Saturday, 30 December 2017


Kum 2017 chu kan lo hmang liam leh dawn ta reng mai. He kum hi ka thlir letin ka tan kum tha a tlingin ka hria. Pathian hnen a lawmthu sawina chi khat atan he kum 2017 chhung a - rilru a lo lang hmasa sa; min fuih a , challenge min pe a, ka rilru tilawm-tu ka thil tawn thenkhat kan tarlang ang e.

1. BCM ah bial neiin kum 11 emaw lek rawngbawlin hun ka hmang tawh a. Chumi hnu chuan M.Th ziriin, zir zawh-ah Serampore College ah zirtir hna kum 5 ka thawhna a lo ni ve ta reng mai. BCM Zion, Chawngte L mi leh sa, he kohhran atanga chhuak hi ka ni.

Kum 2017 a lo inher chhuah hlim khan, kan veng leh ka chhuahna, Chawngte L kohhran a Unit TKP te chuan ‘Pathian rawngbawl’ tura infuihna chi khat atan leh rawngbawltute ngaihhlutna thalaite zing a tuh a nih theih nan tiin TKP Group hrang hrang an thente chu tiang hian hming an vuah a;
i) Upa Dozamlova Group
ii) Tv Hrangnghilhlova Hroup
iii) Rev K.Lalzarliana Group
iv) Rev David Lalmalsawma Group...tiin.

Upa Dozamlova hi missionary, Chawngte L Kohhran tirhchhuah, an chawm; fak tlak a rawng a bawl laia thi ta a ni. Tv Hrangnghilhlova hi BCM missionary, Chawnngte L kohhran mi leh sa, BCM in chakma missionary a neih tawhte zing a chakma tawng thiam ber a a neih thin a ni a. A ni pawh hi Pathian ram tan a mi inpe leh tangkai tak, rawng a bawl laia thi bawk a ni. Tin, Pastor David Lalmalsawma hi BCM hnuai a Pastor fel leh tangkai tak, Pathian mi hman, Diltlang Bialtu ni mek a ni a. A ni nen hian BCM Zion, Chawngte L atanga pastor chhuak awm chhun kan ni.

Tling lo inti chung a rawng kan bawl vena leh inpekna-te ngai hlu a kan thalaipui ten TKP GROUP then hming atana kan hming hnaisai lo an hmang duh hi, ka hriat tirh chuan mak ka ti a. Unit TKP President ni thin Pu Hose Lalhmangaiha’n min hrilh hlim phei chuan ‘ka zak deuh’ tlat nghe nghe a. He, TKP te thiltih hian kei ni, a hming putu la dam laite hi min cho hle bawkin ka hria. Lalpa avang ni suh se chuan he tiang thil hi a thleng ngai lovang a; ‘an zinga thu sawitu leh infuihna’ chi khat atana an hman kha, hming putu leh neitute hnen a ring taka thu sawitu leh fuihtu a lo ni ta zawk hlauh erawh kan tan a hlu hle.

'A nachang an hria' hi fak an phu takzet a. Mi dangte tan entawn tlakin thil an ti tih loh rual a ni lo. Bungtlang S bialtu ni tur a chawlhkar khat emaw lek Bungtlang S a ka awm lai hian Bungtlang S Khaw thlang lam huap? Football match, Bungtlang S ah hian nghah a ni a. A tir a ka hriatpui sa lemlohin ‘Pastor Zartea Team’ an lo chhuak ve reng hi a ni a, an thleng sang ta lem lo nain, BCM Zion, Chawngte L Unit TKP thiltih nen hian damchhung a ka theihnghilh tawh loh turte zing a mi a ni awm e.

2. Dt. 15 – 19th, March, 2017 khan BCM rorelna sang ber Assembly chu Chanmari, Lunglei-ah nghah a ni.

He Assembly-ah hian pathian leh hotutte duhsakna in zing bible study hun khat ka chang ve a. He duhsakna ka chan hi ka ngaihhlut hle lain Kum 6 zet ka absent hnu a Assembly ka tel ve thei tur hi ka ngai hlu zual em em a (Assembly tel ziah hi deputation a hmun dang a awm ordain minister-te tan BCM hnuaiah hian compulsory a ni ve lem lo). Thlenkim zan kan inkhawm tum a ka awm dan kha ka la hre reng mai. Inkhawm hun zahve chhung zet chu ‘lungchhe reng’ ang ka ni. Lamtual a mipui lam hut hut zinga zuk inzeh ve kha ka chak em em a. Mahse, ka emotion sang lutuk kha control theih chhung control ka duh vangin lamna hmun em chu ka thleng zo ta lo a ni. Ka dam chhunga ka thil chhinchhiah tur Pathian leh hotute zarah ka experience niin ka hria a.

3. Kum 2017 chhung hian College Book-room enkawl turin mawhphurhna pek ka ni a. Kan College hian kum 200 na 2018 hian a lawm dawn tawh nain, College Book-Room hi hlawhtling taka an kalpui thu kan hre ngai lo thung.

Principal remtihnain Mizoram a ka awmtawhna Pastor Bial 3 ah BCM Hqrs remtihna in kut dawh ngawt mai teh ang tiin ruahmanna kan siam a. Thingtlang kohhran te an nih hlawm avangin rilruin a beisei ruk lawk chu 50,000/- vel bak a ni lo. mahse Kohhran leh mi thahnemngaite zarah Rs. 80,000/- chuang zet hmuh a ni a. Hei hi College in belhchhah hlekin Rs. 1,10,000/- velin bul kan tan thei ta a. Heng hi kohhran zara college-in kan thil dawn ‘TE-TAK-TE’ ang chauh a ni nain, College Book-Room erawh nasa taka tih changtlun a ni ta a. Pathian leh kohhran zarah pangngai takin a kal ve zel tawhin a rintheih hial a ni.

4. KA NGAIH PAWIMAWH BER: Pathian rawngbawltu tan chuan kan fel emaw fel lo emaw, kan tha emaw tha lo emaw, kan rilruin Lalpa hnen a beisei a neih reng pakhat chu – “ Lalpa aw hriat a, a pawlna thar a khat mawi tawk tal a chan thin” hi a ni.

Institution a awm a academic lama han inchiah deuh hian he tiang ‘chan theihna boruak?’ hi Pastor Bial aiin a lo tlem deuh nge, keimahni lamin kan lo zir tawk lo ve deuh thin hriat a ni law? Zep lovah chuan - khawhar taka kum kan chhiar liam chang a awm fo mai. Kum 2017 erawh thung hi chuan tum 3 zet experience duhawm tak Lalpan min paltlang tir ta niin ka hria a. Thlaler hmunah nen lam a a mite umzui a, Akor ruam (Hose 2:15) pawh malsawmna a chantir theitu hian A MITE – ngaihsak a, min kan thar a, min tihharh leh thin hi a lo duh reng thin a. Kan tan a ‘TAHNA RUAM’ ni thinah khan, ‘TUIHNA THAR’ kan dawn ve pawh min remtih sak thin a lo ni. Thisen zawmpui leh chhungkhat hnaivaite tan lo chuan ‘tukhaw-kha’ ngaihsak tlak lo hi, lei leh van Lal ber erawh chuan MIN HRE RENG thung a. A rinawmna tun thleng a mi hnaisai lo leh tling lote chunga a la lantir thin hi KA THINLUNG HIAN A NGAI HLUIN, LALPA CHUNGAH HIAN LAWMTHU SAWI SEN RUAL LOH kan ba a ni.

5. Kan kohhran Pastoral deparment chan, pastoral ministry hnuai a mi ka ni a. Kum 2017 hi kan tlingtlak chuan Serampore-ah kum 5 kan awm ve tawh dawn tihna a ni. Kum tir (2017) atangin chhuak ve ngei tawh tur a inbeiseina rilru-ah a awm reng a. Pastor bial hi kan thinlungin a thlakhlelh em avang leh, ka Nupui fanaute phei chuan kum 5 zet zoram an hmuh tawh loh vangin zoram chhuah hlan hi ‘khawiah pawh awm dawn i la’ rilruin a nghakhlel takzet a ni.

