of faculty as well as being in charge of domestic work committee, i have been privileged enough to interact quite frequently with our students particularly with our outgoing friends. Yet, i will not go into vivid details to describe how amazing seniors and beloved friends you have been, but one of the most important things i should not fail to acknowledge and also reflect from the past days is, we all have learnt a lot from you, and many of you have inspired us in different ways. Indeed, it is possible to say that - never did we ever feel discourage, dishearten, or dispirit in and by your presence, rather, we felt like one integrated family together.

And besides, if i come down to the memories we cherish, we share lots of loads, burdens, responsibilities as well as lots of joyous and cheerful moments with you and from you. Right from all the activities that have been a part of ever since we were in college, all the programs that have been organized, observed and celebrated in college, our daily morning services, chapel services, annual sport, cultural programs, advisory meetings, SCMI and all other programs and meetings. All these experiences and joyous moments we had been celebrated and enjoyed (along with you) were now becoming like a memorable verse that would remain in our hearts.

However, as there is universal truth that we all need to face, whether we want to or not, that is – ‘everything eventually ends.’ Therefore today is also one of those days for all of us, the day when the leaves need to fall, the day or time when we need to close our book, when we need to put ourselves to a parting ways to say goodbye to our dear and beloved friends. Therefore, since we are unable to avoid saying this, let me also tell you one thing, that is - you all are so much a part of us that you will be with us no matter what, our distance is. And the small clear voices which are in our hearts will also be with us, always.

So, as you leave this place and depart from the college, it is our hope and prayer that – many of you will go to somewhere, moving to different directions engaging yourselves with others and important job and responsibilities in which by God grace you suppose to be; therefore the most important thing i want you to keep in your mind is – wherever you are, whatever you do - let the Lord our God be put at the central of our hearts. As God loves you, don’t forget to love your God. This is vital for our lives, our ministries because ‘loving God’ is the core foundation from and by which we can obtain our ministerial success.

Therefore, as I come to the end of this short speech, let me close my speech by saying this –
Go in peace and leave this place with high hopes, in good spirit, and with deep humility, and with very much gratefulness in your hearts. I want to say for each and every one of you, not only will we always remember you, not only will we always be grateful to you but always you will be in our hearts and you will be in our prayers.

May God bless you, thank you.

Rev. K. Lalzarliana

Thursday, 14 April 2016


Titus 3:1-15 is generally categorized into 2 sections;
1.    Instructions concerning the duties of believers in the word (1-11)
2.    Final instructions and greetings (12-15)

There is also possibility to divide into 4 sections;
1.    1-4: first instructions concerning the duties
2.    5-7: This part talks about individual regeneration by the work of God through grace
3.    8-11: second instructions concerning the duties
4.    12-15:Final instructions and greetings

However, this epistle (to Titus) has been called as the ‘Pastoral epistle’. It was originally regarded as mere personal letter and was classified with Timothy and Philemon, but because of their strong bearing on the life of the church, they gained the name the ‘pastoral epistles.

Therefore, though this letter originally addressed to individual. The letter is not limited to personal and private communication, but is somewhat official in character. And this evidence is also found in various writings ( 1Tim 3:14-15; 4:6-15; 2 Tim 2:2), So, Paul addressed Titus (and Timothy) to guide the first community in matters concerning the pastoral care of the church, which is the household of God.

However, the main theme of this chapter (or probably, one may say the main theme of the whole letter) is – to show how the grace of God that has appeared to us in the saving life and death of Christ instruct us to deny ungodliness and to live righteously and soberly as a people full of good work. In short the basis for Christian living in this world.

This summarization of the theme is found in the first part of the chapter – 3:3-10
It says – for we too were once foolish, disobedient, misled, enslaved to various passions and desires, spending our lives in evil and envy, hateful and hating one another. But ‘when the kindness of God our saviors appeared and his love for mankind, He saved us not by works of righteousness that we have done but on the basis of his mercy, through the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy spirit whom he poured out on us in full measure through Jesus Christ our saviors. And so, since we have been justified by his grace, we became heirs with the confident expectation of eternal life.

Therefore, as found in this letter, Paul is writing to Titus, telling – how believers should behave in the church (in chapter 2) and simultaneously in chapter 3 – he talks about how believers should behave in society.
Therefore, Paul calls on all believers through Titus to ‘put them in mind’ about certain things. In other words, he wants the believers to remember who they are in Jesus; what they have in Jesus; what God has done in them through Jesus; and what God expects of them as believers in Jesus.

