Monday, 16 July 2018


(Delivered on 22nd, July,2018 at Holy Communion Service, Mission Church, Serampore)

Basing on this theme, we will mention some biblical records about God’s faithfulness including few clarifications to prove that ‘God is faithful’, theological significances, and then, if time permits us, my latest experience - at the end, etc. And when we talk about – the faithfulness of God, the term – Lord, God and Jesus will be used interchangeably.

PRAYER: “I will make known your faithfulness to all generation” says your psalmist. As I am standing here before your people, help me to make known your faithfulness in order that we may have life as to what you have something desire in us.

May the words of my mouth and meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy side, O Lord our rock and our redeemer.

**One unquestionable reality that every individual may notice is - Unfaithfulness is one of the most outstanding sins of these days. In the political realm, in commercial business, in religion, in our marriage bonds, in individual personal lives, even in our relationship between God, and within ourselves, etc. almost everywhere we experienced and have come across unexpected wrong doings of a person who refused to put the cloths of faithfulness.

However, there is one man in the Bible, outside of the Lord, who is called faithful. In Nehe 7:2.  The name ‘Hananiah’ is mentioned. And the Bible says he was a faithful man and feared God more than many in his generation.

In reference to God, the scripture has recorded number of accounts about the faithfulness of God in various ways;

For example;

-          Heb 3:2 says, "He is faithful to Him who appointed Him as a priest."

-          1 Cor 1:9 - “God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.”

-          1 Cor 10:13 - “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.”

-          2 Thes 3:3 - “The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”

-          2 Tim 2:13 “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.”

Therefore, if we believe and are faithful to the scripture, we cannot deny the fact that God is faithful; for the bible has numerous records about his faithfulness. It is, indeed, by nature, he is faithful, and in other words, his very nature is faithfulness whether we believe it or not.

But this ascription or acknowledgement about God as ‘faithful God’ may require few more clarifications to prove that – God is faithful. Then, in what way we can explain God’s faithfulness/to prove that he is faithful?

There can be number of points that make validate the faithfulness of God; however, since the main emphasis is to be made on the following section, we will mention only some important points that can prove the faithfulness of God.

1.      From the book of Deuteronomy we can count on God to keep His words and promises concerning the nation of Israel, and why He chose them.

2.      His faithfulness is proven and made validated by how his prophecy has come true.

3.      His faithfulness is proven by how he got victory over the power of death and the tomb.

4.      His faithfulness is being proven by how he kept his covenant promises.

As already mentioned, since our time constraint does not permit us to elaborate more about the proof, we will leave behind and will move to the next section…

Theological significance: The importance of ‘making known the faithfulness of God’…and how far it has significant position for his created beings... Here, I have three underlining points in which each of them has very impressive hidden messages for everyone.

-          His faithfulness is greater than human sins and miseries
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, their sin destroyed the perfect communion they had enjoyed with God, for God is holy and He cannot have fellowship with unholy creatures. (2 Corinthians 6:14). Sin separates man from God (Isaiah 59:2). At the very moment that Adam and Eve sinned, they “died spiritually” - that is, they were separated from God. Therefore, our very sinful nature with our sinful acts have alienated us from God; our sins have caused him to reject us. The condition that we inherit because of sin was very bad. Paul says (Rom 312ff) “they have become worthless, their throats are opened graves; they used their tongue to deceive, the venom of vipers is under their lips, their mouth are full of cursing and bitterness…ruin and misery are in their paths…”. And in addition, hopelessness, rebellious mind, disobedient attitude, and at the end, eternal punishment is their future end.

But in spite of all these sinful nature of human; Paul again mentioned (in Rom 3:3) “What if some were unfaithful? Will their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God?” Then the answer he gave was – “By no means!”

Although everyone had committed sins against God, even then, the faithfulness of God cannot be shaken. By his faithfulness he has made way to redeem us from sin as well as from the sinful nature of human. Though the power of human sin is powerful enough to separate us from God and at the same time may forcefully compel again and again to commit sins against God; his faithfulness towards his people, his faithfulness to his created being is remaining the same. Human sin can never nullify the faithfulness of God as long as we put ourselves to the right track.

Therefore, the point here is – yes, sin and its consequences of human miseries are powerful enough to separate us from God. And moreover can lead us to eternal condemnation. Yet, the faithfulness of God is still greater than this power of sin. For his faithfulness he has made way for us to embrace God, and to have a perfect communion with God.

