Sunday, 9 September 2018


Prayer    : A high standard of principality, Confidence, even eloquence is not enough to instill your holy words in the minds of your people. It is not adequate neither correctness nor perfectness to achieve transcendental satisfaction. Your Holy Spirit alone which is the source of our nourishment that searched all things, even the deep things, is the one we need at this very moment. Thank you so much Lord for your mercy and for your unfailing promise that comes true through the gift of your Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for your presence among us.
As we meditate upon your holy words, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy side; O Lord our rock and redeemer. AMEN!

The chosen text for our meditation is taken from Exo 3: 1-10. In this text we found - the encounter between God and Moses, the burning bush, and the call received by Moses, etc.
Therefore, basing on the theme – “PUT YOUR SANDAL OFF” we will contemplate God’s purpose in our life and how to give an appropriate response to it (that purpose).

So, as we proceed on, let me highlight the account of an event (Exo 3:1ff) through which we can make significant reflections in a more meaningful  way:

In this particular text, we can see;
-    Moses, who fled far away to the land of Median from Egypt, was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro.

-    Then when he came to Horeb, the mountain of God; there the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the bush.

-    And as having seen the burning bush, he realized that the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed.

-    So he decided to turn aside and look at this burning bush; and then little later, he received the call of God out of the burning bush.

-    And the voice he received says, “Come no closer, remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground”

This are some of the points how we can recollect the summary of an event found in Exo 3:1ff

When God called Moses from the burning bush, the first thing God told him was, “Take your sandals off.” And the same has happened after some 40 years later when God appeared to Joshua, As the Israelite besieged Jericho, God said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot” (Joshua 5:15).

However, these two accounts have resulted two important questions to be asked that may further require appropriate answer –
1)    What was God’s purpose in this incident?
2)    Why would God tell Moses to take off his sandals?

The first answer we can give, as mentioned in the same text is – The place on which Moses was standing is a holy ground. We may further say that – the ground becomes holy only because it has become the presence of God.

And in addition, another appropriate answer we may give is –
When people were to approach God, they must approach Him with solemnity and humility. Taking off sandals expressed an inward reverence through an outward behavior.

Some Eastern religions today, including south Indian tradition still require bare feet when entering their temples or worshiping places. Likewise, in ancient Greeks, the worship of Diana and Jupiter required worshipers to take off their shoes. And a common custom in the Orient and in many parts of India and North America is to take off their shoes when entering a person’s home.

Therefore, when Moses received a profound calling from God, he has to do something before God as being instructed – a sign of reverence and respect; a token of submission, obedience, and humility, etc.

This sign, in response to God’s call is extremely important because;
As found from the following verses –

-    God had observed the misery of his people who are in Egypt.

-    And he heard their cry on account of their taskmasters and their sufferings.

-    Moreover, God has a greater deliberate purpose for his people i.e., to deliver them from the Egyptians, out of the bondage and from their sufferings and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey.

-    And in addition, we also can recollect how God revealed himself to Moses – who he was, how powerful he was, how he has done something mightily, etc.

If Moses does not willing to do as to what God has given an authoritative instruction; all these things – God’s Purpose in him as well as God’s purpose for the people of Israel may not be made known to Moses and at the same time, may not be taken place. Even more, Moses could never become God’s useful instrument to deliver the people of Israel. And he neither would not receive nor has experience God extended revelation in his life.

Just before we move on to the next section, I would like to share with you my personal experience that I have come across during the year 2014 that may illustrate what has been mentioned.

When I joint this college in the year 2013; during the first 3 years, i was given 6 more subjects which were totally new for me apart from 2 communication subjects which I considered as mandatory for a communication teacher. So, all together I had been taken up 8 subjects until 2016. However, in spite of all my weaknesses I have decided to take up whatever responsibilities given to me. So, as this decision compels me to offer more time, more deliberation, hard working with sincerity; I was working very hard to manage myself and to get the things done.