A part from this point, I would like to point out only another one or two significant point(s) which I considered as 'more important' than the previous points. And it is likely that - These points are put hidden purposely behind the discourses.

1.    The first point that capture my mind while reading this chapter is – the way how Paul tried to convince and encourage the believers to do good work through the instructions he has given to Titus.
In v. 3-6: Here he teaches us that God loves us more than we can possibly understand. God’s mercy towards a helpless person which enables and gives strength to do God’s will is prudently mentioned.

In verse 3, we see a vivid picture of what the believer was- before he/she met Jesus
-    Foolish – (which denotes…) Ignorant of everything to do with God.
-    Disobedient – Rebellious toward any authority instituted by God.
-    Deceived – Continually led deeper and deeper into sin by Satan.
-    Serving for lusts and pleasures – A slave to our fleshly desires and passions.
-     Living in malice – Given over to a lifestyle of evil.
-    Envy – Never satisfied with what we have, but always grasping for more.
-     Hateful – This is the natural fruit of all the above.  This kind of life makes us mean-spirited and hard to get along with.
-    Hating one another – Walking without love for our fellow man.

Therefore according to Paul’s teaching, this is what/who we are, who is unable to do good things because of our past - unpleasant nature which is in us.  It is a terrible condition to be in, yet that is what the Bible says time and time again, Eph. 2:1-3; 1 Cor. 6:9-10.

But, in contrary, another wonderful work of God that we found from the letter is – even when we were in that condition, God still loved us.

So, in v. 4, 6b The Evidence Of His Love is found by mentioning the phrase - “after that”.  And if we put in other words, “in spite of what we were and are, God chose to display His love for us.” 

Than how did He do that?  The answer is in verse 6.  It says “through Jesus Christ”.  God gave evidence of His love for fallen man by sending His Son into the world to die for our sins (Rom. 5:6-8; John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-10).

v. 5-6 What did this wonderful love of God do for us? Part of the answer is found in the word “but” in verse 4.  God knew what we were.  He saw us with all our sins and our baggage, yet He still chose to “butt” into our lives and save us by His grace. 

This love and mercy of God which we received through grace is what i want to emphasize here, because the love he has shown to a helpless person, the mercy and grace he has shown to a sinful man has a wonderful power to transform a person to do something good which a person never experience before.

Therefore, let us see how His love and grace did for us in verse 5.
-    He extended His grace and mercy to us when we deserved nothing but Hell.
-    He saved us from the penalty of our sins (saved).
-    He cleansed us from the defilements of our sins (washing).  He made a new creature out of us (regeneration).
-    And, He placed His Spirit within us to lead us deeper in Him day by day (renewing).
God did all of this with no help from us!  Our works, our religion, our efforts cannot save us, they only compound the problem!

God sees us exactly as we really are, but He loves us anyway.

Therefore the motive behind of this showing ‘love of God’ and ‘wonderful work of God’ which is given as a reminder to the hearers of this letter is that – God wants and has a desire to transform a powerless and helpless people who is/are being trapped and enslave by the power of earthly things.

By reminding us our helpless or hopeless condition, his wonderful work upon this helpless people, God empower, give potential, strength, willingness to do something good. God wants to change our perception, perspective, outlook, interest, even our daily life - in order that a person (we) may understand the purpose for which God has created him/her/us.

And moreover, by telling and reminding these wonderful instructions he has shown to us that there is room for improvement in our walk with Him and our work for Him.  And if that is so, our responsible is – to get to Him and deal with today in appropriate and responsible manner.


1. How far the experience of the risen Lord and resurrection has power? 
2. What reaction does it has in the life of believers?

After having a brief look on the chapter (i.e Lk 24:13-35), some important questions that come to my mind are;
1.    As the first verse (i.e. v13) begins with – ‘Now on that same day’. Therefore the first and simple question that came to my mind was- what does this ‘same day’ mean? What exactly is this day?

2.    Though NRSV version does not particularize the two people who were on their way to a village Emmaus, some Bible version particularized mentioning as ‘two disciples’. Therefore the question behind is – does the name ‘disciple’ implies only a small circle of Jesus disciple or it has a wider meaning?

