Monday, 28 January 2019


*** CONFIDENCE tih ngai bawk hmanga ka ziah, ENGLISH VERSION, morning devotion a ka share tawh chu a hnuaiah hian a awm a. He MIZO VERSION hi chu thupui ngai ringa devotion sharing ang diak diak lova ziah a ni. Fb-ah post tawh a ni nain, ka belhchhah nual avangin, a hnuai ami ang hian ka blog-ah hian ka'n vawm kai leh hrim hrim a ni.

Confidence chu sawi fiah ngai lova kan hriat tlan a ni. Tung chhova kal mihringte tan hian a pawimawh takzet a. Mihringa quality pawimawh tak pakhat, inner force anga kan thiltih leh hmachhawn tur; zam hauh lova min hmachhawn tirtu leh min tih tirtu a ni.

Eng pawh ti dawn i la, mi a 'confi' loh chuan thil a nih tur ang a ni thei lo thin. Mi zingah hahdam taka awm a har a. Boruak thar leh thil danglam hmachhawn turin a tlak loh a ni ber.

He tiang taka pawimawh a nih avang hian, mi tinte hian hre reng chung leh ngaihven lem lo pawhin 'confidence' kan neih theihna tur kan dap reng a. Kan hun tam tak, sum leh pai, tha leh ngaihtuahna kan hmang ral nasa em em a ni.

- Tunlai kan nula tam takte hi, fashion thar or thawmhnaw thar inbel tur an neih loh avang a vantlang zinga confi thei lo an va tam em. Makeup inchawih ber ber nen, thawmhnaw thar, mantam, branded, etc nen an inpho lan theih hlauh thung erawh chuan an confi sawt thin.

Chuvang chuan kan nulate hian ni tin, tuk tin an confi theih nan incheina hi namen lovin an buaipui thin.

- Thenkhat thung chu (mipa pawh a huam vek), electrical gadget manto ber ber (eg: smart phone) hmangin confidence an hlawh chhuak a.

- Model thar, branded, technology changkang leh dangdai, etc thilin kan mit a lak hma chhan pakhat pawh, he tiang thil hi miin a neih chuan, mi zingah, confidence a neih theih deuh nia kan hriat vang a ni.

- Thenkhat thung chuan sum leh hausakna hi confidence min petu ber niin an hria a.

- In leh lo, chenna/khawsakna (geographical location?), avanga mi dang aia inti confi deuh pawh an awm.

- Nihna, hnathawh, digree, position, grade, etc avanga confidence nasa taka neih phah kan awm bawk a.

Kan thiltih chhan ber hi kan confi theihna tur a lo ni chiah lo a nih pawhin, heng a chunga kan sawi ho leh thil dang tam tak kan sawi lan lohte hi miin a neih belhchhah dan azira confidence hi mihringa lo insiam chawp mai zawk pawh lo ni se, kan nun chhungrilin a zawn ber leh kan tuihalna chu khawvel thil a ni ta reng reng a ni.

Eng pawh ni se, a khaikhawm nan, Pa confident tak ni tur hian kan va phar nasa em....i ti ngawt tawh mai ang.

Heng hi a pawimawh takzet a. Confidence nei tura inzirtir mawlh mawlh pawh hi kan tih ngei tur a ni ang.

Mahse, mahse...

Kan ram christiante tihsual lian tak, a bikin, Pathian rawngbawltute tihsual lian tak nia ka hriat tak chu...

'Lalpaah emaw, Thlarau Thianghlimah ni lovin khing entir nana kan sawi thil dangteah (dangte hmang) khian confidence siam emaw neih kan tum nasa ta hle a ni' tih hi a ni.

Zir sanna emaw educational degree, technology thar ber ber, lirthei, nihna, position, etc (tarlan sen rual a ni lo) te hi confidence min petu ber, mi zinga leng tak leh zalen zawka Pathian rawng min bawl tir theitu ber ang hrima ngaia Pathian leh a Thlarau Thianghlim, kan engkima engkim aia lungkhama nei zawk hi kan tam ta ava ang em.

