Sunday, 18 August 2019


As a mark of our sweet remembrance of him and to pay homage to our dear and great missionary, WILLIAM CAREY, founder of Serampore College, who is also known as father of modern missions; on his 258th birth anniversary, here, i therefore posted Bengali + English + Mizo version of the song 'JESUS' LOVE' composed by him (William Carey) in 1796 based on Eph 5:2.

As you wish, you may kindly go through and try Bangali, English and Mizo song.

I give credit to Rev Dr Dipankar Haldar, Professor of N.T, Serampore College for sharing me a portal link from where i could find all his precious works including his English translation of this song.

Composed by William Carey

Jishur preme, Jishur preme, shukh o shanti paai;
Pashe thaken, drishti rakhen, jani shorbodaai.

Ch: ‘Bhalobashen, Jishu naath amaay,’
Mone mone, protikkhhone, gaaile praan juraay.

Jishur bawle, Jishur bawle, hridoy rokkhha paay;
Taare jawkhon daaki, tawkhon dukkhho dure jaay.

Jishur dawya, Jishur dawya, taar to shima naai;
Pore gele, dhoren tule, paaper khoma paai.

Jishur ichchha, Jishur ichchha, palon korte chai;
Priyo traata, jestho bhrata, bhalobashi taai.

Jishur sheba, Jishur sheba, bhalo laage bhai;
Shujog peye, shukhi hoye, karje kaal kaatai.

Jishur hridoy, Jishur hridoy, dharon korte chaai;
Prarthonate, shastropathe, rawto thaki tai.

by Rev Dr. Dipankar Haldar

We get happiness and peace in Jesus’ love;
For, He abides by us and looks after us always.

Chorus: ‘He loves me, yes Jesus loves me’
To sing always in our hearts makes our souls content.

Our hearts are protected with the strength of Jesus;
When we call Him, our sorrows go away.

There is no limit in the kindness of Jesus;
When we fall, He lifts us up and forgives our sins.

We want to foster the will of Jesus;
We love Him, our dear Saviour and elder brother.

We love the Service of Jesus;
We want to utilize the opportunity in doing works for Him happily.

We want to embrace the heart of Jesus;
So we spend time in prayer and scripture reading.

On 17th, August, 2019 in his (Carey) 258th birth anniversary.

Hlim leh muanna, Isua hmangaihna zarah ka nei,
Min hruai zeltu, min enkawltu a ni tih ka(n) hria.

Ch: Min hma-ngaihtu, Lal Isua a ni,
Fak hla zai vawrin, thinlung a hnenah kan hlan e.

Kan thinlungte Isua chaknaa humhim a ni,
A hming kan lamin, kan lungngaihnate a bo ang.

Isua ngilneihna, chatuanin a kang ngai dawn lo,
Suala hliam hnu min ngaidamin, min kai tho leh ang.

Isua thinlung duhaisamte tih puitlin kan tum,
Kan hmangaih leh kan chhandamtu, kan thian rinawm ber.

Kan duhaisam kan hlimna chu a rawngbawl zel hi,
Hlima kan hunte hmang thain, a tan kan thawk ang.

Kan duhaisam Isua thinlung ang neih hi a ni,
Amah anga tawngtaiin, a thu kan zir zel ang.

1. On the way of our procession (usual practice on his birth anniversary) towards Carey cemetery, Dr Haldar walk beside me, then i asked whether an English translation of this song is available. Dr Haldar was kind enough to provide me a portal link from where i could go though and find all of his precious works including this song translated by him (Dr Haldar). Thanks to my colleague Dr Haldar.

When the procession and the next programme held in Cemetery was over, i took my laptop and have started the work of translation. Then, within a short span of time (i.e. within 30 minutes), by God's grace, i could have done it.

