Tuesday, 28 February 2017


(Ezekiel 18: 25 – 32; Psalm 6; I Tim 1: 12 – 17)

The judgement of God is a much misunderstood and seldom discussed topic even among the Christian. During the time of prophet Ezekiel it also had mistaken by people of Israel and this misunderstanding is expressed in a way of making accusation to God. So as found in Eze 18: 25 - in spite of God’s righteous dealings with people on the basis of their conduct, the Israelite were accusing God of not doing right.

They were playing the blame game, accusing God as the one who did not do justice to his people. Therefore, in order to get the reasons behind why people of Israel have play the blame game, etc it will be helpful to look at the historical background of this passage. And a short historical analysis of this event will help us to see things more clearly.

Historical background of Ezekiel 15:
After King Solomon died, Israel split into two kingdoms;
-    The kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) and
-    The kingdom of Judah (the Southern Kingdom). 
More than a century prior to Ezekiel’s time, Assyria defeated the Northern Kingdom and took its people into exile in Assyria, than this defeat and war put to an end the Northern Kingdom.  Later, Babylonia surpassed Assyria to become the dominant power, and King Nebuchadnezzar ruled over the entire land.

During this great transition period - Jehoiachin’s father, King Jehoiakim, rebelled against Babylonian, therefore in the year 598 B.C., King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon marched on Jerusalem in response to Jehoiakim’s rebellious behaviour.  Then, Jehoiakim died, and young Jehoiachin assumed the throne at the age of 18 (2 Kings 24:8).  But the reign of Jehoiachin lasted only three months, and then King Nebuchadnezzar took him into exile in Babylonia and installed Zedekiah on the throne of Judah as a puppet king.  Then as he withdrew from Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar forced a number of prominent citizens in Jerusalem into exile in Babylonia, and also carried off “all the treasures of the house of Yahweh” (2 Kings 24:13).

Therefore under the ruler of King Zedekiah, people of Judah had committed many sins against God. The king Zedekiah also refused to heed the counsel of the prophet Jeremiah, 2 Chro 36:12-13 says - “he did which was evil in the sight of Yahweh his God”; so he did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet who spoke from the mouth of Yahweh. Furthermore, as the same passage says - “he stiffened his neck, and hardened his heart against turning to Yahweh, the God of Israel”. And moreover, another worst thing he did was - he also rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him swear by God. In short, the transgressions done by the king and the people of Israel were so huge, and since there was no intention to turn back to God, God gave his judgement according to their deeds.

Therefore, in 587 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar responded to Zedekiah’s rebellion by again laying siege to Jerusalem.  This time he destroyed the city and killed many of its inhabitants.  He took most of the rest of the people to Babylon—leaving behind only the poorest (2 Kings 25). 

This is how many writers of the OT had made a record of this event. So one of the important questions left behind from the record is – Why did this happened?  What was the main reason behind of this event? Why did Babylonian have taken and deported people of Israel to their land for their slaves? Etc. many questions have come up from this event.

So, the apparent answer one we may give for this question is – as the prophets made it clear that, ‘this was Yahweh’s judgment on Judah for her sins.’

But, in spite of the fact that, another serious concern one may notice from here is – The people of God did not understand and accept the judgment of God. They did not even accept the condition for which God has made his judgment upon his people. They rather put their blame on God saying - "The way of the Lord is unfair." They think that- God is not fair enough, they also think that - the way how God has made his judgement upon his people is unacceptable, and moreover they were not convinced by the judgement of God laid upon them.

Therefore, the problem involved in this discourse necessitates us to give appropriate answers to these questions;
1.    Why do people misunderstand and fail to accept the judgement of God?
2.    What are the reasons behind – if and when someone refuses to accept God judgement?
3.    Is there any possibility to give appropriate answer to this question or problem?

Therefore, in order to give appropriate answer to these questions, we need to reflect one of the problems involved in today context which is also faced by many people.

As previously mentioned, many people today often misunderstood and fail to accept God’s judgement. This is the reality that has happened even among Christian, among the community of God’s people. Some of them openly expressed saying – I’m a good Christian, I have tied my level best, I have offered the best of my will, I have never commit serious mistake or wrong - so why am I sick and poor? Why did God allowed for me to face this kind of distress? Does God make unjustifiable judgement towards a good person like me and like someone else? 

They have made so many assumptions or unresolved questions for the things what had happened and at the same time which they do not belief that it would happen. And after sometime, many people at the end put their blames on God; saying that – God is not fair enough, the way how God has made his judgement is unacceptable. Then consciously or unintentionally, we have started the blame game by and in the form of  looking a suitable answer to solve our problems.

So the question put before us which requires appropriate answer is – WHY? Why did it happen? Why do people misunderstand and fail to accept unbelievable thing that has happen to them?

