Sunday, 17 July 2016


(James 1:22 – 27; Matt 7:21 – 29)

Bible reading: Matt 7:21 - "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
Prayer    : As your psalmist says -   Teach us, O LORD, the way of your statutes, so that we will observe it to the end. Give us understanding, so that we may keep your law and observe it with our whole heart. Lead us in the path of your commandments, for we delight in it. In Jesus Name....AMEN.

As already mentioned here - the chosen theme and text is taken from- James 1: 22, which says “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your-selves.” (NKJV)
In this passage - there is not anything complicated about this command or phrase – ‘Be doers of the word’ may mean that - Whatever the word instructs us to do; we have to or ought to do. Sometimes we may ponder it, digest it, discuss it, and analyze it, but in the final analysis, we are to do it. This is what and how Paul tries to instruct and embed to the hearts of his hearers.

However, after reading through the text many times, some reflections in the form of question that have come to my mind were –
1.    Why do the churches today have so many backsliding Christians or Christians in whose life we, people could no longer see the fruits of the spirit? 

This question may have some significant importance, because – many people tend to look/behave as spiritual while they are sitting inside the chapel to worship, yet their outside chapel lives were completely dissimilar, for allowing them-selves to do something whatever they desire. So, because of this ‘ways of life’ many people considering them, giving a new name as ‘spiritual prisoners’.
Therefore, due to the reality that the present church has been facing, we need to give appropriate answer to this question.

2.    What are the reasons why people fail to put the words into practice?
3.    What are the benefits/blessings of putting the words into practice?

But, before we try to give appropriate answer to these three questions; I, first of all would like to mention the importance of listening or hearing the words of God. This is important because, the theme focuses ‘doers of the words/putting the words into practice’, therefore as we give our focus; this attempt should not overestimate/overvalue the importance of hearing or receiving the words of God.

In Rom 10: 14 & 17 – Paul says;
-    14. And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?
-    17. So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ.
Therefore, these particular verses clearly demonstrate the importance of hearing. So we cannot simply overestimate the importance of hearing the words of God. And moreover – Our attempt to emphasis on one particular subject should not overlook the other side of that particular subject which also has some significant importance.

Therefore, moving to the main theme/first question;
1.    Why do the churches today have so many backsliding Christians or Christians in whose life we, people could no longer see the fruits of the spirit?Yes, the answer is obvious here; it is only because we, many people have failed to put the words into practice.

When I came across this point, one illustration has come to my mind: i.e. about “Pastor Stuart Briscoe and one old lady”
The story goes like this – when Pastor Stuart was teaching “The principles of Bible study”. He showed the congregation how to pick out the promises and the commands in Scripture, and what to do with them. Then when he reviewed his teaching and asked one simple question saying -“Now, what do you do with the commands?” Then, a little old lady raised her hand and said, “I underline them in blue.”

So the point here is - Underlining the Bible’s commands in blue might make for a colorful Bible, but the point of the commands is that we must obey the command. This is also what the scripture expect us to do.
But, unfortunately - there are many people who have their heads filled with information from the Bible, but when the time comes to follow, they don’t obey what the Bible commands. This is the reality that the church has experienced even till today.

In John 8:31, Jesus says – “If you remain in my commands, you will be my disciples.” – a disciples, who stay close to Jesus, who is able to hear and willing to do his will/words.
And in James 4: 17, we also found – “anyone, who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, commits sin.”

Therefore, by keeping in mind the above two passages mentioned, we now can give a suitable answer to the posed question by saying - a person who is unable to put the words into practice, & who is unable to remain faithful in the words is someone who by knowingly or unknowingly put him/herself at a far distance from Jesus and who follow Jesus at a distance. Therefore ‘putting ourselves at a distance’ is one of the reasons why churches today have so many backsliding Christian. In the same way, the reason why people put themselves at a far distance is – they do not obey, they fail to put the words into practice.

And another reason why churches today have produced so many nominal Christian, in whose life no one could see some spiritual expectation, is – by failing the right thing to do, we have committed so many sins. If one commits sin every moment by making him/herself as ‘undoer of the words’, how can we expect something good from this person?

Rick Warrant: Founder of saddleback church, Pastor Evangelist, philanthropist, once said -
“Receiving, reading, researching, remembering, and reflecting on the Word of God are all useless if we fail to put them into practice.” We must become doers of the word (James 1:22). And he further said – “Without implementation, all our Bible studies are worthless.”

2.    What are the reasons why people fail to put the words into practice?We have already mentioned one suitable answer for this:
i)    They follow Jesus at a distance. As Peter did (Mt. 26: 57). If someone follow Jesus at a distance, the only things he has to do is – denying Jesus and his Words, self-defense, and putting him/her-self at a comfort zone.

ii)    In John 14: 24, here Jesus says - Whoever does not love me does not keep my words.
I think, this is one of the good passages by and through which we can examine ourselves. Because ‘doing something for our love one’ is one of the degrees through which we can measure ‘true love’. And this understanding is rightly acceptable because – we are always ready and willing to do something if our love one expects us to do something.
Something what we refused to do for our love one may not bother us, but if we repeat again and again, what will be the reaction? – The first reaction/immediate consequence that a person may receive/face will be - relationship crisis/problem.

iii)    So for the third point – the reasons why people fail to put the words into practice? Is only because of the ‘relationship crisis/ problem’ they developed between them and God.
And the problem that existed between them/us and God come into reality only because they/we do not obey his words and only because they/we do not pay heed to the words and will of God.
Therefore, ‘failing to put the word into practice’ is one of the sure signs of people who has rebellious attitude to God, and who has relationship problem with the creator God.

iv)    Another reason why people fail to put words into practice is – Truth does no longer rule over us/them.
The ‘Truth’ here we mean – Jesus (as found in John 14:6), and also the quality of being true that every person need to possess.

This Truth is something that qualifies a person to make worthy. It is also the core value of human life through which we receive – strength, confidence, accountability, including peace of mind and happiness, etc. Therefore if, someone lost this ‘Truth’ or if the Truth does no longer rule over him/her, then he/she make him/her-self free to do whatever he/she want/like to do. That means – a person will no longer have (has nothing to do with) strength or potency to put the words of God into practice.

3.    What are the benefits/blessings of putting the words into practice?
To give appropriate answer to this question, we simply may pick out some bible passages where we found suitable answers.

1.    The immediate result for putting the words into practice is found in the following verse – i.e. James 1: 25 which says – “But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act — they will be blessed in their doing.”
Another parallel verse is also found in John 13:17 which says -“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them”.

2.    Matt 7:21, Jesus said - "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
According to this text; doing the will of God or putting the words into practice has something connection with the kingdom of heaven. That means – he/she shall enjoy the true nature of the kingdom of God not only in heaven but even here on earth – i.e. righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy spirit ( as found in - Rom 14: 17)

3.    Matt 7:24 - "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

So to conclude this short sharing, I want to add this message with the words given by John Calvin. He said - "the doer is he who from the heart embraces God’s word and testifies by his life that he really believes."  That is also how our Lord wants us to be. Jesus said, “Blessed are they who hear God’s word and keep it” (Luke 11:28).

Let all of us try to be a blessed one, by keeping and obeying the words of the Lord. AMEN

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...