Friday, 5 July 2019


For our meditation, I have chosen a very simple theme base on John 4 :27-34.

Based on the same chapter, I have delivered a message on the topic GOOD FOOD among my own community, in the year 2014. So, the theme for this morning meditation is going to be an English version and some parts of the same topic that was being delivered.

Before i make a focus on the theme, i would like to share with you one of my experiences that i have come across in the past...

When I was young, I was very much particular in choosing food items, what to eat and what not to eat. I did not want to eat meat, smelly items and even something which does not look good or delicious.

When I did BD in the year 1996 -2001, once I had a good and unforgettable experience during the time when we went for practical tour. We were given a chance to visit one local church, located far away from our college; members of that particular church were so good to us. They have offered us different kinds of preferential treatments and the hospitality they have provided was so impressive.
Therefore, on the last day, when it was dark at night. They have provided a special meal to us. Then when we sat to take food, a lady of my classmate and who sat beside me had pick-up 3 pieces of intestines which had been placed before us. Then the same moment when she began to eat, she immediately withdrew her hand from her mouth. Then she put all pieces of meat on my plate without saying anything except a bit of a smile.

Then when I pick up one of the pieces to eat, I simply slip in on my mouth thinking that it must be a delicious one. But when I gave a single chew, I did not want to chew again because of the smell that I felt from the piece of meat. Suddenly at that moment, a simple thought had come up in my mind, so I asked myself saying that – I’m I not a man, why should I split out from my mouth, I must finish everything whatever placed before me. So, without taking any more breath, and without giving a single chew anymore, I swallow it. Then, again, I pick up one of the two remaining, I put on my mouth, then without giving a single chew and skipping a breath in between, I swallowed it again. Then, the remaining one piece was still there on my plate, then I pick up quietly and swallow it as I did before.

It is not good at all, to share this kind of experience which is not good for our digestion and at the same time that a dietician can never accept it, for it can bring further effect on our stomach which at the same time may invite risk or health hazard.

But from my side, it was good to do so, because the reason why we have paid a visit that particular place was only for the sake of God, for the sake of the good news in order that I may become one of the instruments of the kingdom of God in one way or the other. I should not dishonor the service that had been rendered by rejecting the food items which were placed before me.
I guess, this sharing of my experience will also help you to recollect something that you also have gone through from your past life.

What would Jesus eat? Or The food of Jesus.
The food that Jesus ate most often have been recorded by the NT writers;

1.    Much of the diet in ancient Palestine consisted of fruit and vegetables. In Matthew 21:18-19, we see Jesus approach a fig tree for a quick snack.
And when eating with friends like Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary, Jesus probably would have enjoyed a vegetable stew made of vegetables.

2.    Bread was the staple of the ancient diet. In John 6:9, when Jesus was to miraculously feed 5,000 people, he multiplied five barley loaves and two small fish.
And In instituting the Lord's Supper, he also used bread, a food obtainable by everyone.

3.    After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles and asked them for something to eat, to prove that he was alive bodily and not just a vision. They gave him a piece of broiled fish and he ate it. (Luke 24:42-43).

4.    Apart from broiled fish, Jesus might have taken meat. Part of the Passover meal was a roasted lamb. Lambs were sacrificed at the temple, then the carcass was brought home for the family or group to eat.

However, besides these four items, we have little knowledge about the food of Jesus. It is apparent that; though it is vital for human survival, physical food is not the main focus that the bible intended to tell us.

But, despite of the limited sources written in the N.T, we may recollect John 4 from where we can clearly know the food of Jesus. V 32 says, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” So the disciples said to one another, “surely no one has brought him something to eat?” Then Jesus told them clearly, saying, “My food is to do the will of God and to complete his work.”

According to John 4, the food of Jesus mentioned here was more delightful, and was more pleasing to Jesus than physical food. When the disciple urged him, saying, “Rabbi, eat something”. He had no any intention to eat rather he refused, saying, “I have food to eat that you do not know about” Then if we go little further to the following verses, it is clear that, Jesus gave more preference on doing the will of God and on finishing of the work of the Lord.

Though Jesus has given more preference to the food that he was looking for, the question left behind is - Was this food really good or delicious? Or was this food would always delightful to him?
The answer is – No. It is, in fact, the food that Jesus was looking for sometimes has no taste at all, sometimes it has no sweetness or delightfulness.

When he was in Gethsemane (Mt 26:38ff), he said to his disciples, “I am deeply grieved, even to death, remain here and stay awake with me’ and going a little further, he threw himself on the ground and prayed, “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want, but what you want” Then he offered a prayer for the second time, saying (Mk 14:36), “Abba, Father, for you; all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want”
As his grief was so deep, so painful; as a result, his sweat becomes like a great drop of blood falling down on the ground (LK 22:44).

The food that he willingly had been looking for has no attractiveness at all. But he has to take, because this was the food that God has provided for his begotten son. Of course, he would surely know that it was not easy to take this kind of food, it was not neither attractive nor delightful even for Jesus. It was not a tasty food at all, we can say this, because he once was looking for an avoidance of the food that he had been searching for.

Therefore, let me put in short – to do the will of God and to accomplish the work of God, which is in short ‘Jesus’ food’ is often not a desirable one, a delightful one or a good one always for eating and for digestion.

The reflection that has come up from this short discourse, then becomes a good example for our spiritual life; then how shall we make significant reflections from the food of Jesus?
-    Sometimes, there will be a time when a sick person needs to take both a bitter and sweet medicine for his/her recovery.

-    There will be a time when we need to take vitamin which has no taste. And of course, there will be a time when we need to take even ‘a smelly one’ to keep us growing and healthy, to get more strength.  

If we pick up or chose only a medicine or food which is looking good, which is desirable, delicious and more attractive for eating, then one can never grow healthy, he/she can never obtain physical strength which is required and at the same time very important for human survival.

Only delicious one does not contain vitamin, nutrient, but sometime we rather find a healthy substance from something what we do not like it to eat. We also can find the best substances, even from something which has no flavor.

If we chose only a desirable one or a good looking one to satisfy our desires, then the result is going to be very bad. It will affect our immunity, then as a result we may suffer from various diseases due to lack of malnutrition.

In the same way, now we can say that spiritual growth is found not only from delicious food, not only from a lovely one, not only from something which is very attractive and even from good looking one to eat; rather spiritual growth, development, joy and happiness, our secret strength is sometime more to be found from loneliness, from being lost, suffering, tiresome, troublesome, being scolded, being rejected/neglected, being disliked, dissatisfaction, poor maintenance, deficiency or lacking of something, hot climate/ room /environment and from many more, etc.

As we prepare and move forward to train ourselves for the ministry of God, whatever circumstances that have come in our life are to be considered as a food.

The foods that have been or that are to be provided for us sometime will be looking good, delicious, and attractive for eating, but we should also prepare to receive something that we once dislike, that has no deliciousness in it.

If Jesus happens to choose only a comfortable one for himself, if he chooses only something that he likes depending on his desire, he will not be crowned, he will never get success and victory on the cross, and he will never sit at the right hand of God with the glory of his father. 

Friends, needless to say is – you will find something that you like most and at the same time that you dislike most from this community, these are going to be the foods that have been and to be provided for you; for your physical, moral and spiritual nourishment or upliftment and to help you grow in a right direction.

Take it, eat it and swallow it to let you do the will of God and to let you complete the work of God in order that God’s name may be glorified in and through you.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...