2. Another songs translated by me are
- What kind of love is this
- It is well with my soul (Posted here in my blog. under the heading of A PAWI LO, A PAWI LO)

Thursday, 15 August 2019


( Ka BIRTHDAY, 45th birthday puala ka ziah a ni e. PRESENT atana ka ziah a ni e. Kum 47 ka chhiar tan tawh emaw ka ti a, mahse kum 45 complete-in 46 ka chhiar tan chauh dawn a lo ni reng a...Lol).

Social Media emaw, electronic gadget (khawl) kan chelek danin, kan ni tin khawsak phung a nghawng dan hi tlang hriat a ni a. A tha lama min nghawng dan aiin, a tha lo lama mipui vantlang min nghawng dan hi a lansarh zawk avangin, awmze nei leh fing thiam taka hman leh hmachhawn a tul a ni.

DIGITAL FASTING hi social media leh a kaihhnawih thil ‘tha lo’ do letna atana thil tangkai tak, mi zawng zawngin kan tih theih a ni a. Mahni inthunun kawnga tan lakna tur dap thinte tan thil tangkai tak a nih avangin, digital fasting chungchang thu hi ka han ziak a. Enge a nih?, a tangkaina, a tulna leh eng tin nge digital fasting chu kan neih ang? tihte kan tarlang dawn a ni.

Digital fasting hian hun tiam chhung atana digital lam thil bansan emaw insum, etc lam a kawk a. Miin chaw a nghei chuan chaw ei a tawpsan a, chaw ei a insum thin. Chutiang deuh chuan, Social media leh a kaihnawih thil emaw khawl lam thil (electronic gadget, digital lam thil) laka insum emaw, hun bituk chhung atana tawp san hi digital fasting chu a ni.

Digital fasting thumal tlukpuia ngaih, tawngkam dang a awm bawk a, chu chu; Digital detox an ti a. Detox chu detoxify emaw detoxification atanga lo kal a ni a, taksaa ruihhlo emaw, tur lam thil, taksa tana pawi thei chambang tikiam/ti bo tura mi an sawngbawl dan hi a ni, a tih theih ang. Drug abuser (hmang sual) emaw, ruihhlo ti thinte enkawlna atana an thil chelek leh tangkai tak a ni thin a. Thisena ruihhlo zung zam, taksa tana pawi thlen thei a awm tawh loh thleng a, ruihhlo eng chi pawh bansan, emaw chawlh san hmiah tihna pawh a ni thei ang.

Heng lo pawh hi Digital fasting sawina tawngkam dang – unplugging, digital Sabbath, etc tihte a awm a. A kawh a thuhmun vek avangin sawifiah ngai lovah ngai ta i la. Bible a ‘chawnghei’ emaw ‘ chaw ngheia tawngtai’ tih nen khaikhin vek theih a ni lova. A khaikhin duh tan erawh, khaikhin theihna chin erawh a awm bawk awm e.

Social media emaw, digital lam thilte hi kan nitin hun hman mekte nen thlenhran harsa khawpin tunah chuan a lo inthlunzawm ta a. Ni khat chauh chu sawi loh, darkar tlemte pawh a tel lova awm a harsat zia hretu vek kan ni. He tiang khawpa kan nitin nunphung nena inzawm nghet anih tawh avang hian, social media-te hian kan khawsak dan (life style) a nghawng a. Kan thil ngainat zawng (value system) thlak danglamin, kan rilru put hmang pawh a nghawng khaw lo (mental disorder) thin. Mahni inthunun kawngah mi tam tak harsatna a siam sak a (indiscipline behaviour). Kan hun hman dante pawh (time management) nasa takin a khawih buai a. Chu chuan hriselna lam thlengin  harsatna (held hazard) mi tam takah a thlen thin a ni.

Zirlai, kohhran leh Pathian rawngbawla in hmang thuk leh mi tangkai tak takte tan Thlarau lam tlakhniamna emaw inthlahdahna (spiritual drawback) a thlen nasa hlea ngaih a ni a. Kan rinna sawi nghingin (affected/polluted faith and believed), Pathian pawlna (personal devotion) nei chak lovin min siam a. Thlaraua kan chakna thuruk, Pathian nena kan inlaichinna (relationship with God) khawih pawiin, mi hmantlak loah (useless/hopeless/faithless/ desperate) awlsamtein mi tak tak a chhuah mek a ni.