But when I spent maximum 8 hours per day by keeping myself remain seated on a chair, preparing for my new subjects; as a result of this heavy work load, my ‘piles problem’ which i had in the past 3 years has out again. Since my teaching load did not permit me to stop from my regular work, then my problem becomes worsens, and in addition we also found that there was tumour developed inside it. So, after so many consultations, my doctor advised me to go for surgery.

Therefore, (in short) I was admitted in CMRI Hospital, Kolkata. Then the day when I was pushed in inside the surgical room; the first instruction i received from the nurse presented there was – to remove my dress. So, I removed it as being instructed. Then again, the nurse said to me, saying – “Remove your underwear too”. You know what the thing will appear before two or three persons presented in a room, if I remove my underwear. Something which may look ugly or may look good will surely be appeared without any cover!

This is something I don’t like, and one of the reasons why I do not want to undergo any surgery. It is not easy to expose what we do not want to expose in public. For a moment, a strong hesitation has stopped me; because it was not easy to stand still naked in front of people whom I never talk with. But if I want to become free from my problem; I have to follow whatever advice and instruction they have given to me. So, I removed my underwear and stand naked before them. This is mandatory not only for me, but for all, who supposed to undergo this kind of surgery.

Although I did not receive the total healing or removal of my problem till now; putting apart and hanging on my two legs, totally naked before the three doctors during incision or the operation was something I have gone through during this process. I have gone through only because I want to get healed; I was willing to do what I never ever expected to do before because I know that this difficult decision will give me a relieve from my problem.

This may or may not illustrate well enough the reason why God tells Moses to take off his sandals. But I am sure; it will help us to understand – the purpose of taking off sandals and the messages behind.

According to my own understanding and as I believed - After Moses bare feet hit the ground, his life would never be the same again.

This was how God called Moses into his ministry. God had been working with Moses and after this barefooted moment; Moses becomes the greatest leader in the Old Testament. Until Jesus came, no one arose in Israel to match Moses. God used Moses to bring Israel to himself. He led the children of Israel out of Egyptian slavery and through the 40 years of wilderness wanderings to the boarder of the promised land of Canaan. He also received from God all the laws that would govern them until Jesus came. And moreover, God has made his covenantal relationship with Israel through Moses. In short, his entire ministry all began as he stood barefooted before the Lord on that ground.

How important - submission, willingness, and obedience are ….
-    Submission for the almighty and to his sovereignty to rule over us in all our walk of lives.
-    Willingness to his plans and purposes.
-    Obedience to all his commands, even at the cost of suffering and pain.

Sometimes we often create a comfortable environment for ourselves where we separate ourselves from the things of God and are shielded from the sharp points of pain and suffering around us forgetting about the desire or plan what God has in us.

Sometimes we also expected God’s intervention in our life, in our ministry, in our academic life, etc. forgetting about a token of action what we ought to do.

As time pass, a time may also fall on us when we are asked and when we need to — keep silence, to bend a little more down, when we need to put a little more step, when we need to render little more extra time and even more sacrifice; etc. to make peace, to bring more comfortable and healthy environment, to get relief or to provide healing for others, to bring salvation for people around us, to put into a right direction which is not right, to walk with God, and to be filled with the Holly Spirit, etc. Needless to say is — all these required a token of action – i.e. willingness to put off our sandals. Our sandals that protect us, that cover us from various harms; and the sandal that make us proud, that makes us free from shame and dishonor, a sandal of self-centeredness, a sandal of pride, a sandal of self-promotion, a sandal of hypocrisy, etc.

Therefore, if we're supposed to move forward to a far reaching in the Lord’s vineyard, and if we are going to submerge ourselves to a grater extend to be a sign, symbol and instrument of the kingdom of God here on earth and for other God’s creations… obedience, submission to the will of God; willingness to put off our sandals is something that can bring us to a right direction.

A very simple thing, yet which required humility to make us empty, to put us little down; and to make us naked is something that often creates impediments and obstruction in our spiritual journey, and to do a great things for God and to establish the kingdom of God here on earth.

Put your sandals off … so that God will work in you, he also will show you something great for your friends, for your family, for your community and lastly, for his glory.

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