Sunday, 3 August 2014


(SERMON ON 03.08.2014)

ISIAH 41:8 – 13; MT 10:24 – 33
Prayer    : Lord, though there is power in your words,  human tongue/mouth is not sufficient (enough) to make known the power, deepness and wisdom of your holy words.
Therefore, Lord, we humbly submit this supplication unto you that – as your words have power, touch every one, and let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable unto you, O Lord, our rock and redeemer.

The assigned and chosen texts for today have already read by our friends, and these texts are taken from the book of Isaiah and the gospel according to Mathew (Isaiah 41:8 – 13; MT 10:24 – 33)
The first one, historical context of Isaiah 41 is very fascinating to hear. The main content of this chapter is divided into 3 parts;
-    God's care of his people. (v1-9)
-    The people of Israel are encouraged not to fear. (v10-20)
-    The vanity and folly of idolatry. (v21-29)

It may also be good to acknowledge that this particular chapter falls in between chapter 40-55, that means, this particular chapter is belongs to ‘second Isaiah’ or ‘Deuteron-Isaiah’  where the main theme is presented as the second prophet (or anonymous Exilic author) is believed to predicts the coming of king Cyrus, who will liberate the Jews from their Babylonian Captivity and will bring them to the Promised Land.

However, one could get to know that, the contents of this chapter are God’s messages to his people who are under the captivity of their enemies. And these messages are being brought to the people of Israel trough the prophet Isaiah, probably in the year 545BCE.

Therefore from this particular chapter or verses and from behind this particular chapter, there can be a number of significant points which closely have interrelatedness to the service of God and which are at the same very applicable for today context. Therefore, some of the significant points what I want to pickup from this particular texts are;

1.    The people of Israel were captivated. Though this particular chapter does not clearly tell us how the people of God are being captivated, many commentators, the historical context of this verse as well as the message of these particular verses itself tell us that – God’s messages were given to the  people who were under the captivity of Babylonian.
Therefore during this captivity, it is discernable that the people of Israel might lose their hope because of their suffering, they might also experience and undergo diverse forms suffering and pain. Like depression, spiritual and mental dehydration, and many more difficulties.

2.    There was something/reason behind their suffering. Why they have suffered/what was the reason behind their captivity under their enemies?  - One apparent answer we can simply give is - because they have committed sins against God/they have forsaken/they have gone away from the path of God/Their own sins/dis-loyalties cause their suffering –( Read - Is 1:2-4,  & in Ch5:8ff we have seen the denouncement of social injustice)

3.    There was God, for people who are suffering under all forms of captivity. (Many of you might perceive and consider this phrase as plain and simple statement). But this is how the texts appear to let us know – The God, who is always available for his people, is also the God who knows the weakness of his people, who could change his mind, who is able to humble himself for the cause of his people. He is also the God who sees the suffering, pain, anguish, distress, misery, and the sorrow of his people, who is also able to make himself get ready to help, to liberate, and to save his people. This is one of the pivotal points we could find from behind the texts.

4.    This passages also tell us that -The message of God was revealed, and how God showed his love and care to his people – This is found in v 8-10.As the message of encouragement and not to fear, as the message of reaffirmation, and as the message to endorse them that they are chosen people of God. It is also included God intention/assurance to deliver, and the message about God’s willingness to strengthen again his people.

5.    These messages were being made known to the people through the prophet who was also lived among the exiles. This is one of the striking intentions what God always has. If the message of God is to be reached to the targeted people, God allows his messenger to experience whatever the targeted people are facing. In another words, if God has special program for particular people, he puts his messenger to the context where the people lived.

Lastly, as we are focusing the context of these passages, there is another one more thing which i want to mention, and it may be good only for our further contemplation. i.e – in 41:11-12 God is portrayed as ‘one who use to wipe out the opponent of goodies/ favor persons’. The reason why I mention is, this portrayal of God sometimes contradict some of the New Testament teachings, particularly the teaching of Jesus. If we look, Mt 5: 44&45 it says - he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.& in Mt 9:13 Jesus says, I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.
Therefore the teaching that portrays God as ‘the God who is only at the side of the goody/above the margin, but not to the side of people who against him, and the portrayal of God as God who does not want to put himself at the side of offenders/ wrongdoer, etc is becoming unacceptable teaching, especially looking from the NT perspective.