Amaherawh chu, College in kan service hi kum 3 chhung pawtsei turin BCM ah a dil teh tlat a. Chu chu Pastoral Committee hnuhnung ber chuan lo remti in, a kar lakah thil dang a thleng a nih loh chuan, kum 3 dang kan awm leh dawn tihna a ni ta reng mai. Heng thil vel chungchang a ka thawhna hotu-in ‘ka ngaihdan’ min zawh lai hian ‘Pathian hi a hlauhawm em avang leh, awmna tur a duhthu lo sam ve hi pastor tan thil tih chi ni a ka hriat loh avangin’ “ngaihdan sawi ngam chi ni ve pawhin ka inhre lo, hotu leh hotu inkara inbiak rem dan dan hi kan pawm ang” ka ti ve ngawt kha a ni a. Mizia, nihna leh thiamna avang pawh a ‘kan phak ve loh’ thil ni a kan hriatah khan keimah chauh ni lo, mi dangte pawhin min rinpui loh zawngin Pathian hruaina kan chang zel zawng a nih awm hi maw?

M.Th ka zir hma, Bial a ka la awm lai hian, “Lalpa, nangmah leh I ram tana kan tangkai ve theihna hmunah zel hian min dah la, tul taka i ram tana kan inhman ve theihna hmun a nih phawt chuan KA RILRUIN A PAWM THEIH LOHNA HMUN-AH PAWH NI SE min hung zel mai ang che” ti a ka tawngtaina kha Serampore experience hian min hriatchhuah tir leh thin. Serampore experience hi phek tam tak daih ziah tur ka nei nain heti chinah hian rek bung mai ang.

6. Kum 5 hma lam khan ka Unau pa Hmangaiha (Lalhmangaihzuala, lecturer HSS Serkawn) chuan Madurai ka awm lain BLOG min siam sak a, chu mi-ah chuan ka kutchhuak ho te te ka dah khawm ve thin. Sermon, article, bible study, etc leh thil dang mizo leh English-in ka tlar thla ve del a. Thu ziak 100 em pawh a la tling lo. Kum 2017 kum tir khan ‘thla tin thuziak pakhat tal dah leh ka tum ang’ tia ka rilruk kha ka ti hlawhtling niin ka hria. Ka testimony, Pathian hnathawh MAK ka tawn thenkhat te pawh a tir lamah ‘hai’ peihte tan a awm.

7. Kumin Krismas chu Kolkata Mizo Christian Service (CMCS) in ni 24, Sunday tlai thusawi turin min lo ruat ve a. He mi chungchang hi FB-ah ka dah tawh avangin hei chauh hi kan tarlang tawh mai ang e.

Kumin Krismas, CMCS zing a kan hmang thei hi rilru hlim takin kan haw niin ka hria a. Min tilawm zualtu point thenkhat te;

i) Kan kal hma deuh hian Pathian a lawman thuk tak Lalpan min pe.

ii) Madurai-ah kum 2 kan awm bakah, Serampore-ah hian kum 5 kan awm dawn ta a. He Krismas hi kum 7 hnu a krismas hla ka sak tam ber kum a ni.

iii) Chutiang bawk chuan kum 7 hnu a krismas thuchah mizo tawng a nuam ti leh zalen taka ka sawi hmasak ber a ni awm e.

iv) Kumin Krismas hian sum chuangtlai hman mai tur kan tlachham angreng a. ‘nei si, nei si lo’ in kan awm a ni. Kum thar (2018) ah haw ve ngei kan duh avangin Flight ticket book-na tur kan indah ve a, hman heu ngam a ni lo. January thla hlawh kan dawng tawh nain, thla hlawh (Monthly salary) hi kham ngawr ngawr, a chang phei chuan kham lo nasa tak…kan nih avangin lo hman lawk ngam a ni bawk lo.

Tichuan leh, kan Nu hriatpui vak lohin Krismas hmanna tur pawisa Rs. 11,000/- puk in kan chhuak ta rawih a. Amaherawh chu, a mite ngaihsaktu Lalpa hian kan mamawh hi a va hre tehreng em...

Kan rawngbawlpui, kan U Te -Rev Sangtea te chhung fin kan ni a. Pu Michael-a (Pu A-Puia) te chhung, Pu Sangtea te chhungte hnai tak, Pu sangtea te Krismas rawn hmanpui an awm bawk. Pu sangte te Nupa (Pi Chhungpuii) hian duhsak namen lova min duhsak bak-ah, Pu A-Puia te chhungkua hian, “Kan Pastor te hi Krismas present kan la pe ve reng reng lo” tiin kan Nu hnenah pawisa a hlan mauh mai a. A Nupui (Pi Aluri) hian kan kan fate leh kan Nu tan thil tamtak a lei sak tawh avangin ‘Ka inthlahrung takmeuh’ a ni. Rs. 2000/- a pe maw ka tih kha a lo ni tawp lo lehnghal....

Mu tur a room kan luh hnuin, kan Nu chuan, “Pa, an pawisa min pek hi a tam lutuk a, ka lung a chhe deuh tlat nia” a ti a. “Engzat nge?” ka tih chuan, “Rs. 14,000/- lai a nia…” a tih chuan – sawi tur reng ka hre lo. Ka ngawi reng a, ‘Lalpa min ngaihsak zia hi’ tiin mak tiin zing lam dar 3 thleng ka meng a, Pathian hnenah lawmthu ka sawi a. Lalpan min ngaihsak takzet a ni tih hi rinhlelh rual lovin a tilang leh ta niin ka hria.

Kan sum puk rulh leh dan thlengin ‘min ngaihsakna’ hi Lalpan a tilang zel a, min ngaihsakna tilang turin ‘amite zingah’ min hungin, a hun takah a mite hi kan hnenah a lo tir leh mai niin ka hria a. Lalpa rinawmna hi kan tan hian 'a mak' tih loh rual a ni lo.

TLIPNA: Heng bak pawh hi ziah tur ka la nei nual a, heti zawng hian a tlang kawm tawh mai ang.
Kan hmabak kum 2018 lo inher chhuak leh tur pawh hi eng tiang angin nge kan hmachhawn dawn tih kan hre hauh lo. Amaherawh chu, a mite dinpui a sawipui thintu, kan hriat mang loh lai nen lam pawh a, a mit kan chung a len a, ‘keini ang paltlang ve rual a ni lo’ kan tih kawng nen lama min zawhpui thintu Lalpa hi kan Pathian a ni. Chuvang chuan HE CHHUNGKUA hian kum lo thar zel turah pawh hian Lalpa hi a vuan ve reng dawn a ni.

Thursday, 21 December 2017


(Luangliam Post)

Tukin (Dt. 21st, Dec, 2017) chu hla thluk, a thu ka hriat fuh chiah loh - "Min hriat reng thin vangin?" ti a ka hriat tlat hian rilru a luah reng mai a. Ka hla ngaihthlak zen zen loh, a thluk leh thu dang pawh chhunzawm ngaihna ka hriat loh hi a ni a. Humm, Humm, Humm... tih bak chuan sak ngaihna pawh ka hre meuh lo.

YouTube-ah kan en a. TBC-a (See - leh Lalthlengliani ( See - sak a lo awm reng a. An va thiam tehreng em.

'Min hriat reng thin vangin?' ti-a ka hriat kha MIN NGAIHSAK FO TIH KA HRIA tih a lo ni a.

Ka Lalpa hi, "tunge maw ka nih a, ka chhungte pawh hi tunge maw an nih a min hriat reng thin hi le...?". Min hre satliah mai ni lovin, lei leh van a thuneitu, engkim chung a roreltu hian kei 'engmah ni lo, chhuan tlak nei lo, mi ngaihsan chu sawi loh, ka chhungte tan lo chuan ngaihsak tlak pawh ni lo' hi MIN NGAIHSAK FO a lo ni tih he hlathu hmang hian min hrilh thar ve leh ta a ni. Halleluiah!!!.

A chang thenkhat hlathu hi chu tun a ka awm dan leh hun tawn mek nen inlaichinna a neih pawh ka hre hran lo. Ka lungngai lova, tun hnai a ka letter hmuh pakhat erawh chuan 'min tilawm lo hle' tih mai loh chu rilru nawm lohna ka neih pawh ka hre lo. Mahse, chuti-chung chuan MIN NGAIHSAK FO tih min hriat thar tir hi Lalpa'n a la duh cheu niin ka hria a, ka tan hei hi a hlu em em a ni.

A ngaitha ve duh tan a link leh a thu hi kan dah nghe nghe ang e.

(Lungngaih Ni leh Lawm Ni... tiin an dah a)

Lungngaihni leh ngui changni te hian
Lungngaih ni leh lawm lai niah hian,
Lal Isuan min ngaihsak ngai em?
Buainaten min chim, ka kawng a sei lua,
Ka lo chau ta, phurrit tak nen.

Aw, min ngaihsak fo tih ka hria,
Ka lungngaihin a tina;
Ngui chang ni leh zankhua rei hlauhawm hnuaiah,
Min ngaihsak tih ka hria.