Zam lo leh hlau lo, huai taka min din tir a, thil eng pawh hmachhawn tura theihna min petu, tunlai khawvela rawng min bawl tirtu atan; Lalpaah, Thlarau Thianghlim thiltihtheihnaah ni lova thil dangah kan dap nasa ta lutuk hi drugs abuse anga kohhran thlarau nun ei chhetu a ni.

Chuvang chuan, Lalpa emaw Thlarau Thianghlim aia confidence kan buid up-na tur leh kan zawn nasatna hmun tur hi thil dang pawimawh zawk engmah reng Pathian rawngnawltute tan chuan a awm thei lovang.

Confidence kan neihna leh zawnna tur, pûr kan chawk luhna bul ber tur no.1 chu Lalpa hi lo ni zel teh se.

A khaikhawmna & belhchhahna:

1. Confidence neih hi mihring tan thil tul tak, nei belhchhah tur pawha nasa taka beih chhunzawm tlak a ni.

2. Mi tam tak confident em em chhan leh confidence nei tura kan thil buaipui ber chu, Pathianah emaw Thlarau Thianghlimah ni lovin, khawvel thila inlak muk deuh deuh a ni.

3. Chutiang 'mi confident' tak takte chu zoram kristian tam tak zingah, mi langsar, kohhranah pawh, mi langsar ber ber an lo ni ta.

4. Khawvel thil avang maia mi confident tak takte hi kan thlarau nun chawmtu an nih chuan kohhran, kan ram kristian nun chuan 'ro hulh' bak beisei tur a nei lo.

5. Confidence min neih tirtu leh a nei tura kan thil ngaihven ber tur no 1 chu Lalpa, Thlarau Thianghlim hi lo ni mawlh rawh se.

*Be confident, have confidence in you, build up your confidence in things, but most of all in the Lord.*

Thursday, 24 January 2019


                                                                 (Sam 118: 8 & 9)

One of the greatest mistakes that has often been committed by people today is – many Christians, including ministers in the church, put more confident in mortals/ worldly things than God.

Therefore, by having realized the present condition on normal Christian life today, i chose this key word from the above two verses (8&9) “CONFIDENCE” as the main theme for this  meditation.

In this Psalm 118: V. 8 & 9 – the term ‘confidence’ is compared with the term ‘trust’ (KJB, NRSV, CEV) or ‘refuge’ (NIV, ESV, NLT) or ‘shelter’ (ISV & NET bible) by mentioning – it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in mortals.

Although the emphasize made by the psalmist is – to take refuse, or to take shelter or to trust in the Lord; the very term which i called it as secondary keyword ‘Confidence’ is going to be our main focus as mentioned earlier. In the meantime, one thing we should not fail to acknowledge is - the scripture does not tell us that - ‘to put confidence in mortals is wrong’; rather it has been clearly mentioned as – "It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in mortals."

However, before we come to the main section where we suppose to make (our) emphasize, i just want to highlight the background of this entire section of psalm 118.

This Psalm 118 is one of the most popular psalms of the Psalter for Jews and Christians.

Martin Luther, for example, considered it as his favorite psalm.
He wrote:

   “This psalm is one of the psalms that I loved… for it has often served me well, and has helped me    out of grave troubles, when neither - emperor, kings, wise men, clever men, nor saints, etc. could have helped me.”

It is a song of thanksgiving by an individual who was delivered from his enemies.

And as remarks given by some commentators -

Psalm 118 had a very important role during the Feast of Tabernacles and the Passover Feast. So, at Passover it was sung, together with Psalms 115-117.

And as a result of the interchange of various voices in Psalm 118 and the shifts of address, the compositional structure of this liturgical psalm is very complex.

