Tuesday, 28 January 2014



Lord Almighty, who in his infinite love has made us to his people and tells us – “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” here is our prayer Lord, touch everyone and reveal to us through your words that we are meditating upon and through your holy sacrament that we have been set aside in your name, so that we may see and comprehend your glory and holiness. Lord, we offer this humble supplication, in order that this will persuade us to bow down before you and to worship you in spirit and truth.

Theme : “LET US PRAY” 

The chosen(assigned) texts given to me for this evening service are Isaiah 7: 7 – 12 and Mt 7:7-12.

Isaiah 7:1-12 is about the tidings which Isaiah took to Ahaz, king of Judah.

1. The story of these passages go like this – When Ahaz was king of Judah, Another two kings - king of Syria and King of Israel who made an alliance, have set out to attack Jerusalem. Then the news “the alliance made by the two kings and the attempt to attack Jerusalem made by these two kings” had come to the royal court of Judah, therefore, according to this passage - the hearts of the kings of Judah and his people were trembled with fear, the text says – ‘people hearts were trembled like trees shaking in a storm’. Therefore, in this difficult situation, the message of God has come for the king of Judah and his people through prophet Isaiah; (and the summary of this God’s message are) -

1. Stop worrying. The message urged the king and his people to stop worrying.
2. They need not to fear the anger of their enemies
3. God promises Ahaz that the attempt made by these two kings would not happened. But the message of God has conditional clause-i.e “unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm” (v9). That means - in order to stand a firm, Ahaz need to have strong and solid faith.
4. The last one is, God wants Ahaz to ask for a sign for confirmation of this message.

The subsequent story is that – Ahaz refused God’s message and thus completely failed to stand with solid faith. Instead of putting his trust in God, rather he invited and met Tiglath-pileser, king of Assuria to help him and to make alliance with him (2King 16:5-9; 2Chro 28:16ff). As a result of his failure – his life and rule was too short, not only that, according to 2Chro 28: 19 “The Lord was humbling Judah because of king Ahaz of Judah, for he had encouraged his people to sin and had been utterly unfaithful to the Lord”.

Therefore one of the lesions what we can get from this short passage is – failure to trust God has resulted not only failure in life but also God has refused to intervene to life of people who do not put their trust in him.

2. MT 7:7-12 is very well known verses, it is about an effective Prayer where God has made his promise in the form of prayer advice.
The promises of God, what we could found from this prayer counsel are; (as God promise us….)

- We will receive whatever we ask
- If we keep on seeking, we will find.
- If we keep on knocking, then the door will be opened for us (v7), and the repetitions of the promises are given in v8 – i.e. everyone who asks- receives. Everyone who seeks -finds. And everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
- Again the affirmation of these promises is given in v.11, which says - “So if your sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him”.

Therefore, basing on these two texts I would like to draw our attention on the topic of “Prayer” OR It may also appropriate to put this theme in a very common phrase or saying, i.e. - “Let Us Pray”

I have been chosen this theme - to invite/encourage us not only to pray before God but, this theme may also persuade or provoke us to reexamine our commitment particularly in Prayer.

Therefore, to deal with this important theme – first of all, i want to bring out and ask one provoking and at the same time unnecessary question which for some us us is needless to ask among people of God, i.e. – Have we often offered a prayer to God? Or how many times we have sacrificed ourselves/times to offer prayer?

This question is an important question we often deed to ask as people of God. Because, in a Christian circle we have heard about several committed people who offered their efforts and sacrificed their life for prayer like – Even Robert, Francis Assasis, John Knox, George Muller, and David Branierd. Therefore to follow their step and to experience the power of prayer, or to experience very wonderful God-human relationship through prayer, it is inevitably necessary to take into consideration in our Christian life.

But as we continue this message, another important question what we need to ask than the previous one, according to me is – Does God answered our/your prayer? How many times we have been experienced the power of prayer in our Christian life? OR How long we have already given up the practice of prayer?
Recently, I read one interesting book, and some of you might also red it, and the title of that book was “The Kneeling Christian”. In this book I have found some embarrassing and at the same time very provoking statements, which says-

1. In many contemporary churches, charismatic movement/spiritual revival is hardly taken place. Why?
The answer is – it is none other than, Lack of Prayer.

