Tuesday, 15 August 2017


                                                        (Significance of the Word of God)
                                                (Deu 30; 15-20; Exo 25;16, 22; Psalm 19:7-9)

Under this theme, there are two important areas through which we shall make our focus;

i)    Covenant and the Ark of the Covenant,  
ii)    Significance of both the Ark of the Covenant and the words of the Lord

The covenant:

As we know, the idea of a covenant between God and His people is one of the central themes of the Bible. The word "covenant” is also commonly used term in legal, social (marriage), religious and in theological contexts. So, biblical words most often translated for ‘covenant’ are berit in the Old Testament (which appeared about 280 times) and diatheke in the New Testament (which is found 33 times). In its simplest form, a covenant is an agreement between two parties which involves promises on the part of each to the other. But in Biblical sense a covenant implies much more than a simple agreement or a contract between two parties;

i)                    According to Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, covenant is ‘a solemn agreement between two or more parties, made binding by some sort of oath’.

ii)                  The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary also define it as ‘an agreement enacted between two parties in which one or both make promises under oath to perform or refrain from certain actions stipulated in advance’.

Therefore, when a covenant is established, roughly a covenant took some form that may characterize biblical covenant:-

-         A statement of ideas was agreed upon (Gen. 26:29, 31:50-52).

-        The agreement was sealed with and by an oath (Gen. 26:31, 31:48-52).

-        The invocation of a curse was often present to ensure it would not be broken.  This was not always explicitly stated, but in the covenant between God and Israel it is made very clear (Deut. 27:15-26).

-        The covenant was ratified by some external act, often a ritual.

-        God has always been the initiator or the originator; the initiative is wholly with God, and the terms are set exclusively by God. Man’s part is simply to respond to offer of a covenant and to accept the relationships which that covenant brings with it.

-         In covenantal relationship, oath taking, the promise and fidelity/royalty play a predominant role. Eg:- If the Jewish people – especially the leaders – obeyed everything God’s commands … God would bless them.  But, if they didn’t obey Him … God would withhold his blessings from them (which essentially meant to bring judgment or cursing on them to various degrees).

However, if we go through the bible thoroughly, one will notice that - there are various types of Covenant –

The first two types, according to some scholars are;

i)                    Parity Covenant       : which is established between equals (David and Jonathan, Laban and Jacob, perhaps marriage bound may also come under this type)

ii)                  Suzerainty covenant : this covenant is covenants between “unequal”, which is existed or established between lords, kings and their subjects. This type of covenant is the covenant where we shall put our focus.

Besides these two types; some scholars also classified into various types; for example, there are – Noahic covenant, Abrahamic covenant, Mosaic covenant, priestly, Davidic, and lastly the new covenant, etc.

The Ark of the Covenant:

Since every permanent relationship of God with man is based on covenant, breaking of covenant becomes a serious matter for both the parties, particularly for God. Therefore during the time when God has established his covenantal relationship with the people of Israel in the wilderness, mount Sainai through Moses, he also has instructed them - how they shall make the Ark (Exo 25:10ff) and how they shall keep all the commandments inside the Ark. Therefore, having being received all these instructions, what we see from the scripture is – people of Israel have kept all the commandments / the words of the lord inside the Ark of the Covenant.

Therefore, as we move on to our sub theme – The Ark of the Covenant, there is one important questions which requires suitable answer i.e. – What significant position does this ‘Ark of the covenant’ has in the life of the people of Israel? Or what significant role does it play within the community of Israel?

In order to give appropriate answers to this question, we shall try to recollect some of the passages that tell us the role play by the Ark of the Covenant in the life as well as within the community of Israel.

i)                    Number 10: 33 – 34: When people of Israel were about to move forwards towards the desert after crossing the red Sea: “So they set out from the mount of the LORD three days' journey with the ark of the covenant of the LORD going before them three days' journey, to seek out a resting place for them, (v34) the cloud of the LORD being over them by day when they set out from the camp.”

ii)                  Joshua 3:3: Before and after crossing the Jordan: Some officers of Joshua commanded the people, saying - "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God being carried by the levitical priests, then you shall set out from your place. Follow it. 17V - While all Israel were crossing over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, until the entire nation finished crossing over the Jordan. 4: 7 - then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off in front of the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.

iii)                Jos 6:10&11: Here we see the instruction given by Joshua, before they capture Jericho. As he gave this command, he said: "You shall not shout or let your voice be heard, nor shall you utter a word, until the day I tell you to shout. Then you shall shout." 11 So the ark of the LORD went around the city, circling it once; and they came into the camp, and spent the night in the camp.

Therefore, from these three passages we may highlight, significant position hold by the Ark of the Covenant in the life of God’s people;

-          The Ark of the Covenant was used by the people of Israel as their front-runner /leader during the time when they were in the wilderness (in other places, I may reuse the term ‘wilderness’ as metaphor).

-          During the time of crossing the Jordan, the Ark of the Covenant was also being carried in the forefront. That means – The Ark of the covenant played a major role for leading the people of Israel, for removing the barrier as well as the wall, and making possible impossible before God’s people.

