Sunday, 18 August 2019


As a mark of our sweet remembrance of him and to pay homage to our dear and great missionary, WILLIAM CAREY, founder of Serampore College, who is also known as father of modern missions; on his 258th birth anniversary, here, i therefore posted Bengali + English + Mizo version of the song 'JESUS' LOVE' composed by him (William Carey) in 1796 based on Eph 5:2.

As you wish, you may kindly go through and try Bangali, English and Mizo song.

I give credit to Rev Dr Dipankar Haldar, Professor of N.T, Serampore College for sharing me a portal link from where i could find all his precious works including his English translation of this song.

Composed by William Carey

Jishur preme, Jishur preme, shukh o shanti paai;
Pashe thaken, drishti rakhen, jani shorbodaai.

Ch: ‘Bhalobashen, Jishu naath amaay,’
Mone mone, protikkhhone, gaaile praan juraay.

Jishur bawle, Jishur bawle, hridoy rokkhha paay;
Taare jawkhon daaki, tawkhon dukkhho dure jaay.

Jishur dawya, Jishur dawya, taar to shima naai;
Pore gele, dhoren tule, paaper khoma paai.

Jishur ichchha, Jishur ichchha, palon korte chai;
Priyo traata, jestho bhrata, bhalobashi taai.

Jishur sheba, Jishur sheba, bhalo laage bhai;
Shujog peye, shukhi hoye, karje kaal kaatai.

Jishur hridoy, Jishur hridoy, dharon korte chaai;
Prarthonate, shastropathe, rawto thaki tai.

by Rev Dr. Dipankar Haldar

We get happiness and peace in Jesus’ love;
For, He abides by us and looks after us always.

Chorus: ‘He loves me, yes Jesus loves me’
To sing always in our hearts makes our souls content.

Our hearts are protected with the strength of Jesus;
When we call Him, our sorrows go away.

There is no limit in the kindness of Jesus;
When we fall, He lifts us up and forgives our sins.

We want to foster the will of Jesus;
We love Him, our dear Saviour and elder brother.

We love the Service of Jesus;
We want to utilize the opportunity in doing works for Him happily.

We want to embrace the heart of Jesus;
So we spend time in prayer and scripture reading.

On 17th, August, 2019 in his (Carey) 258th birth anniversary.

Hlim leh muanna, Isua hmangaihna zarah ka nei,
Min hruai zeltu, min enkawltu a ni tih ka(n) hria.

Ch: Min hma-ngaihtu, Lal Isua a ni,
Fak hla zai vawrin, thinlung a hnenah kan hlan e.

Kan thinlungte Isua chaknaa humhim a ni,
A hming kan lamin, kan lungngaihnate a bo ang.

Isua ngilneihna, chatuanin a kang ngai dawn lo,
Suala hliam hnu min ngaidamin, min kai tho leh ang.

Isua thinlung duhaisamte tih puitlin kan tum,
Kan hmangaih leh kan chhandamtu, kan thian rinawm ber.

Kan duhaisam kan hlimna chu a rawngbawl zel hi,
Hlima kan hunte hmang thain, a tan kan thawk ang.

Kan duhaisam Isua thinlung ang neih hi a ni,
Amah anga tawngtaiin, a thu kan zir zel ang.

1. On the way of our procession (usual practice on his birth anniversary) towards Carey cemetery, Dr Haldar walk beside me, then i asked whether an English translation of this song is available. Dr Haldar was kind enough to provide me a portal link from where i could go though and find all of his precious works including this song translated by him (Dr Haldar). Thanks to my colleague Dr Haldar.

When the procession and the next programme held in Cemetery was over, i took my laptop and have started the work of translation. Then, within a short span of time (i.e. within 30 minutes), by God's grace, i could have done it.

2. Another songs translated by me are
- What kind of love is this
- It is well with my soul (Posted here in my blog. under the heading of A PAWI LO, A PAWI LO)

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