Hun mamawh bik, hna pawimawh hmachhawp neih changin maw, rawngbawlna tur hmachhawp neih changte hian social media-te hi kan ban phak maiah an awm avangin thil hnawksak a nih chang a tam hle. Kohhran huang chhunga inhmang rim leh Pathian chibaibuk hona hmuna tel thinte chuan ‘a hun lova chelek ching’ te veiawm zia kan hre vek awm e. Mi mit tikham zawng a Biak Ina thla lo la chhen te, thusawi ngaihsak lek lova mobile phone lo khawih daih te, hlabu en ni awm tak leh Pathian thu chhiar ni awm taka langin, mi thenkhat chuan hlabu/bible kara phone zepin an lo khal daih bawk a. Tin, zahmawh rawng kai lam thleng a Pathian chibai buk hona hmuna lo en duh mai pawlte pawh an awm bawk.

He tiang taka kan hman thiam loh avang leh, rilru la peng a, kan Pathian chibaibukna a tihbuai avang te, kan hna thawh tur nasa taka a tih thuanawp avangte leh kan rilru mai bakah, mi dang mit tikham zawnga nghawng a neih avangte hian Digital fasting hi neih fo a tha a. Mimal emaw pawl ho angin a tul hun apiangah tih theih a ni. Chin fo atana thil tha leh awmze nei taka tih theih a nih avangin, mi invawng mi leh pawimawh bikna nei thinte tan a tangkai zual a. Tunlai thangtharte tan pawh ‘thil intihhmuh chi tak a ni’ a tih theih ang.

Mahniin, pawl ang pawhin a tih dan hi chi hrang hrang a awm thei a. A hnuaiah hian a tih dan kawng 6 tarlan a ni. A tih dan tha zawk kawhhmuh turin, ngaihtuahna seng peihte nasa takin heng point 6 te hian a puih ngei pawh a rinawm.

1. Pathian biak hona reng rengah phone leh digital thil dang khap hun siam thin.

2. Biak In pawn lamah thil tih hona tam tak a awm thin; fellowship, committee meeting, hla zir, seminar/workshop, etc hengah hian hnawksak tihna emaw hmang thiam lo fal an awm chuan digital fasting hi, programme-a tel zawng zawngte tan rawt mai tur a ni.

3. Zilaite tan, phone, laptop, computer, etc leh thil dangte hian rilru a lakpen nasat thin avangin, hun bituk siamin digital fasting hi; ni tin emaw, ni khat chhungin vawi tam tak, awmze nei leh ruhmanna mumal tak neiin a neih theih ang.

4. Rawngbawlna lama inhmang rim leh thlarau lam thil, tihtur hmachhawp neite tan; hun bi tuk siamin emaw, ni 1,2,3 maw ni 5 atang a chawlhkar khat emaw, thla khat thleng pawhin, digital fasting hi neih mai tur a ni.

5. Social media zingah; face book, whatsapp, tweeter, etc. ho hi kan hun tam tak khawhralna a ni thin. Thil dangah phone hman tangkaina a awm ve si avangin, heng ho hi hman loh tawp emaw, ni khat chhung atan emaw chawlhkar khat thleng atana uninstall hmiah hian nasa takin min pui thei bawk.

6. Whatsapp bikah hian mi pakhatin group tam tak kan nei a. Message a lut tih kan hriat reng chuan en loh bik neih hi thil har tak a ni. Kan en/chhiar vek thung chuan hun tam tak a la hek a, a chang phei chuan darkar khat atanga darkar thung thleng khawih chhunzawm turin min tur lui bawk thin. Chuvang chuan, group ningnel deuh leh kan tana tangkai lo nia kan hriat chu; thla khat emaw, thla thum, kum khat chhung atan chhuahsan lailawk mai hi digital fasting neih dan chi khat a ni thei bawk.

