Wednesday, 10 February 2016


(Given texts: Ezek 18: 25-32; Luk 15: 11- 32)

Psalm 32:1-2:“Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord doesn't count against him and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”

Prayer: Your psalmist says, bless the LORD, O my soul, bless his holy name, and do not forget all his benefits — for he is the one who forgive all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, and who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.

Therefore, we praise and give thanks to you o Lord for your faithfulness, your unceasing love and mercy that you have shown upon us. You are full of love, and also have mercy and faithfulness even upon the people who often against you. You have been faithful o Lord even at the time when we are in the midst of helplessness, weak, deprived and vulnerable. You alone is the one who is always ready and could make available to forgive.

As we meditate upon your words let your name be praised among us, let all our meditations and all the words which we are delivering at this moment be acceptable in thy side….AMEN.

Theme : God’s Forgiveness to the Penitent  
Even though this is a given theme for this moment, I want to put my emphasis on the phrase ‘God’s forgiveness’.

God’s forgiveness is one of the greatest and wonderful qualities or acts of God that explained the true nature of God.

It is also inexplicable nature of God that can bring a person closure to God and can totally transform a sinful man, that also unite people with God, that bridge the gap between God and human, the heaven and the earth, between rivals or enemies, etc.

It is also one of the greatest verdicts that revels the unconditional love of God towards human that can set a person/a prisoner free from all his/her bondage or suffering in order that a forgiven sinful man who once had been  in a slavery of darkness can freely praise the name of God.

Since, I am also one of those people who once have directly experienced the forgiveness of God, I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity....

To begin with the chosen them, I want to bring out some important questions that may help us to go little deeper as we ponder the chosen theme and the texts.
- How precious is God’s forgiveness?  
- Who is to receive God’s forgiveness?
- What kind of results does forgiveness has produced?

1. Even though this human tongue can never explain the inexplicable value of God’s forgiveness, let me try to explain how precious God’s forgiveness is.

First, In order to explain the worth value of something, it is sometime helpful to look/measure the opposite condition or the other side of the things we are trying to explain. Therefore, in order to explain the value of God’s forgiveness, I believed that, human dilemma and the guilty feelings which has resulted many form of sufferings with a reactions and how this condition and reactions make a serious problem on individual level can best disclose or explain the value of God’s forgiveness.

This understanding and observation is acceptable in some way or the other - because, if we did something wrong, or commit sin before God, the immediate reactions or the consequences appear on human could be – very painful and deep sorrow, guiltiness, distress, lack of confidence, fear, sadness, etc which all of them as a result can ruin our entire life, and at the same time can put a person, a sinner far from God. It may also force some people to commit suicide, at the end.

But in reverse (looking from the other side), if a person is forgiven for his/her sin, what comes next – there is something new, a drastic change has occurred on human life. That means there is no more feeling of guilt, sorrow, and moreover the feeling of being condemned oneself has to be removed from within.
Completeness, newness, freedom from sin, total healing and many more positive results are some immediate consequences that has to come, and that I person would receive.

Therefore God’s forgiveness is indeed, like a priceless gift that has a power to set a person free from the state of life threatening situation or condition. It is the act of acceptance and approval without the mark of scar of our sin; it is the act of unconditional love of God that transforms a person from nothing to have worth value. It is also liberating, and healing act of God to make strong and give power to a powerless, weak and helpless person.

Yes, this human tongue could never explain the value of God’s forgiveness. Indeed, there can be no appropriate single words or sentence to explain this amazing fact.

2. Who is to receive God’s forgiveness?
If we carefully look the scripture, one thing we could found is - there are two aspect of forgiveness;
1. Forgiveness for salvation (Acts 10:43)
2. Forgiveness that has a result of renewal fellowship with God (I John 1:9)

These two aspects of forgiveness are also found from the chosen text. And besides, we also found some possibilities to receive God’s forgiveness. So the important question we need to ask and give the appropriate answer as well from this text is – who is to receive God’s forgiveness? If forgiveness is available for all, why many people fail to experience the test of God’s forgiveness even if a penitent express his/her sincere penitence about? What is/are the best technique or process to receive God’s forgiveness?

Yes, the answer is given in these texts: (let me point out some important points without repeating a detail story of this prodigal son)
1. Feeling of guilty: we need to know/ realize the sin we committed.
2. Acceptance: One must accept his/her sin, the wrong doing he/she committed.
3. Winning oneself: Sometimes self-centeredness is (becoming) one of the obstacles that often block a person not to choose a right decision.
4. Humbleness: One must humble him/her-self to take rightful action
5. Repentance:
6. Full submission:
Usually, these six steps (to receive forgiveness) are found from a penitent, as virtually mentioned in the parable of the prodigal son.

Besides, the results of forgiveness, God’s immediate reactions as a result of repentance are also mentioned in various ways. But, since this is not what I want to emphasize at this moment, so let me add only one more point as we come to our concluding part.

Yes, only one more point I would like to add is – As we all are engage in the ministry of God, we all know that many people, many Christians use to struggle with guilt and condemnation because of something they did. So when they did something wrong and put their feet on the wrong path, and at the same time, if their moral law could not simply digest or accept it, they are trying to find the way out of it, and they are trying to pay God back the price for what they did wrong.

So it is our responsible to teach them the way out, the remedy in order that they (people) may also enjoy the test of this marvelous forgiveness of God.

