Saturday, 22 August 2015


Assigned texts - Gen 7:11-24; Rom 6:1-14; John 12:20-26

Basing on these three passages, mainly from Rom 6 and John 12, we will make our focus on the chosen theme – i.e. BAPTISM: DYING AND RISING WITH CHRIST.

This theme is one of the most important ordinances that Jesus instituted for the churches. So it has been practiced and followed by the churches since its inception. Since it has many meanings and moreover there are also different perceptions on this belief, we will not focus on this particular aspect.

But before we make our focus on the chosen theme, let us look the meaning as well as various records available in the scripture.

If we look the scripture, there can be a number of terms, phrases or saying for baptism; For example, there is/are –

- Ordinance baptism
- Water baptism
- Believers baptism
- Baptism of repentance
- The records that hold by many, that stress Baptismal regeneration (which stress the belief that baptism is necessary for salvation)
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Baptism in Christ death and resurrection

Therefore, all of these related terms and synonyms have their own distinctiveness and significances. And moreover, the meaning, belief and practice that the various churches have held or have been following are also differed from tradition to tradition.

However, the definitions given by major churches around the globe can be highlighted into two points;
1. As an outward proclamation of an inward conversion.
2. It is also defined as a ceremonial act undertaken by the church to welcome and admit a new member to the community of believers.

These two definitions are quite true and acceptable for many, because it is in line with the belief and practice we have been following.

But one more definition given by Dr. Ray Pritchard, is also really a worth mentioning for it is in line with the theme we have today. He said -
“If the meaning of baptism could be boiled down to one word; that word would be identification. Baptism speaks primarily of a personal, public identification with Jesus Christ.”

Therefore he further stated by saying, baptism is – personal identification with the greatest act of human history-i.e. the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, in line with all these definitions, one may put ‘Baptism’ in other words as, for example;
- (for some) Baptism means we have turned from the old life of sin to a new life in Jesus Christ.
- It also means we are openly joining the ranks of those who believe in Christ.
- It also means we are publicly identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

So, if someone takes these definitions as his/her base, there can be a number of meanings which may totally differ from the definitions we have already pointed out.

For example, one commentator also said;
“When you are baptized, you are in fact visually preaching the gospel.”
Therefore he further stated by saying;
1. As you stand somewhere or in the water waiting for baptism or to be baptized; - you symbolize Jesus dying on the cross.
2. As you lowered into the water or as someone sprinkles with the water, - you symbolized Jesus buried in the tomb.
3. As you rose from the water or as you go through/finish, - you symbolized the arisen Lord who rose from the dead.

Therefore, when we personally being baptized, we are saying, "I died with Jesus Christ, I was buried with him and now I am raised with Christ having a new life."

This explanation is absolutely correct and wonderful and it is also in line with the theology of Paul which is mentioned in Rom chapter 6.

But, the pertinent question left behind by this definition and the chosen text (what is needed to be pointed out) is – How important the dying and rising of Jesus Christ is? What significant position does the dying and rising of Jesus Christ has for the life of individuals? This is important because through baptism we confess this mystical work of God.

So, the answer, according to Paul is; if a person is dying and rising with Christ, baptism is not only a symbolism or figurative language that the churches have been used and practicing but the significance it has is(are) -

1. The dying and rising with Christ which we confessed through baptism means - we are able to walk in newness of life ( Rom 6:4)
2. The conformation of Jesus death and resurrection we symbolized through baptism does also mean - we are also united with God (Rom 6:5)
3. Likewise, as we symbolized the crucifixion of Jesus Christ through baptism, and since this crucifixion destroyed the body of sin, we also proclaimed through baptism that we are no longer enslaved to sin. (Rom 6:6)
4. Moreover, another God’s provision we received  is – through baptism we proclaimed - our willingness to live with God, and his grace that allows us to live with him (Rom6:8)
5. As mentioned in John 12:20ff, Jesus also tells us - significance of dying (read v 24&25). Therefore the significance of dying, the dying which we symbolized through baptism is – to bear much/more fruit.

But, let us not forget that - there is little difference between ‘the dying’ mention in Rom 6 and John 12. Nevertheless, as the dying of Jesus bear much fruit, our dying which we symbolized through baptism has wonderful result. Moreover, as mentioned in John 12, the dying of our sinful nature, and dying of the old self has numerous result - i.e. it bears fruit, a fruit which is a source and foundation of blessing for many.

Therefore, to conclude this short message; the last point I want to bring up and also want to put before us is – the doctrine and belief of baptism does not intend to tell us that Baptism itself alone is not something that make and give a person the quality of newness in Christ, that set a person free from the slavery of sin, that united a person with God, or something that provide ability to live with God.

But the central and core meaning of baptism is – simply the proclamation and symbolism of the new identity we have in Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we may conclude by saying that -not the act of baptism, (but)rather -It is the dying and rising of Jesus Christ with conformity of ourselves to the dying and rising of Jesus Christ is something that gives us a newness of life, set a person free from all slavery of sin, unites a person with God.
This is what Paul intended to tell us through this passage.

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...