2. Saving soul is hardly taken place among evangelists and Christian communities. Why?
The answer is - : Lack of prayer

3. The reason why the church became weak and inability to grow in progress – ANS, Lack of Payer.

4. The reason why many good Christians have committed sin and became fragile – ANS, lack of payer.

This statement may be true or may not be true, but the reason why I reflect upon these statements is to know more about the importance and the inevitability of Payer in our daily life.

However, before we come to the main point, let me try to give some suitable explanations or definitions for Prayer.

There can be several definitions for prayer, for some, it is defines as –
1. A devout petition to God or an object of worship.
2. Some are also define as a spiritual communion with God, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.
3. It is also define as specially worded form or a fervent request used to address God.

Of course, these are some of the good definitions and suitable explanations for prayer, but according to my understanding and basing on my experienced I would also like to add a few hints/clues which may help us to fine a deeper meaning of prayer and at the same time which will help us to please God in our prayer.

1. Prayer is like a medium/network which reveals our relationship with God. It can reveal the relationship between God and individual who is obliged to offer prayer. Basing on this explanation, it may also appropriate to say that - our relationship has revealed/disclosed like a signal, in our mobile phone through this network of payer.

This is true and acceptable because when the level of our spiritual movement (in us) is high, we could and be able to pray constantly to God, we often think that we are able to pray but also believed that our supplications/prayers are being answered.

On the other hand, if this spiritual level (in self) is happened to come down, we are in a stage of drop out position. Then we stop offering prayer to God. Moreover, we are unable to have enthusiasm, keenness, or interest to offer a prayer.

Therefore, (according to me) having unceasing prayer or having eagerness to pray or having uneasiness for prayer is a matter of our relationship with God. If you or someone wants to please God or if you expect God to answer your prayer, the best answer is - have a good relationship with God. Or reconsider your relationship with God.

2. Prayer is like a sign ( OR It is a sign for God’s People):
Here we put it, prayer as a sign because most of the people of God, as found in the scripture have also demonstrated their belief, their endeavor through prayer. We have also already mentioned some of the profound Christian figures who dedicated their life and who exemplified their life through their constant prayer. Therefore, we must and can also use it as a sign, a sign for God’s people. So that people can see our Image/sign and people may also consider that we are God’s people, God’s servants or believers of God.

3. Prayer is not only a mere words or simple practice of Christian. Rather it is the cry or petitions offered by people whom God has loved.
This means, my prayer is not only a mere word offered to God. It is not like a lifeless bubble that will burst within a moment. But it is the words offer by me who love God and whom God has loved. That means the petition or appeal made by your son will never be rejected, because the one who make an appeal to you is not a mere son but he/she is your beloved son/daughter. Therefore prayer cannot be only a mere word or petition made by us, but it is ‘words of mouth’ that offered by very unique and special people whom God has loved.

In order to clarify more about this stand or certainty, let us see how God has made promises to his people whom he loved for answering their prayer.

- II Chro 7: 14 says– If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

- Sam 145:18-19 also says - The lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. He grant the desires of those who fear him, he hears their cries for help and rescue them.

- John 15: 7-  If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted.

- Isaiah 33:3: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know’.

Therefore, coming to the main and last part, let me extend this (my) message by giving some suitable answers to this remaining question – Then how shall we offer a prayer to God?

We can simply give this answer from the previous message that we have already heard/presented-

1. By establishing a genuine/authentic relationship with God

2. Believing the promise what God has made to his people

3. By realizing that - God is the God who would accept and answer prayer offered by his people whom he loved.

4. With a strong faith OR putting our trust in God.

Then, to close this/my message, let me remind you by reading these promise and warning message from the chosen two passages;

The promise:

1. MT7:7-11: Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

You parents- if your children ask for a loft of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gift to those who ask him.

But, friends let us also remember the warning message given to us by God through the prophet Isaiah-

2. Isaiah 7: 9: "Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm". (This is the words of God, may God bless us all 

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...