Ka kawng a thim, hlauhawmin min bawm,
Lal Isuan min ngaihsak ngai em?
Ni eng a lo chuai, zan thim a lo hnai
Min vengin a lo hnai ngai em?

Thlemna dovin, ka bei a lo dawng,
Lal Isuan min ngaihsak ngai em?
Lungngaiin ka chau, chhantu an awm lo,
Zankhaw tlaitluanin mittui nen.

Leia lungduh ber ka then laiin,
Lal Isuan min ngaihsak ngai em?
Tuar rual loh lungchhia, thinlai min run hi,
A hriain a ngainep ang em?

Monday, 4 December 2017


John 3:16; Rom 5:8

(Delivered on 3rd, Dec, 2017)

Today I am going to share with you –the greatest message of God which i considered as the greatest, not because of the content of my own message but because of God and the uniqueness of the message itself.

This message - though neglected and hardly hears in the midst of God’s people, is still one of the constant and central messages of the Bible.

To begin with the theme, I would like to share with you a story of Moorehouse, who was once a wild gambler and drinker, who at the later part of his life met God and has become a good preacher. He was known as one of the men who most influenced D. L. Moody, one of the greatest preachers. So, one day, Moody got a letter from Moorehouse that tells he would be in Chicago the next Thursday. Moody didn’t know what to do with him, so he told his deacons, “There is a man coming from England who wants to preach. I’m going to be gone Thursday and Friday. If you let him preach those days, I’ll be back Saturday and take him off your hands.” But when Moody returned back, the message he received from Moorhouse cached him up. It was so convincing that his heart began to thaw out and he even could not hold back his tears.

Then, on the final night, Moorhouse concluded his sermon by saying, “My friends, for a whole week I have been trying to tell you how much God loves you, but I cannot do it with this poor stammering tongue. If I could borrow Jacob’s ladder, and climb up into Heaven, and ask Gabriel, who stands in the presence of the Almighty, if he could tell me how much love the Father has for the world, all he could say would be, ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

Therefore, friends the same and living message conveyed through the gospel of John and by Moorhouse – “The love of God” will be our chosen theme for this morning.
But since this human tongue can never tell how much deep and how measureless the love of God is, our message for this morning will also be very simple and at the same time ‘a humble one’.

However, as we move on to the theme, I first of all would like to tell you some reasons why I chose this theme. Why this message?

1.    The world we live in is a world of confrontation, where we all together face diverse forms of confrontations – we are bombarded by various complex news (good and bad), new advertisements, innovative new technologies, and other desirable things which by no means we cannot simply avoided and rejected because of its irresistible powers and potentialities. Moreover, these things are being fabricated with the power of persuasion, and as a result we become enslaved by these powers. Our world, surrounding, environment became full of these diverse form of forces.
Therefore, in this situation – we, people of God need to make a repeated sound of the message of the love of God.

I contemplate and feel it necessary because, if we do not intended to do so, many people now begun to give more their interest in these forces than the core message of God.
IITim 4:3-4….For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths.

2.    When I consider the chosen topic/subject– I realized thinking that, one of the greatest failures/ignorance I have committed during the past and present years was and is – I never tell ‘the sweetest story of the love of God’ to my students, to my colleagues. Of course, we have learned and being taught various subjects by our teachers from different areas of studies/aspect - doctrine and teachings of God, church and Christianity, etc. But we hardly receive direct message on the love of God.

Therefore, I feel it necessary to make a resounding voice of the love of God among the community of God’s people here.
But despite of this thing, the problem lays behind is - how shall we begin and how to tell this wonderful message of the love of God? Though the theme/phrase itself contain a lovely and wonderful message, it is not an easy topic to tell/convey. And moreover, when we talk about the message of the love of God, there are also serious unanswered and disturbing questions in many people’s minds.

Like these:
1.    If God is love, why is the world in such a fear of tragedy and why are so many people suffering?

2.    If God is love and if God is also sovereign and in charge, then why in the world would a loving God ever do these?

3.    And not only that questions, there is even more penetrating – if God is love, why would he send people to hell to suffer forever?

What kind of love is it – that can control the world and allows the world to suffer? What kind of love is it, that is sovereign and in charge, and sent poor suffering people to eternal flame?

Of course, there can be appropriate answers to these questions from the belief and concept of - universalism, and other sources; nevertheless; forgetting/putting aside of all these nagging questions, we shall put our thought on the power and mightiness of the love of God.

Many years ago, the Swiss theologian Karl Barth visited the United States. At a question and answer session, someone asked him, “Dr. Barth, what is the greatest thought that has ever gone through your mind?” Barth thought about the question for a while and then replied; “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so” Barth was right on that answer! Because the ‘message of the love of God’ is always and always will be the greatest message that has ever gone through and could experience by human.

But again, the question lays behind is - how can we say that this is the greatest message that has ever gone through human life? – How can we measure the power and mightiness of the love of God? Apparently is - this human tongue and mind can never measure, can never tell ‘the love’ that is in God
– however, let us try to put our thoughtful minds in these ways.
1.    Rom 5:10 tells us – while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him... Eph 2:4ff – but because of his great love for us, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we are death in transgressions.

Therefore, for the first point what I would like to make known to all of us is – the love of God is stronger than enmity, even than death in transgression.

Enmity, heated, crime, and death, are something that over and over again separated lovely couples, human, families, friends, community and society. If enmity is already presented between either any one of these groups, it is not easy to unite people. Suppose, even if there is possibility to unite between enemies, yet there can be no chance to unite if someone, our love one die.

This is our previous condition totally engulfed to all by spiritual death due to human transgression. The glory of God that we inherited from God did no longer presented to us for we become spiritually death. And moreover, according to Paul – we become enemy of God. This is the condition of human because of the same transgression.

But in spite of all these, a very good tiding that comes to us is – while we are God’s enemies, God who is rich in mercy, showed his great love towards us, his enemies. So this great love became a powerful and greatest instrument that breaks all the barriers between enemies. Therefore, we are no longer the enemy of God; rather we become members of the family of God.

When I contemplate again and again the love of God, delightful things I found was/were – the love of God that shown upon us is strong enough for it could reach and cross the boundary to and of his enemy, he could share and make available his love to and for his enemy. Therefore, what we can say is - His love is much stronger than the power of enmity, or any antagonism.

Therefore friends, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you this – whether you are rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, happy or sad, being known or neglected, financially sound or poor, academically strong or weak, etc God loves you. That means, God is at the side of you. He is always ready to help you; he is always ready to stand before and on behalf of us for his love conquered any forms of enmity. How fortunate and happy I am because I can tell you that - You are loved by God.

2.    It can heal the brokenness: The love of God is also manifested through the gift of his begotten son that consequently restores and heals the brokenness between God and human.
Isaiah 59:2a says - “But your iniquities (sin) have made a separation between you and your God.” This is by far, and as all knows the biggest consequence of sin committed by the first man and woman. Since, sin becomes an offense to God; God cannot be in the presence of sin. Therefore he drove them out of the garden. Their relationship was broken.

This brokenness as a result causes man;

-    To isolate from God,

-    To lost the glory and holiness of God,

-    A fellowship that binds together God and human is no more,

-    A wall, huge gap that separate God and man falls between them…

-    In short, their relationship was broken.

But in spite of all these, God who is rich in mercy – is still willing to give his begotten son to heal and restore the brokenness.

The will of mine may accept to do the work of restoration between me and to someone who has significant importance in my life, who is good, who is rich, popular and lovely. But I don’t think, that I can go - with a man whom a considered as a sinner, hopeless, enemy, unholy, poor and rotten, etc.

But for God, who is rich in mercy, is willing to heal the brokenness. That means his love is stronger than anything else. His love is strong enough to give us his greatest treasure Jesus, though we do not deserve it. And moreover, as he weighed together ‘his love for sinners’ and ‘his begotten son’ on his own scale; his love for sinner is heavier and much stronger. This is the reason why God gave his begotten son, and this is how he demonstrated his love to us. (How wonderful and magnificent the love of God is?)

In resent year, Bill Gather, one of the best contemporary Christian song writers was asked - ‘what is the greatest lyric ever written…” therefore, without blinking his eyes, he immediately answered -
“The greatest lyric ever written is this –

"Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky…"

Though I still have 2 more points…
i) His love is more precious than anything else
ii) His love endures forever…I rather will stop here, but we will continue our message by presenting a song, a song which as I belief is more interesting and has more effective power to tell us about the love of God.