“A dik apiang te, a zahawm apiang te, a thianghlim apiang te, a duhawm apiang te, a thangmawi apiang te, thatna reng a awm a, fakna reng a awm phawt chuan – chung chu ngaihtuah rawh u" (Phil 4:8). 

Sunday, 11 August 2019


(Counting the Cost of Relationship & the price we have to pay for relationship)
Rom 4:13; Rom 5:11; Phil 2:5ff.

Four months back, i.e., April, 2019; my brother in-law got married. We were expected to witness this special occasion for it was going to be a momentous occasion for the entire family. But the problem that we did not want to share with others from our side was ‘we did not have sufficient money to manage ourselves’. Managing family trip is too expensive, especially for people who came from the southern part of Mizoram. Because we need to spend more money after reaching Aizawl, more than the amount we have already spent for flight ticket only to reach Aizawl, capital city of Mizoram.

But by having known all our problems, our relatives from different part of Mizoram, have sent financial help to us; then in short; all together, the total amount of financial help spent by our relatives, during our stay, became more than a lakh of rupees.

Our presence was highly felt needed by the bridegroom. But the expense only for our family, before and after marriage was so high; because, after the marriage was over, we moved from village to town, town to village from time to time to visit our relatives. So they have to provide every possible way in order that, we also could manage ourselves.

During this time, one question that has come to my mind was – what was the reason, why they did so? What was the motivating factor, to let them do all these things? The answer is – only because of a relationship that tied us together, which has been established between us.

This illustration is being shared with you only to help you recollect your own experiences that you have come across which are more noticeable and perhaps would become grater experiences then us.

According to, the top 3 most expensive weddings in history are;
1.    Prince Charles & Dina -  $110 million
2.    Vanisha Mittal & Amit Bhatia – $66 million
3.    Prince William & Kate Middleton – $34 million
I have recollected these three stories only to remind us how much money is being spent to make a relationship bond between individual people.

In addition, besides what have been mentioned; we also can recollect Taj Mahal, one of the greatest and magnificent piece of architecture constructed by Sah Jehan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, Taylor’s Diamond, given by her husband Richard Burton for her 40th birthday which is estimated to have cost around $1,050,000; The $85 million worth Yacht, given by Anil Ambani to his beloved wife Tina; the Gift of the 19th floor of Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, given by Rajkundra to his wife Shilpa Shetty, and The Statue of Liberty, 305 foot-tall, designed by F.A Bartholdi which is regarded as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy, it was a gift of friendship given to the US in 1884 from France.

You also might have known the dog name Hachiko and his master Japanese professor. At the end of every working day, Hachiko would greet his master at Shibuya station and the pair would walk home together. One day in 1925, the man suffered a brain haemorrhage and died. Hachiko (dog) didn't understand what had happened and waited for his master to return. For nine years, every day, without fail, the dog waited his master at that train station.

Lastly, Jack, who is only 23 years old suffered a heart-attack due to a viral infection and was told by doctors that a heart transplant was the only way possible to save his life. In the meantime, Bill’s daughter ‘Abbey’ died of traumatic brain injury at the age of 20. She was a registered donor from the age of 17. Following her death, Bill, her father cycled more than 1,400 miles to spread the awareness of organ donation. It was during one of his rides that he met 23-year-old Jack, the man who received an Abbey’s heart. So, as he hears the heartbeat of her daughter, Bill emotionally has set tears before people who were there around him.

There’s nothing new for us, because all these stories recollected are the well-known incidents happened to these people. However, all the stories mentioned, as I belief, will reflect how much cost is the relationship in one way or the other. And it will also help us recollect the greatest gift of God through Jesus Christ for the renewal and to heal our broken relationship between God and human.

