Tuesday, 24 January 2017


Scripture reading    : Act 3:11ff

The text mentioned above is about ‘the second preaching of Peter’ after some time they received the out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

A brief summary of this discourse includes;

1.    People who saw the healing of a beggar at the beautiful gate ran together in the portico which is also known as Solomon’s portico.

2.    Then, seeing people around them; Peter addressed the people by telling;
-    The one who healed the beggar was neither by him nor John, but God – who is the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.

-    And the main purpose of God’s power which is made known to them was to glorify Jesus whom they had handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate.

-    He also strongly holds and makes it clear by saying that – they are the one who witnessed Jesus resurrection from the death.

-    And moreover, Peter immediately proclaimed by saying – there is a power in the name of Jesus

-    This was followed by the culmination of his short sermon which is found in verse 19-20 which says – “Repent, and turn to God…so that the time for refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Therefore, if we look the following verses; one of the subsequent results we found was – (4:4) “…may people who heard the word believed, and they numbered about five thousand.”

This is a brief summary of these passages which have numbers of theological significances for our daily life as well as for our ministry today. Therefore by making some reflections on the chosen text; we will try to look only two points which I considered as imperative for our life journey.

1.    The presence of God can change the helpless in order to glorify the name of God/Jesus.
‘Changing the life of the helpless to glorify the name of God’ was the first point that struck my mind when I first read through this passage.

In order to make a little more elaboration on this, I use the term ‘helpless’ in order that the term ‘helpless’ may signify the true nature of a beggar who use to sit near the gate/Solomon’s portico.
As already heard from the previous sermon; and as the text itself tells us;
...a beggar sitting near the gate was;

-    A lame from his birth.

-    Who is unable to help himself to reach even to the place where he used to ask for an alms

-    From the story itself what we may also presume is – the only best thing he could do is – asking for an alms from the people who come and enter the gate.

-    We do not know how long he had been seated here to ask for an alms, we even do not know how long he had been suffered and what kind of dilemmas would developed in his life, and what kind of moral and spiritual crises he would suffered because of his physical condition.

-    But one thing which is clear is – he become physically, morally, emotionally, psychologically or spiritually helpless for his life.

Therefore, despite of his physical nature, of his helplessness - another interesting and amazing thing we see is that – God has used this helpless man in a different way, in order that his helpless condition would become the useful and effective instrument through and by which the mighty work of God would be made known/reveled among the surrounding people.

And moreover, when people saw the miracle being performed – v 11 tells us that; “all the people ran together” which indicates and tells us that – a helpless person, who received God’s healing power become the motivating factor/useful instrument in helping people to change their life, to bring a new people to the community of believers, or in another words – to bring people to the feet of Jesus.
Therefore, the main emphasize we want to make from this particular section is that – The presence of God in our life is something that give us hope, transform our helpless condition, that can also make us strong, and also something that can make impossible to possible.

If someone, who is among us face various challenges and difficulties which are not easy to deal with or something which we cannot avoid; let our hearts be thirst for asking the presence of God. This is the right answer for our life journey which every one of us must long for.

2.    Let the power of God/Holy Spirit work among us.
As all know, Peter was simply a common man, who, even though he plays a leading role in a small circle, he is the one who betrayed Jesus several times; he is also the one who is unable to keep his word, and also follow Jesus at a distance…

But here, in this passage the previous picture of his images were completely different – He become charismatic preacher and a great healer, a hero in this scene in and from whom people gave another expectation to see another wonderful work of God.

And moreover, in his second preaching, another important point we also can see is – Peter was bold enough to persuade people to God by accusing the people around him, reminding them by telling what they have done in the past and by telling the right and wrong part they should avoid and follow.
And furthermore, another one more point I want to mention from the same passage is – according to me, his message at this point of time was too simple. It was too simple.

But in spite of all his weaknesses, something he has done in the past, his lacking, etc - the subsequent result what we found is – though he was a simple man by his nature, he has a power to attract people in order that they might come near by him, he also has a power to persuade people to God, and therefore as a result - (as in 4:4) the number of newly formed believers was dramatically increased by five thousand.

Someone may ask by saying - how can that be? Why is it so? The answer is simple – It was only because, God was with him. In another word – the Holy Spirit was moving among them.
This is also what we need today. It is not only what we need today but something what we must seek and look for all the time; because, without the power of God, without the affirmation and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are nothing. Only the power of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is something that makes us to who we are.

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...