Therefore, we will invite our friends (Ms. Ajungla, Ms. Lovitoli, Mr. Hmingsanga) to present this song in continuation of the message…

"The love of God is greater far,
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell…"

Sunday, 8 October 2017


(Delivered on 08th, Oct, 2017 @ Sunday Morning Service, Serampore College)

Introduction: I would like to begin my short message by making a humble request; but please note that - I make this request only to those who can follow me willingly without any hesitation.
So, the request is – I’m going to shout 3 times, and as I shout, I also request you to shout after me….HALLELUIJAH!!

Friends, ‘Hallelujah’ is the theme I chose for this morning meditation. It is also the subject matter why I’m standing here, before you and before God.

If we open the bible, the term ‘Hallelujah’ is used 24 times in the Hebrew Bible (in the book of Psalms), twice in deutero-canonical books, and four times in the book of revelation

In the Hebrew Bible hallelujah is actually a two-word phrase, not one word. The first part, hallelu, is the second-person imperative masculine plural form of the Hebrew verb hillel which means a joyous praise in song, to boast in God. And moreover, Hallel could also refer to someone who acts madly or foolishly.

The second part, Yah, is a shortened form of YHWH, the name for the Creator - God. But, this name ceased to be pronounced in Second Temple Judaism, by the 3rd century BC due to religious beliefs. The correct pronunciation is not known, however, it is rendered by Christians as "Yahweh" or "Jehovah".

Therefore the meaning of the term ‘Hallelujah or halleluiah’ (as we all know) is ‘praise the Lord’.

To begin with the theme, let me tell you certain reasons why I chose this theme, and some significant points why I’m using this theme for today’s meditation;

1.    ( I do not know whether you are aware of the fact that) - We hardly hear crowd of people shouting ‘Hallelujah’ like a place where we, people of God are living, a place where many people of God are doing their future ministerial training.

Of course, we sing songs of praises in our gathering; we also adore his glorious name by reciting scriptures and by doing other items. But, shouting ‘halleluiah’ from the depth of our hearts might not be heard in the midst of God’s people and in our gathering. So with this conviction, I would say, we, people of God must shout to the Lord. At least, once in a year, we should shout ‘Hallelujah’ to the Lord.

2.    Praising the name of the most high with making the sound of ‘hallelujah’ has a power to release our anxiety and other related problems.

We sometimes fill with various forms of anxieties and different concerns– burdensome, stress, trauma, tiresome, unhappiness, mood off, etc due to financial problems, sleeplessness, suspicion, health problems, temporal or spiritual insecurity or weaknesses, etc. Whatever the reasons may be, as a result, we imprisoned ourselves by these powers which by existence we received not from above but from this temporal world.

Therefore, friends; we should praise God, because – praising the name of the Lord can help our weaknesses, it can lifting up on high our hearts and minds. It also can restore and heal broken hearted. It is indeed, like a secret field/place where many heavenly treasures are hidden.

Illustration: In 2004, when I was serving in one pastorate, I stay alone in a big newly built pastor’ quarters. One night at around 9:30PM I sat on a chair introspecting myself, and by that moment I felt very lonely and at the same time felt unworthy to serve God because of certain thing I have come across. I was totally weak and felt hopeless. In the meantime, when I was still on my chair, I heard a voice that came from far distance, and it was a sound of singing by a choir - Halleluiah…halleluiah…halleluiah. When the sound struck my mind, this simple sound produced by our local choir who had been practicing a song inside the church building, could all at once release all my anxieties. I felt very wonder when I experience the power of ‘praise’ because the song I heard from far distance did not only released all my anxieties but also gave me a new strength and hope.

Therefore, friends I once again would like to remind you – the sound and our deliberation for praising God has a power for ourselves as well as for others to set a person free from various bondages. It also has a power to heal our wounds and pains and at the same time release our unhealthy thoughts.

3.    In II Chronicle 20:1ff here we see - Dramatic triumph in sacral war. This triumph and victory was experienced by Israelite under the kingship of King Jehoshaphat.

What had happened?

When messengers came and told Jehoshaphat, "A great multitude was coming against him from Edom, from beyond the sea”. Jehoshaphat was afraid; therefore, he set himself to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. Then he prayed to God saying – “we are powerless against this great multitude that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

Then after when Jahaziel, one of the members among the crowd received the message of the Lord, then (in short) on the next day, they rose early in the morning and went out into the wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out; Jehoshaphat appointed some people to sing to the Lord, then as they began to sing and praise singing - "Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures forever." The Lord God who is always at the side of his people stretched out his hands, therefore victory and triumph was given at the hands of Jehoshaphat and his people.

What significance does this particular story has provided to us?

Obviously, the story tells us that singing and praising God has a power to destroy the stronghold of powerful army. It can give us triumph and victory over our enemies. It also can wipe out the power of darkness and all forms of evil. Praising of God can be the source of our strength.

Illustration: In 430 AD, Bishop Germenous, who once was a Roman Army officer before he became a bishop, was sent by the church to Britain due to the widespread and threatening of pelagianism (Pelagianism is one of the heretical teachings that believed and taught that original sin did not contaminate/pollute human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special divine aid. ... they also hold the view that human beings can earn salvation by their own efforts). So that Germenous can keep save the churches in Britain from the danger of this heresy.
However, as he continues to stay in Britain; he sometimes involved with the army who fought against Pax and Saxon; people who used to come and invaded some parts of the Land in Britain. Therefore, as time passed, war broke out between British Army and this people, and Bishop Germenous was one of the leaders. During this time when Pax and Saxon people heard the sound of war cry shouted by British army under the leadership of Bishop Germenous, by hearing this sound, their hearths became melted, and there was no longer any spirit in them to stand before armies of Germenous. So, they were defeated, and the sound they heard was only ‘HALLELUIAH, HALLELUIAH’.

When God’s people shout to the Lord – halleluiah, praise the Lord…enemies of God’s people become scramble and feel nervous. They may also become powerless to defeat us.

4.    When Jesus, when he was on earth, perfumed miracles and many wonders; at the end of his ministries what we usually found is ‘after seeing and witnessing these wonders/miracles performed by him, all the people gathered around him praise and rejoice in the Lord.

What does this means - ‘Seeing the wonder performed by Jesus and exalting his name at the end’? It is only a sign of extreme happiness shown by people; it is also reverential action shown by people for the wonderful works performed by God. Likewise, when people see and realise wonderful things happened around them, immediate response we often see out of their happiness is some outward actions, like – crying, shouting, body movement, and other actions, etc.

Therefore friends, if we/someone happened to encounter with God and experience His direct intervention/involvement in his/her/our life; how can someone/we resist the wonderful work of God without giving appropriate respond of praise to it.

Now, let us also realise once again; how wonderful Jesus is in our life. Isaiah 53:5 says - he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed.

Now; we are healed by his bruises, we are cleansed by his blood, we are forgiven by his sacrificial offering. It is probably by knowing this wonderful work of God, Peter (2:9-10) also boastfully exclaimed; saying - But now you become a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people,…Once you were not a people,  but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy,  but now you have received mercy.

Therefore, according to Peter, we are given a new identity.

Can we profane or treat with irreverence this new identity given by Jesus. Rather we must praise his name; we must adore his magnificent name. He is our creator, who sustain us, who keep watching his people, who knows our weakness and accepted us as to who we are.

The psalmist says (Ps 103:1-4) – Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits — he forgives all your iniquity, he heals all your diseases, he redeems your life from the Pit, he is also the one who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.

Therefore, Let us make a joyful noise to the Lord. HALLELUIAH!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


John 12: 1-8 is a well familiar text to all where we found the account of ‘anointing Jesus at Bethany’.

To draw some vivid picture in our minds, let me recollect summary of this account;

As we found from the text - Jesus and his disciples came to Bethany, a few miles from Jerusalem, to the house of Lazarus, for a meal.  So, members of the small circle presented were –
i)    Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.

ii)    Lazarus' sister Martha who was serving the food.

iii)    Mary, Lazarus' other sister, who came into the room with an ‘alabaster container’ of liquid nard, a very precious perfume. 
As the account tells - She broke the jar and anointed Jesus on his feet, then wiped them with her hair.

iv)    Among the 12 disciple, one particular name mentioned in this account was; Judas Iscariot, who would later betray Jesus. 

As see from the account - Judas opposed Mary because of the extravagance, saying the perfume could have been sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor. But as the proceeding verse says - he did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. 

Then, after seeing these records - in respond to what Judas’ said; Jesus replied saying:
“Leave her alone,”…. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”

So from this short and interesting story I have selected what I call it as ‘Points of Interest’ through which, as I believed, we may get more spiritual insight or gain:

1.    As the gospel writers have recorded, all four Gospels tell this or a similar story. But details of the story vary in the four accounts.

Matthew (26:6-13) and Mark (14:3-9) being similar to each other mentioned similar records.