In Rom 5:12, Paul says, “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin, and so death spread to all, because all have sinned.”
Because of sin committed by one man, human conditions before God have often been portrayed in various ways;
-    He drove out the man from the garden of Eden (Gen 3:24)
-    They have become hostile to God
-    They have become unrighteous and worthless (Rom 3:10&12)
-    They have become fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23)
-    They have become enemies of God (Rom 5:10)
-    Death exercise dominion over all men (Rom 5:17) they are spiritually death, as a result, they no longer can do anything with the living God and are being cut off from the living God.

This is what we called it, in one phrase ‘a broken relationship', which has anything to do with God, which is becoming powerless, incapable, helpless, weak, ineffective, and feeble in his/her own nature. This is, indeed, our previous condition before God.

But God, who is rich in mercy, and out of his great love, has taken up all responsibilities, and then initiated the greatest gift to a sinner in order that this broken relationship could be healed.
So, he gave his very own son, as a sacrificial offering to forgive our sin and to wipe away all our transgressions.
How much is the cost?  How much cost did, God has given to heal our broken relationship?
(According to Phi 2:5-8):
-    Though he is the son of God, He emptied himself
-    He took the form of a slave
-    He transforms himself in human likeness
-    And became obedient to the point of death

We may take it as ‘granted, simple and worthless', but behind the cost, there are immeasurable hidden efforts given by God to heal our relationship which  is so painful, so deep, so affluent, etc. No one can imagine, it is beyond human imagination, beyond human comprehension.

Because of the price given by God, we became healed, we are accepted, we are no longer enemies of God, we have life, and we are given the citizens of the kingdom of God. In spite of all our weaknesses and all our limitations, God, who is above all, could accepted us by healing our broken relationship in order that a worthless would be counted as worthiness, a hostile would also embrace God without blemish.

This relation is the striking point that enables a person to serve God. We might have highly educational qualifications, we also may acquire countless of knowledge and wisdom, but depending on the relationship we built with God, we will be judged by others. People will make their own judgement on us base on the relationship we have with God.

Being a human, and as we come across so many circumstances in or daily lives, we sometimes faced difficult situations, complain, failure, discontent, backlash, backsliding, and many more. Therefore, one of the best ways out possible from these kinds of problems is to recheck our relationship between God and us.

This is also to be considered as the best warehouse that signal our network through which we may get immediate relief, help and every supply for our lives, let us take heed of it. If our relationship with God becomes strong and healthy; our God who is full of grace, who cares, and who always keeps his eyes towards his people will always be ready to provide all our needs.

Therefore, to suggest the best ways for re-examination for our relationship with God; of course, one can suggest a number of good points, but these are believed to be more significant than another for our spiritual well-being;
-    Check your loyalty to God.
-    Consecrate/dedicate yourself only for God
-    Always put God at the center.

A relationship that is built between husband and wife is one of the best illustrations from where we can get appropriate reflections.

Some of us may suggest ‘Sex between man and woman', as one of the best significant factors that build a strong relationship between husband and wife, between man and woman. But, it is not. Of course, sex has an enormous contribution to building up the relationship between individuals. But after old age, sex has nothing to do with a husband and wife.

Then, what makes the husband and wife to have a strong bound/relationship till they both die? And in a contrary direction; we also can ask this question, what makes the husband and wife separate from one another? Immediately, our minds may strike with these few answers; Extra marital relationship, Sex outside marriage, unhealthy affairs with others, etc. And above all, other components behind these three answers are – unfaithfulness, carelessness, betrayal, disloyalty.

These are the same factors that often break the relationship, and that create unhealthy relationship between God and human.

Therefore, friends; let us recheck our loyalty to God, let us dedicate ourselves only to God and his causes, and always put God at the central. These are the price to give that we all can do.
Our relationship with God is in fact, like a mechanism through which we can get strength, help, and all our supplies for our spiritual life.

Lastly, let us be reminded with these few sentences…
Relationship; Heals, waits, gives the right answer, achieves great things, sets tears for happiness, breaks all kinds of barriers, enables or motivates people to do something…

If we expect something good from God, let us recheck/re-examine our relationship with God.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...