-          His faithfulness is stronger than the power of suffering and death

Here, I would like to reflect upon the suffering and death of Jesus on his way to cross and on the cross. As recorded by the gospel writers, his mission on earth is ‘to fulfill the will of his father’. He said in John 4:34 – “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work”. Then, what is the culmination in the will of God - what Jesus wishes to fulfill? It is – to bring salvation for a sinner, it is to proclaim God’s forgiveness for a sinner, and it is also – to give a total freedom and ultimate healing to those wounded and to liberate people who are enslaved by the power of darkness. However, to make fulfill his work or mission is not easy as we believed because ‘to fulfill the will of God’ requires a long road to pass through which further requires several ruthless treatments – i.e. unbearable suffering and death on the cross.

During the time when Jesus and his disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane, we might know that how hard/ how difficult it was to fulfill the will of God. Mk 14:34-36 tell us – He said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch”. And then going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And then he said, “Abba, father, all things is possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet, not what I will, but what you will”

It is not easy; it is not easy, even for Jesus - to fulfill the will of God. Even his imaginable agony could make his sweat to become like a great drop of blood, nothing can stop him; nothing even his outbursts emotion, his suffering on the cross, the pain and wounds he has to suffer, the shame and condemnation- he has to experience, and moreover the death on the cross, even the power of grave could not stop him.

This is the reason, why we emphatically can say – his faithfulness is stronger than the power of suffering and death.

Bob Fitts says through his song - I see the cross and the price you had to pay, I see the blood that washed my sins away, in the midst of the storm through the wind and the wave, you’ll still be faithful. When the star refuses to shine and time is no more, you’ll still be faithful, O Lord.

-          His faithfulness is bigger than our weaknesses and sorrows

We have already mentioned how greater and stronger his faithfulness is more even than our sins and human miseries, even than the power of suffering and death on the cross, etc.

Now, I would like to make little more emphasis on his faithfulness, on what ground i could make this emphasis or the factors that oblige us to say that His faithfulness is much bigger than our weaknesses and sorrows.

Needless to say is human life is full of sorrows for many, our weakness is also something that has a force to put us down. Many a time we also have faced different failures, disappointments for various reasons. Therefore, as a result of these; different weaknesses and sorrows might have engulfed our entire life – we also might have come across so many emotional forces and feelings that put us down, weak, hopeless, and exhausted, etc.

But here, what I am trying to say is that – in spite of what we are, God is still faithful. He is faithful enough to redeem us; to freely give us freedom, and a total healing from our emotional pains and sorrows. We may come across a dry valley and dark places where there is no hope, no strength, and no spirit to feed our desire and what we long for, etc. But even then, in his faithfulness he is willing to make himself available to help and relief us from all sorts of human sorrows and limitations.

We sometimes look and put our focus only on our limitations, and the problems that we experienced and have come across; forgetting about the faithfulness of God. In that situation our problems and weaknesses will become too big to bear with. As a result, we considered ourselves as a person who is unfortunate, trapped one; and furthermore, we also may see no hope for our near future for our dilemma, our problem becomes too big.

But now what I would like to remind you is – Our God who sustained 3 million people of the Israelite in the wilderness for 40 years is much bigger; his faithfulness to his people is much bigger/stronger  than our problems. This is not merely a historical fact that has happened in the past, that we are unable to experiance; but it is the living fact that has been manifested and to be manifested to his people from time to time.

Testimony: In order to prove that, his faithfulness is the living fact; I would like to share with you my own experience which I have come across only in the month of December, last year; during the time when you all have gone home for your Charismas vocation.

Therefore, one morning; I was made awaken by one song, which was very unfamiliar to me. I could learn and follow only a single line of the song of a chorus with its tone which the song says – Oh, yes, He cares, I know he cares (composed by - Frank E. Graeff and translated into mizo by Rev PD Sena). The song really touched my heart and I could not forget about it since it remains in my mind.