Therefore significant difference that in Mt and MK are;
i)    Name of the house where Jesus lodges himself was mentioned as Simon the leaper.

ii)    In MT and MK, name of woman is no mentioned.

iii)    In MT and MK, the woman anoints Jesus’ head and in John anoints Jesus’ feet.

iv)    There is no specific name mentioned for the one who made complained for the deed of woman – disciples…they were angry and said… (MTv8). Some were there…said to one another (LKv4)

Moreover, Luke’s account (7:36-38) is distinctive, in the sense that -

i)    The account is coming earlier in the Gospel,

ii)    The story was taking place at the home of a Pharisee,

iii)    No particular name is given for a woman except  ‘a sinful woman’ who washes Jesus’ feet with her tears,

iv)    In Luke gospel, a woman wipes with her hair, and anoints them with ointment.

So, the question left behind by these differences is – why do we have two records which has variations in the same story?

i) According to some scholars, (believe that) there might be two separate incidents behind these accounts, one as described by Matthew, Mark, and John, and the other by as described by Luke.

ii) And besides, there is also another presumption hold by some scholars, saying that - Luke uses Mark as one of his primary sources, so it seems likely that he merges Mark’s account with material from a second source.

2.    The second point of interest I would like to mention is – ‘inclusive organization system’ adopted by Jesus for nurturing his small community of faith.

Within his small circle, particularly; here, in this account – we see the presence of women, including a sinful woman (LK) and a woman who actively involved in preparing something for Jesus; Lazarus – whom Jesus had raised from the death, who also experience the power of death and at the same time resurrection or heavenly power; Judas Iscariot – a betrayal, who would later betray Jesus, whom the gospel writer commented saying ‘a thief - who used to help himself to what was put inside the money bag.
These are some of the people who have distinct characters and personalities apart from some of the core members of disciple who were included within Jesus’ circle.

Therefore, one significant point I would like to point out from this inclusion within the circle is – the community of believers (the church), found here on earth is not like spotless/ unblemished / perfect community where we could found all goodness, only purity, perfectness, wholesomeness, etc; rather the community where we live in is a community of faith where there is also ‘weeds among the wheat’. If Jesus also allowed and included people who has wonderful experience and at the same time who has weakness within his circle who are belonging from different backgrounds; obviously, one will find the same within the community of faith, within the church.

Beside what has been mentioned, another significant point we have here is – there are unexpected people presented at the feet of Jesus (Judas Iscariot). I do mention this point because – many people hold the view saying - A good leader/spiritual man or people who has charismatic gift produce only good people. A leader who is good is also embrace by a good people, or mostly people found at the feet of good leader are good people. This notion is completely wrong if we reflect upon the life and work of Jesus. 

3.    The third point of interest
A strong willingness/eagerness - is one of the impressive qualities we found from a woman whom many people considered as a sinner. This strong willingness which is unable to hold by anything is clearly portrayed by the deed of one woman (Mary). She came into the room with an alabaster container of liquid nard, a very precious perfume. Then she broke the jar and anointed Jesus on his head and feet, then began wiping his feet with her hair.

Since her willingness, desire, longing and love towards Jesus was too strong, her persuasive behaviour to do something which many people do not have to do something is also strong. Therefore, this episode demonstrated that – the roots of many great things done by many people are found within one-selves. This desire is also something we must look and long for in order to please God, so that people around us can also taste and experience the smell of the fragrance of our service.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


                                                        (Significance of the Word of God)
                                                (Deu 30; 15-20; Exo 25;16, 22; Psalm 19:7-9)

Under this theme, there are two important areas through which we shall make our focus;

i)    Covenant and the Ark of the Covenant,  
ii)    Significance of both the Ark of the Covenant and the words of the Lord

The covenant:

As we know, the idea of a covenant between God and His people is one of the central themes of the Bible. The word "covenant” is also commonly used term in legal, social (marriage), religious and in theological contexts. So, biblical words most often translated for ‘covenant’ are berit in the Old Testament (which appeared about 280 times) and diatheke in the New Testament (which is found 33 times). In its simplest form, a covenant is an agreement between two parties which involves promises on the part of each to the other. But in Biblical sense a covenant implies much more than a simple agreement or a contract between two parties;

i)                    According to Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, covenant is ‘a solemn agreement between two or more parties, made binding by some sort of oath’.

ii)                  The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary also define it as ‘an agreement enacted between two parties in which one or both make promises under oath to perform or refrain from certain actions stipulated in advance’.

Therefore, when a covenant is established, roughly a covenant took some form that may characterize biblical covenant:-

-         A statement of ideas was agreed upon (Gen. 26:29, 31:50-52).

-        The agreement was sealed with and by an oath (Gen. 26:31, 31:48-52).

-        The invocation of a curse was often present to ensure it would not be broken.  This was not always explicitly stated, but in the covenant between God and Israel it is made very clear (Deut. 27:15-26).

-        The covenant was ratified by some external act, often a ritual.

-        God has always been the initiator or the originator; the initiative is wholly with God, and the terms are set exclusively by God. Man’s part is simply to respond to offer of a covenant and to accept the relationships which that covenant brings with it.

-         In covenantal relationship, oath taking, the promise and fidelity/royalty play a predominant role. Eg:- If the Jewish people – especially the leaders – obeyed everything God’s commands … God would bless them.  But, if they didn’t obey Him … God would withhold his blessings from them (which essentially meant to bring judgment or cursing on them to various degrees).

However, if we go through the bible thoroughly, one will notice that - there are various types of Covenant –

The first two types, according to some scholars are;

i)                    Parity Covenant       : which is established between equals (David and Jonathan, Laban and Jacob, perhaps marriage bound may also come under this type)

ii)                  Suzerainty covenant : this covenant is covenants between “unequal”, which is existed or established between lords, kings and their subjects. This type of covenant is the covenant where we shall put our focus.

Besides these two types; some scholars also classified into various types; for example, there are – Noahic covenant, Abrahamic covenant, Mosaic covenant, priestly, Davidic, and lastly the new covenant, etc.

The Ark of the Covenant:

Since every permanent relationship of God with man is based on covenant, breaking of covenant becomes a serious matter for both the parties, particularly for God. Therefore during the time when God has established his covenantal relationship with the people of Israel in the wilderness, mount Sainai through Moses, he also has instructed them - how they shall make the Ark (Exo 25:10ff) and how they shall keep all the commandments inside the Ark. Therefore, having being received all these instructions, what we see from the scripture is – people of Israel have kept all the commandments / the words of the lord inside the Ark of the Covenant.

Therefore, as we move on to our sub theme – The Ark of the Covenant, there is one important questions which requires suitable answer i.e. – What significant position does this ‘Ark of the covenant’ has in the life of the people of Israel? Or what significant role does it play within the community of Israel?

In order to give appropriate answers to this question, we shall try to recollect some of the passages that tell us the role play by the Ark of the Covenant in the life as well as within the community of Israel.

i)                    Number 10: 33 – 34: When people of Israel were about to move forwards towards the desert after crossing the red Sea: “So they set out from the mount of the LORD three days' journey with the ark of the covenant of the LORD going before them three days' journey, to seek out a resting place for them, (v34) the cloud of the LORD being over them by day when they set out from the camp.”

ii)                  Joshua 3:3: Before and after crossing the Jordan: Some officers of Joshua commanded the people, saying - "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God being carried by the levitical priests, then you shall set out from your place. Follow it. 17V - While all Israel were crossing over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, until the entire nation finished crossing over the Jordan. 4: 7 - then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off in front of the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.

iii)                Jos 6:10&11: Here we see the instruction given by Joshua, before they capture Jericho. As he gave this command, he said: "You shall not shout or let your voice be heard, nor shall you utter a word, until the day I tell you to shout. Then you shall shout." 11 So the ark of the LORD went around the city, circling it once; and they came into the camp, and spent the night in the camp.

Therefore, from these three passages we may highlight, significant position hold by the Ark of the Covenant in the life of God’s people;

-          The Ark of the Covenant was used by the people of Israel as their front-runner /leader during the time when they were in the wilderness (in other places, I may reuse the term ‘wilderness’ as metaphor).

-          During the time of crossing the Jordan, the Ark of the Covenant was also being carried in the forefront. That means – The Ark of the covenant played a major role for leading the people of Israel, for removing the barrier as well as the wall, and making possible impossible before God’s people.

-           We also see how people of Israel were using the Ark of the Covenant during their difficult time. It was indeed, covenant was their stronghold through which people of Israel received their strength and defeated their enemies.

And moreover, apart from what we have already mentioned, there are also few more records that tell about the Ark of the Covenant.

