Sunday, 24 June 2018


The chosen text is taken from MK 16: 5 – 7; but the theme I have selected for this short reflection is taken from MT 26:31 – 35 which parallels with MK 16:5ff, where we found the phrase – “I WILL GO AHEAD OF YOU TO GALILEE”

Prayer: 'He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it'....may His faithfulness be revealed in you, through Christ our Lord Jesus Christ i pray...AMEN!

Do not forget to take note that the theme chosen above …is the first message given on the resurrection day to untrustworthy persons who failed to keep their words.

Before the same message was given to the disciples after resurrection, Jesus foretold the same massage repeatedly to his disciple as found in MT 26:32/MK 14:28. Then after Resurrection, the same message becomes the first message given to his disciples and particularly to Peter.

So, these occurrences in various passages convince me to ask few questions like;
1)    Why does this message play a significant role in the life of disciples?
2)    What theological significance does this message has in the life of Peter?

Therefore in order to give appropriate answer to these questions, we need to ponder the chosen text carefully;

In MK16:7: when the message was given, the speaker has focus/addressed to a particular group of people as well as particular individual – i.e. disciples and Peter.

Therefore by examining both the life of entire members of disciple in general and the life of Peter in particular, we can clearly get to know the message behind this message. However this limited space does not permit us, so we will have a brief look only on the life of Peter.

-    Mt 4:19 tells us that he is among disciples whom Jesus deliberately calls out from the crowd.

-    So, he becomes the main speaker among the inner circle.

-    Mt 16: 21-23 tells us how much Peter loves Jesus. When Jesus told them, what would happen to him in a short future, Peter replied, “May God forbids it, Lord! This must never happen to you” (V22).
-    Mt 26:31 – 35 & MK 14:29 here, Jesus foretold them that all of them would betray him. At this moment, Peter was the one who earnestly replied saying – “Even though I must die with you, I will not deny you”.
-    But even though, Jesus is so important in the life of peter, and in spite of the affectionate behavior he repeatedly has shown towards Jesus; what we see in the last discourses and the moment when Jesus face trouble and is being arrested;

-    MK 14:50 says – All of them (including Peter) deserted him and fled away.

-    MK 14:54 says – Peter had followed him at a distance.

-    Mk 14: 66ff – here, he repeatedly denied Jesus (3 times, as foretold).

Therefore, one thing we need to take notice from this story is – from this time onward (after betrayal of Jesus until Resurrection) no record about the disciples is found.

From our imagination we may recollect what would happen during this time of crisis or uncertainty; the situation when no record about the disciples is found.

I would say – this is a time of self-reflection and doubtfulness for the disciples, particularly for Peter where and when he might have gone through the feeling of fear, distress, insecurity, doubtfulness, and certain kind of stressful situation, emotional and psychological crises, and in edition - dysfunctional problems within the inner circle, etc and many more.

He might also have the feeling of self-hatred for what he has done and what he has not done.
With all what he has done, do we think that Peter would freely or peacefully or eagerly would go back to the town of Galilee, the town from where he belongs?

We all rather may think that Peter would not return to Galilee for he has so many weaknesses, failure in life, disloyalty to his master,  etc, And in addition – people of his village/town may also put their blame on him for the crisis situation he has undergoing, if he return without Jesus.

But, the amazing fact is that – at this point or during the situation when he face difficult situation, the message given away on the resurrection day for him was – “He will go ahead of you to Galilee”

As already mentioned, Galilee may not be a beautiful place for Peter without Jesus, without his successful story. Galilee may not be a rightful place without getting what he expected in life. Rather it would be a place where he received unexpected, and a place which he does not like to visit anymore.

In the same way, when beautiful and handsome men and women engage themselves in God’s ministry and begun to start their theological journey; the same is likely to happen many a time to many. They usually come with high expectation or in another word – we often come with our own expectations thinking that men of God living together in a beautiful community will have produce every good thing, every upright one and blameless things.

But, when we see the reality and after experiencing the life of unexpected community where we may get and receive so many unexpected things, we rather think that – am I engage with the wrong one? They also may reconsider their near future thinking that – if I want to become a successful man and woman, this cannot be the rightful place/choice for me.

These are only few examples we are giving.

There will be a time when we need to go through certain  - difficulties, trial and temptations, health or financial crisis, emotional and psychological problems, failures, weaknesses, blame, emotional hurt, and many more difficult situations.

But, one thing I would like to tell you is that – don’t lose heart, do not be dismayed. The same and faithful God as Peter has is your God.

If he is faithful to a man of betrayal, promising that – I WILL GO AHEAD OF YOU TO GALILEE, his promise to unfaithful man on the resurrection day will be still alive and powerful.

We may loose confidence on people/ ourselves for certain reasons, we may feel unwanted and forgotten by someone, we may meet and engage with a person whom we considered as a wrong one,  we may not receive the treatment we expected for, we also may become a loser in various circumstances, etc. But this point of time is the time and moment when we will receive and experience the faithfulness of God.

I WILL GO AHEAD OF YOU… is the message given on the resurrection day for you and for me.

May the Lord God Bless....

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...