3.    Why did Jesus chose these two men/disciples to make him-self known at this moment, why Jesus did not chose other people to make him-self known?

4.    How far the experience of the risen Lord and resurrection has power? What reaction does it has in the life of these two men? In another word -What significant position does resurrection (the story of ‘the walk to Emmaus’) has in the life of disciples?

Since I am going to give my focus only on the last 2 questions, we will try to give only few sentences to give appropriate short answers for the first two questions.

1. If we look back the previous verse which is mentioned in the first part of the chapter, the answer for the 1st question can simply be found. NRSV version mentioned as – the ‘first day of the week’. So this day seems to be ‘Sunday’ as mentioned by various bible versions. Therefore, the first sentence (i.e. v13) which begins as – ‘Now on that same day’ is only the continuation of the previous sentences. That means – it talks about ‘the first day of the week’ (i.e. Sunday).

2. To address the two person involved, NRSV bible mentioned as – ‘two of them’ whereas other versions mentioned as-‘two disciples’.
-    Therefore it is apparently that, the first comment we can give on this particular phrase is - Most of the bible versions which we all have been used, mainly used inclusive terms to mention the two persons involved.

-    Second, since the name of one of the two persons involved is mentioned in v 18, as Cleopas whose name was not found among Jesus disciples. Therefore it is likely that, the term ‘disciple’ used by various translators of the bible has been used not only to address the 12 disciples but sometimes to address the believers/followers of Jesus Christ.

3. Why did Jesus happen to choose these two men/disciples?
As soon as I read this passage, the first question that struck my mind was – Why did Jesus chose these two men/disciples to make him-self known after his resurrection?

Considering the question I bring up here - it looks plain and very simple. But this particular occurrence has very significant point, because – during this time…
There were lots of people unto whom Jesus could make himself known, Pharisees, Sadducees, Herod armies, and people who saw Jesus every day. There were also others who had direct experience of his wonderful works, Jesus’ miraculous works. But, leaving behind all these people, he has chosen only these two men. Why Jesus choose these two people to make him-self known?

The obvious and immediate answer we all can give may be – we do not know. And probably nobody would know the accurate and best answer for this. But some important significant points we find from the texts itself are-
1)    Both of them talk to each other discussing all things that had happened (both have discussed about Jesus)

2)    The serious discussion which was taken place between these two men may implies that – Both of them have paid their serious concern to Jesus, his life and works, his death and resurrection, etc.

3)    Their seriousness is seen when Jesus asked by saying – “why are you discussing with each other while you walk along?” then the subsequent reaction we see is – They stood still, looking sad. And moreover they ask him back the question, saying – “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that has taken placed?

Therefore, after having a careful examination to this text, the first conclusion or my own postulation that I have made was that – Jesus often chose a person, a person in whom he could finds room or a person who is able to provide room for Jesus. To put in another words – the revelation of Jesus has often been taken place to a person/people who is able to provide room for Jesus, who love him or who seriously could pay and offer their times, minds and even their efforts.

In john 14: 23 Jesus said – “those who love me will keep my word, and my father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them”

Then (beside this) after realizing all possibilities, another assumption I have made was -
Jesus often chose people not because of who they are, not because of what they did/ what they have done, but only because of who he is. In other words – only by his GRACE Jesus chose people to accomplish his wishes or purposes.

However, as already mentioned, this particular text has significant importance for us, because -Revelation of God/Jesus can never be a simple thing in the life of a believers, it is in fact, revelation is – a life transforming act of God. It is also what we, all Christian expect from God to renew, to enlighten ourselves, and to give us strength for our soul, our spiritual life, and also to give us a living hope as we all are participating to the service of God. Therefore if one expects something great, more powerful or mighty work from the risen Lord, he/she must give him/her-self to God, at the same time - he/she must have the living hope and expectation to experience the risen Lord.

4.    How far the experience of the risen Lord and resurrection has power? What reaction does it has in the life of these two men?