-          Judges 20:1ff: tells us about a great battle broken out between people of Israel and Benjamin. In that battle, people of Israel were defeated by Benjamin for two times; so, they killed more than 22 + 18 thousand armies. But when (20:27) the Ark of the Covenant was with them, and when they acknowledged the presence of the Ark of the Covenant among them, they won the third battle.
-          Another interesting record is also found in I Sam 3:3: It says – Samuel was laying down in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of the God was. Then, what comes next? – Samuel hard the voice of the Lord. As v1 records - during those times, the word of the Lord was rare, but in spite of irregularity of the voice of God– the word of the Lord was being revealed to a little boy Samuel, during such circumstance.

-          II Sam 6: 11: When king David brought the Ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem, on the way, before the Ark of the covenant reach its destination, they kept the Ark in the house of Obededom for three months (v11), then what had happened upon the family of Obededom? – The last sentence says – the Lord blessed Obededom and his entire household.

Lastly but not in the list, the bible also recorded, the story of someone who fail to honor, and who were fall short of the glory of the Ark; who knowingly or unknowingly have rejected the Ark of the covenant;

-          This record is found in the book of Samuel ( Ch. 2& 3): After crossing the Jordan and when they made their settlement in the land of Canaan, people of Israel have kept the Ark of the covenant in the house of the lord in Shiloh; therefore, during (this time) the time of Samuel, Eli and his 2 sons were the one who served in the temple, that means – Eli and his family had been taken up spiritual responsibility of the house of the Lord among the community of Israel.

Then what we get from the following verses is – Eli’s two sons have committed a serious mistake, serious sin before God (I Sam 2: 22) which provoked the judgement of God upon the family of Eli and Israel, then God’s prophesy against Eli’s household had come to a little boy, Samuel.

Then in Chapter 4: 11 – when the battle broke out between Israel and Philistine, the Ark of the Covenant which was the source of their strength in time of trouble could no longer become their source of strength, then then Ark of the Covenant was captured by Philistines, and the two sons of Eli were also died. Then, the following chapter tells us that – (4:19-22) when the wife of Phinehas, who was pregnant and had gave birth during that time, came to know the news of her husband and the news of the covenant which was captured by the philistines, she exclaimed, saying- “The glory has departed from Israel, because the Ark of God had been captured” (v22).

Therefore friends, all these records can reveal and demonstrate how significant position did the Ark of the Covenant had played in the life of Israel.

It was in fact, the Ark of the Covenant was their source of strength, their glory that gave and provided all their protections and shield. It was also like a banner that can give triumph, something force or motivating factor that enabled the people of Israel to cross the Dead Sea, wilderness, Jordan; that can strengthen and gave hope to the entire people in the time of difficulties and war. It may also rightly to say that – the Ark of the Covenant became - their life blood.

Therefore, as we move on to the last and final point (Significance of the word of the Lord), - the only remaining question; after ‘what’ and ‘how’, that may remain in our mind is - why did the Ark of the Covenant had play very significant position within the community of Israel. Did the Ark which was made up of wood can really have done something great for God’s people, what precious value did the Ark have to give honor and glory to the people of Israel?

Obviously, the right answer we can give is – It was only because of the ‘precious word of the Lord’ which was given to the people of Israel, which at the same time should be kept inside the Ark of the Covenant.

Therefore friends, this new answer permit us to reconstruct our previous answer by saying - The word of the Lord, not the Ark is the basic source from which people of Israel received their strength. It is also the source of their glory, that gave and provided protections and shield for the people of Israel, that enable them to cross the dead sea, wilderness, Jordan, that strengthen and gave hope to the people in the times of difficulties and war.

It was also (the word of God) ‘a determining factor’ for them through which they can receive God’s blessing as well as judgement; protection or God’s refusal; shield, security, well being and at the same time human misery and misfortunes, etc depending on their choice, their faithfulness to the covenantal promise. It was the beginning and the end of their entire life.

And moreover – these are the reasons why God has emphasized and also established his covenantal relationship between Him and his people. It must also be the main reasons why He wanted them to carry the Ark of the Covenant in all their ways, and wherever they are, throughout the course of their life journey. The word of the Lord is – according to the psalmist – perfect, sure, right and clear; that can revive the soul, wise the simple, live up the joy of our hearts to the Lord; and moreover, enlighten our eyes (Ps 19: 7-8).

Therefore, friends, with this concluding remark, I would like to make this appeal to all of us, saying that – being a bounded one to the covenantal relationship with God through Christ - let all of us set ourselves to the scripture; let us re-affirm our commitment to the word of the Lord, make ourselves ready to read, recite, and put on the banner – 'the word of the Lord' which is our glory, our Armour, foundational source through and from which we received our strength, that help us to do impossible possible.

This is also how we also can show our love to God – “Those who love me will keep my word” says Jesus (John 14:15).

Tuesday, 27 June 2017


SELECTED TEXTS: (Act 7:54 – 60; john 12; 23 – 26; Lk 14: 25 – 27)

As mentioned above a theme selected is – PUTTING OUR FOCUS ON A RIGHT DIRECTION; which can also be put in various ways, for example – Focusing on/Looking at a right direction/ Looking at Jesus/ choosing the right track, etc and many more.

Therefore by making few reflections from the chosen texts, we all will try to contemplate and try to ponder together this important theme which I considered as significant theme that has a guiding principles for our daily life ( in order to help us to overcome and solve various problems and challenges that confront us).

Before we go little deep to our theme; there can be several queries that may come to our minds – for eg: Why do we need to put our focus on a right direction? Why does looking at Jesus/ a right direction is so important for us? What are the appealing/contributing factors that prompt us to choose this theme?

As all know – the society/ community where we live in is ‘a society of confrontation’ where we received and experienced lots of challenges - achievements and failures in life; for many people have failed to find solace, happiness and peace for their souls and minds due to various catastrophes, poverty, loses, misunderstanding, ignorance, etc. It is also a place where we face and experience so much of distress, pain, sorrow, anguish and different kinds of difficulties due to certain reasons and because of internal and external pressure or burden that may affect our daily life including our spiritual life.

And to some extent – it is also a place where we all have put our own feet to begin our life journey (theological, academic, ministerial) in which and where many God’s people would face and experience lots of confrontations including unexpected things which we never experienced before in our life.

Therefore as we encounter or struggle with these kinds of circumstances and at the same time put our-selves to stand alone in the midst of these kinds of difficulties; we are very much conscious about it – and may perhaps ask our-selves saying/thinking – What is the reason why it happen to me/to him/to them? Am I the one who has done something wrong? Who is most responsible? And what would be the root causes for all these problems that has resulted disunity/failure/dispute or disagreement/ backsliding/ crash or brokenness within the community or between individuals?
Therefore we put our fingers pointing towards someone or to something else thinking that –he/she is the one who is responsible or this is the main reason why bad things happened! Yes, it is rightly to say that -we are very much in a hurry for blaming someone or something else.

Therefore, as things could happen in individual level - the same problem can also be found within the church as well as within particular community.

For example: recently, i have red trough one magazine in which I have found one interesting article; the article has dealt about ‘A new life style among the youth’. Therefore, the writer has provided one informative statement which he called it as –‘The 3F Formula” it means F- Food, F-Fornication, F- Fashion. Therefore, the writer said, “This ‘Formulae’ has a potential power to convince and to enslave many youth today by putting the youth into a wrong direction”. He also further said, “These are also some of the contributing factors why many youth today have faced and experienced lots of failures, distress and different kinds of catastrophes throughout their life”.

Likewise, and to some extend – when the churches have gone through and have experienced certain difficulties and when the level of spiritual feeding/ supply began to decline among the community of believers, and also when the church goers stop going to the church or refuse to participate in various church activates – we, considering our-selves as a responsible person, may put our concern on it by looking and investigating the reasons behind why this things happened. Therefore, some would say – it is only because of the worship atmosphere we made and practices; and at the same time, some may also think that – It is only because of the message delivered by the preacher which does not have an effective power or any spiritual guidance for the listeners, etc. So, there can be a number of reasons or preoccupations in our minds for which problems arose in the church.

Likewise, similar thing might happened to individual level, for e.g. -if unexpected thing happened to us or to our nearby and surrounding – the immediate action we usually have taken up was – we would be too busy for looking and investigating the reason, or motivating factors behind why problem arose or bad things happened.

Therefore in that situation or circumstances or the moment when we face or experience this kind of problems/challenges; one of the most important things we should not forget to remember is – we need to put our focus on a right direction. In another words – we need to put our-selves on the right track.

Therefore, in order to do so, I would like to suggest two important things which are believed to be helpful in solving and overcoming different challenges or problems in our life. Of course there can be a number of points, but I have selected only two points.

