Saturday, 24 September 2016


(CHOSEN PASSAGE: GEN 43: 1 – 15)

This passage talks about ‘the problem faced by the family of Jacob/Israel’ in general; OR the severe famine happened in the land of Egypt and Israel, Joseph and his brothers, or a hard decision made by the family of Israel, etc in particular.

A brief summary of this episode can be highlighted in these ways;
1.    The first episode tells us that - the famine which was happened in the land of Egypt had spread over all the land and this famine became severe throughout the world.

2.    The grains bought by the ten brothers were eaten up, and they need more grain for their survival.

3.    This was followed by - a serious discussion which was happened between father and his sons.

4.    A very hard decision made by the father to save the entire family and to solve their problem.

5.    The last episode is – careful preparation made by the family of Israel and also putting their feet to face the challenge which was ahead of them.

If we read through this episode, everyone will know that - this passage is one of the interesting episodes which had happened within the family of Israel. But the problem that came to my mind is/are;
-    What theological implication does this episode provide us?
-    What challenging and provoking theme am I going to take out from this particular passage?

Yes, of course, there can be numbers of interesting themes from this passage but I felt something discontent until I realize the theme I have chosen for this morning.
Therefore, the theme I chose for this morning is –


If we say – ‘all of us experience major and minor challenges constantly in every area of our lives’ I hope that every one of us will accept it.  It is indeed- most people have a hard time accepting and dealing with these challenges that arise. So, the truth is that we have to deal with difficult problems throughout our life, whether it is in our personal life, career or ministry.

Therefore, by reflecting ‘the challenge faced by the family of Jacob/Israel’ we will make our focus on the topic – facing the challenge to bring change; and I hope that this reflection would become a great help in dealing with individual/personal challenges, or any challenges that a person may face in his/her life as well as in his/her ministry.

Just before we move to our main points, firstly, we will look some challenges confronted by the family of Israel.
1.    Life threatening famine in the land (V.1).
As this particular text tells us, we know how this famine affects the entire families of the land and how the family of Israel has taken this problem, how they struggled for their survival.

2.    Another challenge faced by the family of Israel has come unexpectedly from the family it-self. In fact, this challenge was posed by Joseph him-self who is one of the brothers.
In V. 43:3 “You shall not see my face unless your brother is with you”. The fact is that- when Joseph has begun to realize – his father, his biological brother (Benjamin) is/are still alive; he made a demand by saying that “Bring your youngest brother to me, so that you shall not die”.

-    We know how much they have struggled with this problem from the previous as well as from the following verses.

3.    Unresolved problem which stipulates a hard decision.
-    The first part of the passage tells us that - the lord of the land-Joseph demands his brother Benjamin whereas the father Israel could not accept the demand and than he was unable to send his youngest son to go along with his brothers…Then, the ten brothers need to convince their father so that the father may change his mind.

4.    Besides, there might be another problems involved behind it; but we are unable to bring out all the problems involved for we have only a short period of time.

Therefore the main focus and some significant reflections I would like to make through this episode are taken from the challenges faced by the family of Israel itself - how the ten sons, the father – Israel or this family had confronted the challenges. What are the reactions or appropriate treatments they have made to solve their challenges?

What are the appropriate/suitable steps for solution they had been taken/followed?

1.    They follow the principle of honesty. This is also what Joseph demands from his brothers (V.42:19). Since they all have acted dishonestly to their brother Joseph, this is the time to prove whether they were honest. Therefore Joseph said to his brothers – “If you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here…the rest of you shall go…and bring your youngest brother to me…”
If they want more grain for their survival, or if they expect their brother Simeon back /‘to be set free’; they must follow what Joseph stipulated, they must act accordingly or they need to follow the principle of honesty. Then the simultaneous reaction we found is – they did it.

2.    They also employed dialogical method for solution: This is another method they employed to solve their problem/challenge.
As they returned to their place and met their father, they had a good time of discussion. It means they have made available themselves to discuss what had happened in the land of Egypt. This is what we always need to remember; because, ‘willingness to make available ourselves’ is more promising instead of refusal, denial, ignorance or isolation, etc to solve the problems.

As all know, Dialogue is not merely a back and forth discussion, not only a debate or rebuttal. It is a chance to frame a problem collectively by both independently voicing different perspectives on the issue.

Therefore to keep themselves free from the problem of family crises and to solve their problem/challenge, ‘dialogical method for resolving the problem’ is what we found between the father and sons.

3.    The principle of Self emptiness:   Though the principle of honesty and dialogical method are powerful and effective in many ways; on the other hand, they are not a problem-solving process directly. Rather they are a process that builds bridges of understanding between individuals that naturally helps to reduce misunderstandings, conflict, and tension and therefore to dissolve problems.
Therefore another principle or method applied for solution we found from the family of Israel is – the principle of self-emptiness.

This is also what I called it as ‘the calmative stage’ where a hard decision is made possible. At this point we found two significant points;
1.    V. 8: Judah said to his father, “Send the boy with me, and let us be on our way…If I do not bring him back to you and set him before you, then let me bear the blame forever.”
2.    Then the father-Israel said, “Take your brother, and be on your way again to the man… As for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved”

At the beginning, when the ten sons told their father - what had happened; the reply what they received is – “why did you treat me so badly…(v6)” that means - as long as he defend his own self or until and unless he was unable to set him-self free from ‘the self’, nothing progress could happened.
But in reverse, when the moment has come and a decision of self denial/sacrifice is made, saying – “let me bear the blame forever” (Judah) and “If I am bereaved, I am bereaved” (Israel). This becomes the portal gate that makes everything possible, even to release all problems.

4.    They depend on God’s providence:
Even though they all have reached to the agreement, this is not the end – In v. 14 “may God Almighty grant you mercy before the man, so that he may send Simeon and Benjamin back” this is what the father told to his ten sons.

As the writer of proverbs (3:5-6) says – “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding …” We must trust God. In another words – the imperative thing which has vital importance in every decision is we must depend on God’s providence. It does not mean that – by keeping everything behind, neglecting or ignoring our decision, ideas, and strength we must put our trust in God; but rather – it does mean that; even if we have/ there are another possible ways/ remedy to treat something, God must be put at the central. This is also what we found from ‘the problem/challenge solving process’ which was happened in the family of Israel.

Therefore, let the – principle of honesty, dialogical method for solution, the principle of self emptiness and depending on God’s will/providence, etc; be our steps to meet and confront any challenges which may come to us.

Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you - depending on how you respond to them. – Rick Warren.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...