Nevertheless, from these particular passages, we will try to make our main focus. Therefore, the topic I chose for today is - “Bear the Message of Hope and Encouragement” OR “We are/you are called to bear the Message of Hope and Encouragement”.

When I chose this topic, there were two things that came in and suddenly struck my mind.

1. In order to bear witness or in order to bear the message of God what would be the most important thing for God’s servant that could make us qualify?  (This question talks about our qualification/prerequisite that can make us qualify before God)

2. How significant place/position do we have in the mind/heart of God? /What value do we have/ does human have in the mind of God?
Probably, no one can become the rightful person to give the right/finess answer for this. But, today we will try to give the answer from these particular selected texts and from my experience.

1.    How significant positions do we have/ does the human have in the mind of God?
As soon as this question strikes our minds, we may simply reflect on John 3:16 which says –‘For God so love the world that he gave his only son…’ yes, reflecting from this verse, it is also rightly to say that ‘God puts value human in his heart’ because the text tell us that ‘God love the world’. It is also rightly to say that, God values human because - in the mind of God there is love, which means the place we have in the mind of God is defines in term of love.

But since we have another particular chosen text, we ought to find another suitable answer from this text.

Therefore, if we return and look back to the texts, we know that the people of God have committed many sins against God. How much sins they have committed? – may difficult to recollect within a short span of time. But another significant point what we could see from the text is - they have suffered immeasurable difficulties.  Moreover, another wonderful episode we could found from this text - is God’s messages have come to the prophet Isaiah - the message of God’s willingness to deliver his people from their suffering.

Therefore, reflecting what had been happening in Babylonian, let us put this question before us. So that we can easily get the point - What was in the mind of God?
Was he not the one who punished his people for their sins, was he not the one who sent his people in foreign land to become exile? If he was or if our answer is ‘Yes’, then another important question what I want to put again before us is – If God is the one who punished his people for their sins, then who took  initiative/ responsibility to deliver the people of Israel? Who showed his willingness to deliver his people? Who gave the message of hope and encouragement? The answer is simple – He is/was none other than God, the God of Israel and the God of sinful people.

That means, at the initial stage, God punished his people for their sins, but in a later period, reversing his mind, he showed his willingness to deliver, his willingness to forgive, or his willingness to accept them back as his people. He have shown not only his willingness to deliver, but also have directed his prophet to bring the message of encouragement and hope, and the message of not to fear.

Therefore very significant lesions we could learn and get from this short account is;
-    God is one who could and has authority to punish his people for their sins; he is also the one who allowed and has authority to let go his people in the valley of suffering, pain and sorrow, as well as in darkness. He is also the one who allowed and able to put his people in danger and difficulties.

-    But at the same time, this passage also tell us that - our God is also the magnificent God, the gracious and wonderful God who is able to forgive, who is able to change his mind, who is always get ready to accept and receive back his people. He is able, even for people who forsake, disloyal to him. He is the one who is ready to cleanse the sinners who committed sins against him.

-    Therefore, the concluding answer for this question is - in his mind and in his heart, God puts valued his people. He is willing, often passionate, and even able to eagerly stand for the sake of his people. Therefore, in short, this passage tells us that everyone has value; everyone is precious and valuable in the mind and heart of God.
-    We may also say that – the preciousness/worth we have in the heart/mind of God is something that compels God to do so many wonderful things. And this wonderfulness of God is also something which the human mind unable to comprehend without the help of Holy Spirit.
-    Read - Eph. 2:1-7 

2.    In order to bear witness or in order to bear the message of God, what would be the most important thing that can make us qualify? What important degree does a human need to satisfy God?
Many of us (many people) may simply think, the necessity and importance of educational qualification, where as other may put the importance of commitment, perseverance, sacrificial life at the top. Of course (undeniably), everyone will accept these as human needs for the service of God. And no one will deny the fact that these are some of the inevitable requirement that a person need to possess for the service of God.