So, I search it from YouTube whether I could find it or not. Then, I have downloaded two songs uploaded by both female and male gospel singers who are very well known to every Mizos. I could not remember how many times i have repeated the song, probably more than 30 times in a single morning. Then, after when I took my seat for a lunch, my wife said - “I know this singer; I suppose she must be Betsy a gospel singer”. Although she was totally wrong; I could not tell who she was, who at that moment sung a song because of the inner force or touching of the Holy Spirit I have come across. Then, right after the female singer has finished her song, it was followed by a male singer, who has sung the same song. Then, when the singer came to the first line of the chorus, which says – Oh, yes, He cares, I know he cares. I could not keep myself up, and unable to resist something that bursts and pushed me up from deep within. So, I suddenly shouted out crying three times – hallelujah!. Birds and squirrels nearby started flying and running to and fro. All my children have run towards me and curiously asked “Daddy what was that?

It was something, the only single line in a song that touched my heart and totally filled my inner-self.

Then, in that moment when i experienced this unusual encounter through a song, the reason, why I could not control myself and why it was extremely important for me was – the song reminded me that God takes care of me. The Lord God who is above all, the creator of the universe and all things takes care of a person like me who has so many limitations and weaknesses. I felt so wonder and amazed because as my belief, there is no one, except my relatives who willingly can take up all responsibilities to take care of my entire life. If we ask president of U.S, P.M of India, C.M of W.B or any students among Serampore community, whether they are willing to take care of me, the same and obvious answer they must give and I should receive from them is ‘NO”. I don’t think, none of them, even a single person can say – “YES”; whereas God says, “YES”. It was truly amazing and marvelous for me.

And this is not the end…the confirmation that proved the faithfulness of God was about to come on a later day.

On Christmas day (2018), I was invited to preach in Kolkata where Mizo community supposed to organize there a Christmas celebration. Therefore, by the grace of God, i could fulfill and have delivered a new Christmas sermon with much enthusiasm. Then, the next day was the day we suppose to come back to Serampore. But as they urged us strongly to stay back, then we stayed there for another one more day, and we could make our return only after the following day. And it was on that night, before we left Kolkata; an engineer, who belongs to a ‘well to do’ mizo family, who was also staying with us in the same building and whose family was so good to us; said to his mother and to his wife – “Until now we haven’t given yet any Christmas present to our pastor family” then he pulled out his wallet from his back, and gave money to my wife despite, a strong refusal she has expressed. I saw the color of the cash handed to my wife, and I thought that he has given Rs. 2000/-.

But after, when we dispersed from the common room and went to our own room, my wife told me and said, “My dear, I felt like crying because the money he has given was too much” “How much it was” I asked. My wife said, “It was 14 thousand”.

After she said, I put myself down to bed and kept myself remain calm; I was counting and counting about – the faithfulness of God showered upon me and to my family. I came to realize when I was preparing a sermon for today; that the amount of money given to my wife was exactly the amount we have given away for contribution in the month of December and the following months.

And moreover, before we left for Christmas celebrations in Kolkata, I have made an estimate budget for our family expense for Christmas celebration. This was extremely important for my family because we had a pre-plan to go home in Mizoram in the month of March and April, for that we need more money, we have to have and set aside at least 50-60 thousand rupees. So, I kept aside Rs.12 thousand for Christmas celebration to be spent. But in his grace, God who is also rich in mercy want to repay back all the money we need and require.

I would say therefore - this experience has strongly approved that – his faithfulness is living.

By his wonderful work, he wanted us to remind that he is a faithful God who cares and knows everything we need including our limitations. Therefore, friends, for my exhortation what i also would like to remind you, at this moment is – God is remaining faithful, he is faithful for he knows us than we know ourselves. Let our minds be reminded….

   - His faithfulness is greater more; even, then the power of sins and human miseries

  - His faithfulness is stronger than the power of suffering and death; and we can say this because he has demonstrated his faithfulness to us on his way to cross and even at the point of death.

  - His faithfulness is even bigger than your weaknesses and sorrows.

As we all engaged in our life journey; some of us may feel unwanted. Some may get emotional or spiritual pains or sorrows for various reasons; we also may feel poor or see no hope due to insufficient financial resources. You may get failure in life. Some of us might also have come across circumstances that we/you alone cannot resolve it, etc. But this kind of situation is the moment where God make him-self available to console and heal us. Therefore, let us not forget to put our/your trust in the faithfulness of God. His faithfulness is living.

Let the ‘faithful God’ be revealed in you, in your life, throughout your theological journey, etc. in order that we may get more strength and to have a living hope in Him.

May the Lord God, bless us, through this sharing…,

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...