-           We also see how people of Israel were using the Ark of the Covenant during their difficult time. It was indeed, covenant was their stronghold through which people of Israel received their strength and defeated their enemies.

And moreover, apart from what we have already mentioned, there are also few more records that tell about the Ark of the Covenant.

-          Judges 20:1ff: tells us about a great battle broken out between people of Israel and Benjamin. In that battle, people of Israel were defeated by Benjamin for two times; so, they killed more than 22 + 18 thousand armies. But when (20:27) the Ark of the Covenant was with them, and when they acknowledged the presence of the Ark of the Covenant among them, they won the third battle.
-          Another interesting record is also found in I Sam 3:3: It says – Samuel was laying down in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of the God was. Then, what comes next? – Samuel hard the voice of the Lord. As v1 records - during those times, the word of the Lord was rare, but in spite of irregularity of the voice of God– the word of the Lord was being revealed to a little boy Samuel, during such circumstance.

-          II Sam 6: 11: When king David brought the Ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem, on the way, before the Ark of the covenant reach its destination, they kept the Ark in the house of Obededom for three months (v11), then what had happened upon the family of Obededom? – The last sentence says – the Lord blessed Obededom and his entire household.

Lastly but not in the list, the bible also recorded, the story of someone who fail to honor, and who were fall short of the glory of the Ark; who knowingly or unknowingly have rejected the Ark of the covenant;

-          This record is found in the book of Samuel ( Ch. 2& 3): After crossing the Jordan and when they made their settlement in the land of Canaan, people of Israel have kept the Ark of the covenant in the house of the lord in Shiloh; therefore, during (this time) the time of Samuel, Eli and his 2 sons were the one who served in the temple, that means – Eli and his family had been taken up spiritual responsibility of the house of the Lord among the community of Israel.

Then what we get from the following verses is – Eli’s two sons have committed a serious mistake, serious sin before God (I Sam 2: 22) which provoked the judgement of God upon the family of Eli and Israel, then God’s prophesy against Eli’s household had come to a little boy, Samuel.

Then in Chapter 4: 11 – when the battle broke out between Israel and Philistine, the Ark of the Covenant which was the source of their strength in time of trouble could no longer become their source of strength, then then Ark of the Covenant was captured by Philistines, and the two sons of Eli were also died. Then, the following chapter tells us that – (4:19-22) when the wife of Phinehas, who was pregnant and had gave birth during that time, came to know the news of her husband and the news of the covenant which was captured by the philistines, she exclaimed, saying- “The glory has departed from Israel, because the Ark of God had been captured” (v22).

Therefore friends, all these records can reveal and demonstrate how significant position did the Ark of the Covenant had played in the life of Israel.

It was in fact, the Ark of the Covenant was their source of strength, their glory that gave and provided all their protections and shield. It was also like a banner that can give triumph, something force or motivating factor that enabled the people of Israel to cross the Dead Sea, wilderness, Jordan; that can strengthen and gave hope to the entire people in the time of difficulties and war. It may also rightly to say that – the Ark of the Covenant became - their life blood.

Therefore, as we move on to the last and final point (Significance of the word of the Lord), - the only remaining question; after ‘what’ and ‘how’, that may remain in our mind is - why did the Ark of the Covenant had play very significant position within the community of Israel. Did the Ark which was made up of wood can really have done something great for God’s people, what precious value did the Ark have to give honor and glory to the people of Israel?

Obviously, the right answer we can give is – It was only because of the ‘precious word of the Lord’ which was given to the people of Israel, which at the same time should be kept inside the Ark of the Covenant.

Therefore friends, this new answer permit us to reconstruct our previous answer by saying - The word of the Lord, not the Ark is the basic source from which people of Israel received their strength. It is also the source of their glory, that gave and provided protections and shield for the people of Israel, that enable them to cross the dead sea, wilderness, Jordan, that strengthen and gave hope to the people in the times of difficulties and war.

It was also (the word of God) ‘a determining factor’ for them through which they can receive God’s blessing as well as judgement; protection or God’s refusal; shield, security, well being and at the same time human misery and misfortunes, etc depending on their choice, their faithfulness to the covenantal promise. It was the beginning and the end of their entire life.

And moreover – these are the reasons why God has emphasized and also established his covenantal relationship between Him and his people. It must also be the main reasons why He wanted them to carry the Ark of the Covenant in all their ways, and wherever they are, throughout the course of their life journey. The word of the Lord is – according to the psalmist – perfect, sure, right and clear; that can revive the soul, wise the simple, live up the joy of our hearts to the Lord; and moreover, enlighten our eyes (Ps 19: 7-8).

Therefore, friends, with this concluding remark, I would like to make this appeal to all of us, saying that – being a bounded one to the covenantal relationship with God through Christ - let all of us set ourselves to the scripture; let us re-affirm our commitment to the word of the Lord, make ourselves ready to read, recite, and put on the banner – 'the word of the Lord' which is our glory, our Armour, foundational source through and from which we received our strength, that help us to do impossible possible.

This is also how we also can show our love to God – “Those who love me will keep my word” says Jesus (John 14:15).


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...