{What significant position does resurrection (the story of ‘the walk to Emmaus’) has in the life of these two disciples?  How far experiencing of the risen Lord has results/outcomes on individual Christian life? – are some of the important questions that may come to our minds}

Let us try to find out some appropriate answers from the text itself –
So, as they (the two disciples) had direct experience with the risen Lord - these are some of the immediate results/consequences that can be found from the text OR from this incident;

1.    V 27 says – Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures
2.    V 29 – So, he went in to stay with them

3.    V 30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to them.

4.    V 31 Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him

5.    V 32 they said to each other, “were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scripture to us?”

6.    V33 the same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem

7.    V 35 Then they told what had happened…

If we elaborate all these points, it will be too long, so we will give only some important reflections from the previous points we mentioned;

1.    The first point tells us that - Experiencing the risen Lord help us to know more about our Lord. Not only that this experience also removed uncertainty, doubt, lack of confidence, and even the bar that ensnared/ enslaved our consciousness. It is in-fact, experiencing the risen Lord can set a person free from all bondage and difficulties.

2.    Experiencing the risen Lord means - the Lord, ‘Immanuel’ who stay with us has come to us. For me, the sentence - ‘So he went in to stay with them” is one of the beautiful sentences I found from this text. Because our Lord is not a plain or mere Lord who is incapable of doing something for his people. Rather our Lord is the source and sustainer of our life, who provides all we needs. And he is also the one who has ultimate authority upon our heart beats.

It is indeed, we his people can do nothing without him; we cannot live even a single day, a single bid of second without him. Therefore, as he went in to stay with these two people, let our risen Lord also come to us - to stay with us, for he is our strength and life.

Just before we move to the next point, only one more point I want to emphasize from the same is - Experiencing the appearance of Jesus, or seeing some objects or other things, reading and discussing about Jesus or the scripture is not enough, rather Jesus must come and stay with us, we must experience his presence within us. If this could happen, it must be the beginning of our success, and it will also be the right food that can revitalize our strength to move forward as we participate in the ministry of God.

3.    V 30 “When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to them.”
This experience may indicate that – Both Jesus and these two men had a wonderful communion to each other, exchanging and sharing not only their food, but their intimate thoughts and feelings. The phrase - “When he was at the table with…” means Jesus accepted them as to who they are. In spite of their ignorance, their limitation, their helplessness, Jesus accepted them (What a wonderful experienced it was).

Therefore, as the two men had a wonderful experience with the risen Christ– some of the challenging questions we may ask ourselves are - Has Jesus ever dines with us? Has He ever find room in us? Have we ever experience the risen Lord in our life? (These are some of the challenging questions we need to put before us as we continue to meditate upon this particular verse).

4.    V 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.
This particular verse indicate that – experiencing the risen Lord is not a mere and simple thing as many people neglected it, but ‘this experience is indeed an eye opener experience’, it is something which is to be considered as an extraordinary experience that can open the door, the door which at once remain closed due to and by the force of ignorance, negligence, laziness, carelessness, slothfulness, and many more.

We can also learn that – knowing about Jesus from distance place, from other sources which are very strange from us is not adequate, but in order to be a faithful witness to Jesus, his death and resurrection, his wonderful and mighty work of God through Jesus - one must have ‘an eye opener experience with Jesus’.
When Jesus called the Pharisees – ‘You blind people..’ it is likely that, though many people considered these people as –well educated, intellectual people knowing almost every teaching of the scripture, and capable/competent people who were able to catch and perceive all things – including the life style and thoughts of the people at that time, but one thing they were lacking, or spiritual limitation we found from their life was –they did not have what we called it – ‘an eye opener experience with Jesus’.

Therefore, in order to give sight to our spiritual blindness, one must receive this experience (the risen Lord).

5.    V33 the same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem
6.    V 35 Then they told what had happened.
This episode is what I would like to emphasize to all those who had experience with the risen Lord. The phrase -“They got up and return to Jerusalem’ demonstrated that – experiencing the risen lord must have immediate- result, positive impact or consequences.

It does also mean that- if one has this kind of experience – he/she cannot simply remain calm, stand still. It also indicates that -he/she can no longer move to a wrong direction.

If one experience the risen lord in his/her life, this experience could make a person to do something, which he/she considered as imperative to do.

This experience may also give a person – a spirit of new strength, enthusiasm or eagerness to involve him/her-self to a place which he/she once refused and left behind.

Therefore experiencing the risen Lord is – something that gives us new strength, new zeal and energy to move back or to move forward to do something good, something better and greater.

As found in the scripture, experiencing the risen Lord is - something that can revitalize a helpless person to bring peace, a message of hope and comfort, and to establish a new fellowship of believer where every member can enjoy the spirit of love and affection.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...