But then, what will be the best degree to make us qualify? (Before I give my answer, I want you to give your own answer. And remember that I am not delivering this message to people who have no life in Jesus Christ, but to people who already have long time relationship with Christ).
O.k, just before, we give the answer, let us make some reflection from some ordinary men whose later life became so excellent;
-    Paul was a persecutor before he experiences the great light in his way of Damascus.
-    Peter was also a simple fisherman, who betrayed Jesus several times.
-    Gideon was a simple and ordinary man who comes from the weakest tribe of Manasseh, according to Judges 6:15.
-    St. Augustine’s earlier life was so unpleasing, due to his worldly life, and for having relationship with woman without legal marriage.
But, all have done so many wonderful things for God, in spite of their weaknesses and shortcomings. And in spite of their past life they were rather known as the builder of the church, significant contributor for the growth of the first community, some are also known as - liberator and redeemer of the nation from their enemies, and the defender of the Christian faith.
What important degree have they bore in their lives? What vital important degree did they have to meet the criteria of God to make them qualify to serve God?

My answer is – the degree that can meet the criteria to be a servant of God or to bear the message of God is merely not educational qualification, not good character or highly equipped personality. But rather it is only - ‘The grace of God’, the grace of God which is in the mind/heart of God. I strongly belief and accepted this because only by the grace of God we are made capable to serve God. We are made competent to meet the criteria to serve God.

Eph. 2:5-8 say, “By grace you have been saved…this is not your doing; it is the gift of God” This grace is given not only to save the sinners but it is also one of the foundations of his mission that enables Paul to serve God (Rom1:5; 15:15; ICor 1; 12). He says “I have become the servant according to the gift of God’s grace that was given to me…” (Eph 3:7)

However, when we say that ‘the grace of God is our basic foundation or source that enables us to serve/ to bear the message of God’ it does not mean that – we do not accept the importance and necessity of those human qualities that we need to acquire. Rather we should peruse it, as long as we live.
Therefore friends, let us praise God. Let us adore our Lord God for he makes us qualify to be his servant through the grace that he has in his mind.

Lastly, other important point we still have is; as it is made known to us that - by the grace of God, we are made competent/ we are made capable to serve God. But, we cannot simply stop here, because - we are also given important tasks – the task and responsibility to bear the message of hope and encouragement (as it was given to the prophet Isaiah).
Then, for the concluding part what I want to add another more is;
To whom, why and how we must present this important message? (I will try to give only some of the important highlights)
1.    Remembering the people of Israel who were being captivated under the Babylonian rules. Let us remember that - by the grace of God, we are being called to bear this message of hope and encouragement among the captive people who are being captivated around us under different forms of captivities.
2.    We are also responsible to bear the message of God among the people who have forsaken God, and who committed many sins against God. This message of hope and encouragement is suitable till today, because God is God who is able to forgive and able to admit back the sinners for his people.
3.    We must also remember our beloved neighbors/friends whose life was at the beginning loved God but disloyal to God at the later part of their lives.
4.    Let us also bring this message of hope and encouragement to our own church, the church that has been facing many trails and temptations in the context of plurality and in the context of faithlessness.
5.    As we bear this message of hope and encouragement, let us not forget to remember that our God is a faithful God, who is willing to show his faithfulness even to the unfaithful servant.
6.    Bearing this message of God – one important thing we need to remember is - to bear this message of hope and encouragement, someone will need to immerse/identify him/her-self to the context where s/he is going to present this message. As the prophet Isaiah has done.
7.    As we bear this message, Let us not forget the omnipotent and omnipresent God, the gracious God who is willing to go before and behind his people event to the valley of sorrow where many of his people experience diverse forms of difficulties. As Israelite have suffered many forms of suffering in the land of Babylonian.
8.    Moreover, as Mt 10: 30-31 says, “The very hairs on your head are all numbered. So, don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God…” what a comfortable and confirmation words it is! For those who bear the message of God. Let us hope that the authenticity of this message will remain the same for those who believe in God and for those who bear the message of God.
9.    Lastly, as God said through the prophet Isaiah that-‘I will help thee’. Let us also remember that - God promise us that he will help us – Even if we face personal and spiritual crisis, God says, “I will help you.”Even if we face a work crisis, health crisis, or financial crisis, God says, “I will help you.”

God has made promise to his people, he promises to people whose commitment is pleasant for God. He also promises us to give strength for every situation. He is the God who does the impossible. (Phil. 4:13, Luke 1:37).

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...