1.    The first answer is – Only because, they do not accept the absolute authority and sovereignty of God.

When we talk about authority and Sovereignty of God; it represents the ability to exercise His will or supremacy. It also refers to as having supreme authority, control, and power over all that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future in all times across all history.

We, Christians also define it as God, having the right, the authority, and the power to govern all that happens and what has; is, or will happen being in accordance to His divine will. He has the right to achieve His purposes and has the power to bring about circumstances that dictate whatever He wills to come to pass.   He has complete control of everything and there is nothing that is done that is not done by or allowed through His will.

- 2Chro 20:6 says: “You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hands are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you.” (29:11)
- Colo 1:16 also says; “In him all things in heaven and on earth were created. Things invisible and visible, whether thrones or dominions or ruler or powers – all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

According to this text - basically, God’s sovereignty means that He is the Supreme Ruler who immanently and personally rules over all the affairs of the universe—and this includes our personal lives both individuals and as a local body of believers. His sovereignty has no limitation, has no boundary; because everything have their (own) existence only in Him.

It is indeed; his will, his authority and sovereignty is above all – i.e. above all human made rules and regulation, including human rights, obligations and moral laws and all other related rules and laws. But when emphasizing God’s sovereignty, it does not mean that God has put everything zero, as nothing to do with human welfare; rather, God has validated all human made rules and regulations if it does not fall short of God’s standards. He also makes use of our ways to make his judgement, as found in Eze 18: 30.

But when individual or a person made his/her own judgement basing on these temporal rules and laws, forgetting the sovereignty of God; this human ignorance has created lots of problems, confusion, and misunderstanding, etc. that may worse or complement human misery.

We human tend to equate human made and moral laws with God’s law which is incomparable, which is also above everything. We, sometimes also think that God is also under the human made rules and laws, who is unable to rule over/against the human made and moral laws.

And if someone thinks that God is doing something bad, unacceptable, intolerable or objectionable which is beyond human expectation. It is only because, we human put God at the level of human, we are equating God with human - as if having human status and capacity who is also subjected under the human made laws and also bounds by the laws.

But let us not forget that, God has his own will, his own way, his own rule and law which is above all other laws. Therefore according to his own ways he has authority to rules over human. He also has authority to makes his judgement basing on his own will and according to the rules and laws he has set upon human. He needs not to consult others; he needs not to take any engagement or acceptance to exercise his power and authority. Because his way is God’s way, there is nothing above God.

A good illustration is found in ITim 1:12ff; Though Paul was formerly regarded as a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a man of violence according to this temporal rules and laws; he was justified and judged by God making him as being faithful and also appointed to his service. How can this be? Though this temporal law condemned him as blasphemer; making him as persecutor or a man of violence; It is God who made him faithful and just. This is possible because, everything including the universe and all things on earth is under his sovereignty.

Therefore, since God’s sovereignty is so vast and inexhaustible, we have to accept and submit ourselves to the authority and sovereignty of God. If we cannot accept God’s authority and his sovereignty, as did by people of Israel (Ezekiel 18:25); it does mean that we need to re-examine ourselves by asking - who are we to put our blame on God? Who am I, on what ground – I am unable to accept God’s authority. By accepting and submitting to the authority and sovereignty of God, there is possibility to solve this kind of human problems.

2.    If we fail to accept God’s will or if we fail to understand the way how God exercise his authority to rule over us; the main reason behind is – our relationship with God is broken, or it is in crisis. 

When people of God had begun to play the blame game saying – ‘the way of the Lord is unfair’. The apparent thing which was happened behind this blame game is – they are already being cut off from the covenant establish by God between him and his people. The relationship established by God is in trouble, they are facing spiritual and relationship crisis. 

Likewise, if our relationship between someone is in a crisis; what comes next – our ego will spring up, and we will begin to play the same blame game. We will be too busy to defend our-‘self’; we may not be able to see our-‘self’. If relationship is in crisis, it is not easy to accept our weakness, shortcoming, and also some miserable things we have committed against God.

Therefore the imperative thing we need to do is – accepting our shortcoming; we must submit ourselves to God.

As the Psalmist says (in Ps 6); let our hearts be humble before God, praying -
O Lord; do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline me in your wrath. Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are shaking with terror.

And the promise of God found in the book of Ezekiel is; (18: 27&28) “when the wicked turn away from the wickedness they have committed and do what is lawful and right, they shall save their life. 28 Because they considered and turned away from all the transgressions that they had committed, they shall surely live; they shall not die.”

Therefore, submitting ourselves to God and accepting the authority and sovereignty of God, is the answer to all human misery, confuse, misunderstanding and all other problems. This is also something that can help us to understand and accept God’s judgement.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...