-    The chapter begins with an opening call to give thanks in verses 1-4.

-    It continues with the king’s personal testimony of his rescue from a vicious attack by internal enemies (vv. 5-18)

-    Then, a “script” for thanks giving processional (vv. 19-28).

-    And lastly, the psalm concludes in verse 29 with the same call to praise as verse 1, thereby enclosing the poem as a whole.

Therefore, coming to the term ‘confidence’…the meaning and root word is pepoithesis from peitho i.e – to persuade which means – full persuasion and expresses a belief in someone or something to point of placing one’s trust or reliance in it/them. It is also a belief that one can rely on someone or something.

Confidence is also internal factor and force that gives us strength and power, boldness, ability or aptitude, enthusiasm, determination and many more to do something and to help us move and grow in all directions. It is also the quality that every individual needs to have to get success in life.

However, my points of interest, what I would like to mention from these two selected texts are;

There are;
-    Men of full of confident by birth.

-    There are also people who built up their confidence in and through various sources;

For example;
-    Ladies belonging to NE states, whoever may be even from N or S India, but not all, (no offense) likely to feel more confident when they could cover up their body with the latest fashions (?). That means – our confidence depends on the new and latest fashion/beautiful dresses that we considered it as best suited for us.

-    Likewise, there are many people who put their confidence and at the same time people who build up their confidence in and through various sources.

One of the main reasons and purposes of theological education that we have been taken up in and through various theological institutions is to equip students (our young people) to become effective witnesses in their diversified Christian vocations. To put in another words – it is to build up and equip our students in order to become more confident.

As mentioned earlier, this is one of the objectives of theological education in every theological institution especially an institution under Senate of Serampore College.

It is also my believed and as I have come a crossed, that when our students graduate from the college, most of them/you could get more confidence, perhaps and hopefully some of them/you might have gone little further to acquire over confident too.

To some extent, another thing that i would like to add more is – many theologians too including an ordained ministers, pastors, priests, bishops  have committed the same mistake; i.e we, many theological graduates who have committed ourselves to the service of God have often put more confidence in our education, in our degrees believing that getting more higher education and degree is the main foundation that enable a person to serve God in the ministry of God, in this postmodern context where we live in which is also constituted mostly by highly educated people.

I do not oppose/against it to have more higher education and have more knowledge or wisdom to have confidence, etc. I rather prefer to say that – there is nothing wrong to have self-confidence, and of course, we must build up more confidence to get success in life. But building up our confidence in and through earthly things forgetting/ignoring/overlooking about the imperativeness of the Holy Spirit in our personal life is one of the greatest mistakes we often have committed.

In addition to what have been mentioned, another few more points i just want to add more are;

-    There are people who tend to build up their confidence in money and wealth.

-    There are also people who are trying to get their self-satisfaction/confidence in their physical appearance, hair style, make up, etc.

-    There are also people who put their confidence in their position, status, grade, etc.

-    There are also people who put their confidence in place or geographical location where they belonged and from where they have come from…

-    There are also people who put their confidence in their belongings; like too expensive electrical gadget (eg: smart phone), branded shoes and cloths, expensive ornaments, etc

As mentioned earlier, we all have freedom to look for it in and through which we may build up confidence.

But, let us not overlook anymore the vital role play by the Holy Spirit in our personal life, as well as in our ministry. Holy Spirit is the basic source and foundation where we found and get all our spiritual needs and it is also the right foundation from where we ought to build up our confidence for the ministry of God.

Lastly, to edify and to equip ourselves in building up our confidence for the service of God, let us draw ourselves near to God. Let us not forget to consider about the relationship we have between God and us.

The more you absorbed yourselves to God, the more confident you are.

The more you come closer to God, the more confidence you will get in Him.

This is what and how we need to reconsider about our confidence for the service of, and for the kingdom of God.

Be confident,
Have confidence in you,
Built up your confidence in things,
But most of all in God.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...