1.    Looking at Jesus/Putting our focus on Jesus: 

As already red to us (Act 7:54 – 60) – the story of Stephen, the first ever martyred among the first community; has provided lots of resources to us for guiding our life and spiritual journey.
The text says – “When they heard these things, they became enraged and ground their teeth at Stephen”. (Then at the same moment what had happened?) The text says – “But, filled with the Holy Spirit, he (Stephen) gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God”

The following sentences say– “They dragged him out of the city and began to stone him; Then while they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, saying – “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit… do not hold this sin against them” Then after saying this, he died.

Here, we may rather emphasize the role played by the Holy Spirit or the power and work of the Holy Spirit that strengthen and gave Stephen a power to stand firm in the midst of stoning. But beside the work and power of the Holy Spirit, what we shall not overlook in this account is - a right direction that Stephen has set fort for him-self (i.e – he look into heaven, in another word – he put him-self to a right direction looking towards Jesus)

Friends, we cannot over emphasize the importance of looking a right direction – it has a number of theological significance for our daily life. Therefore, as we move on towards the second part of my/this message, we will try to mention some of the important points.

2.    Looking at ‘the self’ ( which is in us):

In ‘Ministerial Formation’ subject, BD I have learned one important topic which I often considered as one of the most important lessons that a person should learn for the formation of Christian minster. The name of the topic is - ‘knowing God and knowing self’.

Therefore, as we have learn this topic, we could found that, there can be a number of significant points for a minster to know God and knowing one-self: For example-

-    A proper understanding of both dimensions can lead us to a ‘true and sound wisdom’.
-    Since, Christian spirituality involves a transformation of the self; therefore, this transformation can be obtained only when God and self are both deeply known.
-    Genuine self-knowledge can revitalize our spiritual life.
-    Knowing God and knowing oneself can lead us to the total transformation of human life.
-    Knowing God and knowing oneself can also solve the obstacle between God and human as well as between individuals.
-    It also helps a person to build intimate relationship with God and with fellow human beings.

Therefore now, it is rightly to say that- as we engage our-selves in the ministry of God/ the church, interacting with many people and confronting so many challenges; self-examination or looking at one-self or putting our focus on the self is something that can help a person to find a solution for overcoming many obstacles and certain problems. But in spite of the fact that, this is our weakness and often ignored by so many God’s people to do self-examination.

However, in order to illustrate the importance and effectiveness of looking one-self, I would like to tell (you)/ narrate my own story which I experienced more than 10 years back while I was serving as a pastor in one of my pastorates.

Before I got marriage, I lived with one school boy who belongs to different community. So, one day, when I return home from the place where I have done my ministerial works. And as I reach home, He begun to tell something, saying that – “Sir, our neighbor, who is staying next to our quarters, has kept a plastic container of local wine inside the chicken coop (a small hut 10 ft. square built for keeping chicken)”. Then, I immediately move out and check, and found 5 litter plastic containers where he kept his wine, and it was as much as half of the container. I was so upset and so angry. Then I told my boy saying, ‘go, right now and call a man, and tell him that – “before I break a container with a rod, collect your container back’ said my master”.

Then after the boy return, the man, who was also a vendor of local wine in this locality  immediately appeared to my door with full of pale face. Then when he saw the feeling that appeared on my face, he looked so ashamed and begged my pardon. Then I loudly shouted at him saying– “go right now, and collect your container before I break it”

How irritated I was at that moment! Actually I wanted to knock him down with my fist. I was too shock and got angry because I was unable to compromise this kind of unbelievable thing done by this man, keeping his liquor inside a pastor compound.

Therefore, since his house is not far from my quarters, his wife, by having known the way how I shouted at him - send her husband back to ask pardon for a second time. Then he came again to my quarters, but I did not want to see him again thinking that if I talk with him I might have done something wrong what I do not want to do. Then I kept the bedroom door locked and remain inside.
Then he returned back to his house, and after a while, it was already about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, an unusual thing happened to me – i.e. ‘God has given to me - a time of self-examination’. Therefore, within a moment, I came to realize that there was something left behind which i kept and wrote on my notebook. Then when I opened a notebook, I found my – New Year resolution for my pastoral ministry in which I wrote a note which says – “I will visit all vendors and alcoholics who reside within this locality and will lay my hands on them asking God to set them free from their slavery.”
So, after seeing this writing, I vehemently felt ashamed before God because of what I have totally forgotten and failed to do; and in spite of doing these things, I rather made a man to feel so ashamed. Then, I started thinking - I have committed something wrong to a man and before God.

Therefore, as something had happened to me, unexpectedly, he appeared again for the third time – and when I saw him coming towards my quarters, just before he got inside, I gave him a signal… then he quietly came inside the room... Then as he intended to speak something to me, I give him signal to remain calm. Then as he seated on the chair,  I said to him – “I know the reason why you came, I know your intention and feeling that compelled you to come over here; but you know, you came at this moment for the third time admitting your-self as having done something mistake, and you are very much in a position of convincing to beg a forgiveness.

But, I’ll tell you, you need not to say anything, it is me who is to ask for forgiveness and pardon, but not you. You are not alone who have committed something wrong, but I am also the one, who have committed a mistake, so this time I wanted to ask your forgiveness and pardon, in the name of God could you forgive me?

In that moment, asking forgiveness was very much appealing from my side too, because I considered my-self as a pastor who totally ignored the woeful plight and suffering of this people like him, and besides, I have never told how much Jesus loves him. And moreover, I have never lay may hand on him as I already have made a promise before God.

Therefore, when I ask his forgiveness, I think you all can imagine what things would come afterwards – the atmosphere inside the room was totally changed and not only that, we two of us were also changed. Then I ask his consent to pry for him and to lay my hands on him, and then as I did it, we cry together with lots of tears. It became a wonderful moment for both of us.

This is only one example that may or may not illustrate the importance of self-examination.
When Jesus said to his disciple in john 12; 23 – 26; Lk 14: 25 – 27; The text say – “Whoever come to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even his life itself, cannot be my disciple”. And, John 12: 25 say – “Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life”

Here, Jesus intention in this texts, according to me is - Jesus did not teach his disciples to deliberately hate the ‘self’ without any reason, but at the same time, if the ‘self’ become a stumbling block for making and bringing about harmony, peace, unity, and understanding between individuals or within a community; this must be something we must tackle/ confront and try to defeat for the glory of God and for the goodness of everyone.

Therefore, friends ‘focusing on a right direction’ by looking at Jesus and the self is something that can help us to overcome certain challenges that may come to our daily lives.

Therefore -
-    As we are too busy for looking someone/something to blame, let us not forget to look our own selves (self)
-    As we are concentrating our minds to the causes and to the problems itself, let us not forget to look at Jesus.
-    Sometime, we must set ‘the self’ free or keep away our own ‘self ‘, to make room for others, so that we may get a chance to heal their pains and sorrows.

Lastly, in ‘looking at Jesus’ there is a power; a power to compromise, a power to become a looser, a power to forgive, a power to forget, a power to get endurance, a power to make peace, a power to stay calm, a power to boost our strength, as well as a power to get success.

Thursday, 15 June 2017


Note: Fist message in the year 2017, new academic year of Serampore College ( on 13th, June, 2017)

Given/Selected text: JOHN 1: 19 -34

John1: 19 - 34 is divided into two important sections;
i)    The testimony of John the Baptist (v 19 – 28)
ii)    The lamp of God ( v 29 – 34)

Therefore, basing on these texts or the two sections which are found in the book of John the gospel, we will contemplate together on the theme – “Humbleness/Humility” which is one of the striking and most important themes among the Christian circle.

As defined by many people -
Humbleness is a marked by meekness or modesty in behaviour, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful. It is also referred to showing deferential or submissive respect to someone.
In regard to the term ‘Humility’ - The Bible also describes humility as meekness, lowliness and absence of self. And the Greek word translated “humility” in Colossians 3:12 and elsewhere in the Bible literally means “lowliness of mind.” So we can see that humbleness or humility is a heart attitude or an attitude coming from the heart, not merely an outward behaviour.

If we carefully observe and study the selected text; here we also have found all the good qualities of humbleness/humility from the testimony of John the Baptist.
From the beginning of his appearance for his ministry from the wilderness, many people of his time might have thought that – He might be a prophet, or someone like a messiah. So they ask some questions saying – Are you the messiah, Elijah or the prophet? And the answer he gave was – confessing that “I am not”, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness. Make straight the way of the Lord’.

Then when they asked another question saying – “Why then are you baptizing, if you are neither the messiah, not Elijah, nor the prophet? The second answer he gave was – “The one who is coming after me is Jesus. I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandal”

Therefore here, we can see – the quality of meekness, lowliness and absence of self which are also the best explanations for humbleness and humility.

It is likely that, because of these qualities found in John the Baptist, Jesus gave a profound remark on him, saying  (in Mathew 11: 11) – “ Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist” Even though the following statement made by Jesus is greater than this statement. I think, it is not wrong to make an emphatic statement saying that – humbleness/humility is the source and foundation of reverence and honor, peace and understanding.

Jesus also clearly said in Mt 23: 12 - “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted”.

And moreover, apart from what we have already pointed out, the Bible teach us some reasons why we ought to live in a humble life:

i)    As found in Proverbs 3:34. God gives favor to humble. It says – “Towards the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he shows favour.

ii)    Moreover, Proverbs 22:4 also tells us that - The reward of humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life. 

iii)    Lastly, Proverbs 11:2 also tells us - When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

Therefore, as we live in a community where many people from different parts of the country from different backgrounds and culture that have different colour, different interest, different taste, and life styles, etc. have gathered together here and also mingled to each other here in a community. We sometime, need to re-affirm our commitment in order that we can achieve a better life; a better quality of living and a community of life where we need to establish and enhance peace, harmony and understanding among God’s people (among us).

Therefore in order to do so, let us begin from what we called it as a low level of self-denial, in other word – showing the quality of humbleness and humility.

So that, God’s favour, wisdom, honour and life will become our treasure in life. And the life and attitude of humbleness/ humility will give us a better life, peaceful and healthy environment, a new community where God’s reign, his will is done and his name is praised.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


ACADEMIC SESSION THAR 2017 atan vawiin khan kan College chuan BD zir tur kan la leh nual a. Heng zing a nula 1, naga nula chu a nu leh a pa-te an inthen tawh a. Ama sawi dan tak phei chuan '''brocken family' atanga lo kal ka ni' a ti. Unau 7 an ni a, a u leh nau thenkhat a pa hnenah an awm a, a then hi amah nen a nu hnena awm an ni awm e.

'I nu chuan enge a thawh ' tia thawhpui ten an zawh chuan buai map lo hian ' *Prayer warrior* a ni' a ti mauh mai a.

Zirtur, interview a kan lak hian sum leh pai lama ngaihtuahawm an nih leh nih loh hi uluk takin kan thlithlai thin. College dang ang a Kohhran behchhan bik nei a nih loh a vangin kan zirlaite hi fee-ah buai lo thei se tih hi College duh dan a ni a. Zirlai harsa takzet tanpui loh-theih loh hi College in tanpui dan a dapin a tanpui reng chung hian; College inrelbawlna tibuai pha thei he tiang zirlai kawl teuh loh dan hi kan rilruah a awm ve bawk a.

Tichuan he tiang hi kan dinhmun a nih avangin; an nu leh pa ten enge an thawh?, financial guaranty/sponsorship an nei tha em, etc tihte hi zawhna pawimawh tak, zawhna kan zawh ve fote zing ami a ni. Candidate, interview hmachhawnte hian sum lam a ngaihtuahawm an nih loh chuan sawi nuam pawh an ti ve viau thinin a lang a. Amaherawh chu, financially a support tu an neih that loh chuan rilru helhkham nei tak a interview room an chhuahsan changte pawh a awm ve bawk thin awm e(?).

He nula makna riau chu; zawhna a chhan lai khan 'a nu tawngtai mi' a nihna hi a ring satliah mai ni lovin, a hriat ngai loh professor rual zingah khan *a Chhuan hmel* riau khan ka lo hmu a. Ka lawm viau rualin, sum leh pai lama innghahna a neih chauh zia ka hriat khan lehlamah ka lainat a. A nu tawngtaina leh Pathian a rinna ka hmuh khan mak tihna erawh lian tak ka nei bawk a. Ka rilruin, 'He thil hian kei leh mi dangte tan challenge nasa tak min hnutchhiah ngei dawn e' tih ka ngaihtuah hial a ni.

A lo thlen hlim hian a Nu leh a U mipa-in an lo hruai a. An tan awmna ngaihtuah a buaithlak-a ka rin vangin hostel-a kan Guest room-ah ka dah kha a ni a. A Nu chu an awmna tur Room a lut nge lut lo, a fanu sawi ang tak tak chuan a tawngtai nghal a. Hei mai hi ni lovin - a fanu-in written a neih lai leh, interview a hmachhawn lai pawhin roomah tawm-in a fanu tan chuan a lo tawngtai ngat ngat bawk a (a hnu a an awmna room a awm vete min hrilh). Mahse, thil ka lo hrilh chiang lo nge ni dawn? vawiin a an room a ka va tlawh chuan a fapa nen an lo chhuak daih tawh a. An train chuanna tur nan hman loh hlauin hmanhmawh phelengin an lo chhuak daih tawh hi a ni awm a. An awmna man ROOM FEE pek nachang reng an hre chang tawh lo.

A chanchin tlemte ka hriat chhunte avang hian - 'He Pathian mi hi hmu leh tawh dawn lo pawh ni i la, a hnena Pathian awm rinawm zia hi enge maw zawng tala hriat nawn tir ka va duh em' tih ka ngaihtuah mek laiin. A fanu BD zir tura kan lak thar chu hostel kiang-ah ka tawk ta a, a hnenah chuan -

'i Nu leh i U hi Khawnge, an roomah ka va hmu mai lo ve...?'

'Sir, an haw tawh...'

'Room fee an pek theihnghilh daih tihna a nih chu...'

A hmelah chuan pawi tihna leh inthiam lohna a piang tan mek tih ka hmu reng mai, mahse, he tiang hian ka sawi chhunzawm nghal a, 'i nu chu lo hrilh la, an room awm man pek saktu hi Pathianin ka hnenah a lo tir daih tawh' tiin. Tichuan ka kalsan ta a. A hmel a lawmna lo lang kha ka hmu hman reng. Min biak pawh a duh ngei ang mahse ka kalsawn nghal avang khan engmah a sawi zui hman ta lo a ni.

He nu, kan zirlai thar tur te reuh hi sum leh pai-ah mite angin innghahna chhuan tlak a nei lutuk lo niin a lang. Mahse a rin Lalpa, a Nuin a auh thin Pathian engkim tithei hian a ngaihtuah ang tih hi ka ring tlat a. LAINAT A, SUM LAMA TANPUI THEI AWM HIAL SE THA TUR.......


He Nula chanchin hian kum 20 tling lek lek kal ta a BD zir tur a ka inbuatsaih lai leh, ka zir tirh, kum hnih chhung a ka hun tawn tawh kha min tihre chhuak a...

BD zir tur (Pathian rawngbawl tak tak tura commitment tihhlawhtlin) a inchhungkhur ka chhuahsan dawn tak tak chuan he ngaihtuahna te reuh hi rilru-ah ka nei ve a..'Ka U te 2 in nupui an neih tawh avangin, kei lo chu Nu leh Pa hmangaih tak tak tur an awm tawh lo. An ni chuan hmangaih hle mahse Nu leh Pa aia hmangaih tur Nupui an nei tawh a...kei hi ka kal chuan tunge an upat a, hna an thawh theih loh hnuah chawm ang' tih hi...

He tiang rilru pu chung khan ka kal ve ta rawih kha a ni a. Mahse ka tawngtai apiang a Lalpa kar-na erawh thil pakhat ka nei a. Chu chu - "Ka Nu leh Pa a chawm zel theih nan Lalpa ka U hi hna nghet pe rawh" tiin (kan Upa ber hi hna nghet neiin a indang tawh a, tuna ka U sawi erawh inpui nghaktu a ni). Nitin vawi thum ai tlem lo tawngtaia dilin Pathian ka dil thin a. A kum hnihnaah chuan kan U pakhat Lunglei ami hian phone-in "ka U in hna a hmuh thu" min lo hrilh ta a. Khami ni a ka lawm zia kha ka la theihnghilh thei lo (He thil hian testemony dang a la nei). Ka U in hna a hmuh chhan chu ka tawngtai chhanna a ni tih hi ka chiang hliah hliah a. A hnuah ka hrilh hial a ni.

Heng ka sawi kai duah chhan ber chu - Lalpa hi 'a lama rilru dik pu thinte laka a chak zia tilang thin Pathian a ni' tih hi a ni. Vawiin ka thil tawn hian heng ka chanchin thenkhatte nen lam hian  min ngaihtuah chhuah tir a. Ka sawi ngai zen zen lohte nen lam ka han puangzar ta erh a nih hi.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...