Therefore friend- let me try to bring out my point with the help of one illustration – The story about a little boy who visits Washington monument:
The story goes like this -
One little boy came to the Washington Monument and when he came he noticed a guard standing by it. Then the little boy looked up at the guard and said, "I want to buy it." Then the guard stooped (he bends his head/body) down and says, "How much do you have?" Then the boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a 4$. The guard said, "That's not enough." The boy replied, "I thought you would say that." So he pulled out 30$ more.
The guard looked down at the boy and said, "You need to understand three things.
- First, 34$ is not enough. In fact, $34 million is not enough to buy the Washington Monument.
- Second, the Washington Monument is not for sale.
- And third, if you are an American citizen, the Washington Monument already belongs to you."
(This story is very simple and plain, but there are some moral or spiritual teachings behind it)

Therefore, friends, like this story - We need to understand three things about God’s forgiveness.
First, we cannot earn it.
Second, it is not for sale.
And third, if we accept Christ, we already have it. This is because; Jesus already made it right on behalf of a sinner.

Therefore the only thing we can do, beside what have been mentioned is – to accept the promise and what God have done for us.

The only reason why many people cannot feel the forgiveness of God is only because they (themselves) cannot forgive themselves. Therefore in order to feel the test of God’s forgiveness – we need to forgive ourselves, we need to put our trust in God promised.

- 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
- Eph1:7 - In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
- Neh 9:17 God is our God who is ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and who never forsake his people.

Friends, let us remind ourselves and others with this comforting words – Forgiveness belongs to God. Whoever comes to God will be forgiven.

Therefore, as we come to our last part, the only point I want to add more is – As found in the scripture, the Lord's touching story about this prodigal son also reveals that God's love and mercy are far greater than the love and mercy commonly displayed by man. Here, God also actively display His abounding love to all sinners with a desire to restore them to Himself.

And moreover, through this parable, God shows that He is vitally concerned with the repentance of sinners and has a yearning love for all the lost.

Although He never condones or minimizes sin, He is eager and able to restore those who have offended Him. The forgiveness of God is always complete and results in total restoration.

Therefore, let the name of our Lord God be glorified among us for his wonderful nature and for his manner that has shown towards a penitent.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


(He thuziak hi "Kohhran Beng" 2015 issue a eng berah emaw a chhuak tawh a, Serampore chanchin ziahna, a bikin BCM leh Serampore Mission rawngbawlna inlaichin dan; Mizo tawnga chhiar duh an awm thin avangin he blog-ah hian kan dah a ni)

Introduction Rev K.Lalzarliana
Pianpui mizia leh nihna a vang a, ‘Inhmeh ve lo’ kan intih ruk chem chemna, ‘kan tana Pathianin tlang min ruat sak’ ang pawha pawm harsa kan tih tur, Serampore-ah dah-a kan awm avangin ‘chak leh chak loh’ lam pawh sawi ngam lovin nih-nih ni turin paunthah kan khai a. June thla khan  chhungkuain kan invawm lut ve ta ni. Carey-a chenna hmunah ngei min han dah lehnghal phei chu nitin hian ‘kan te’ tulh tulh hi a ni ber mai. A hmuna han chen chilh takah chuan ‘vei tur thar’ nitinin kan hmuchhuak a. Amaherawh chu, BCM Mission pawm dan hian ‘ramthim bak chang dang kan’ a harsat thin avangin, he thuziak pawh hi ‘inthlahrung tak si, loh theih lova ngai chung si-in’ ka han buatsaih ve leh ngawt mai a ni.
Serampore, BCM-in a hnuchhawn (deuhthaw) takna hi thangkhat lian zet a ni ta. A hmun atang ngei hian ‘hliam tuam dam ngai’ tluk zeta ‘ngaihsak a tul zia’ hi, a kaihhnawih dangte nen, ka thiam ang angin kan au chhuahpui ang a, hotu ten min dah chhan ramri kan dai kan em lawng chu maw.

Tunhma chuan
Serampore hi W.Bengal state, Hoogly District chhunga awm, ‘Kolkata Metropolitan Authority’ hnuai ami a ni a. Kum 1755 atang tawh khan Danish sawrhkar hnuaiah ‘Frederiksnagore’ tih hmingpuin a lo awm thin a ni. Kum 1845 atangin East India Company hnuaiah India Independence 1947 thlengin a awm leh a. Heng sawrhkar 2 te hi ‘thim ata chhuaka, a eng mak taka lut tura’ Mizo-te min hruaitu hmanraw pawimawh em em-te zing ami an lo ni remng mai a, helam erawh kan sawi hman lovang.

Zoram-a chanchintha mei chhi eng tlat-tu BMS chu, Kum 1792 –ah William Careya leh a thian ten England-ah an din a. Hetih lai hian ‘Ramthim su tura chona’ sap ho rilruah a lian em em a. Mi thenkhat ngaihdanah chuan ‘Pathian hre lo hnam dang mite hi Pathianin a mitea siam a duh a nih chuan, hmanraw hrang hrang a nei a, keini kan inrawlh ve a ngai lo’ tihte pawh a awm ve a. Carey-a pawh hian Ramthim su tura chona hi nei lian hle mahse, he ngaihdan hian eng emaw chenah a dal lek lek thin. Amaherawh chu, amaha thlarau awm hle hle thei lo chuan, loh theih lohvin a tur chhuak ta a. November 11th, 1793 kum chuan India khawpui pawimawh berte zing ami Calcutta a thleng ta rup mai. Calcutta-ah Kum 7 an awm  hnu, ni 10th, January 1800-ah Serampore thlengin, a thiante 3 nen he ni-ah vek hian BMS-Serampore Mission an lo din ta a ni.

Kum 1818-ah Serampore College an din a, a hnu kum 9 emaw leka upa a nihin, heng hun laia India ram bung thenkhat luahtu Danmark ram hnuaia, ‘Danmark University 3-na’ (Kopenhagen leh Kiel University bakah) tia koh hlawh hial khawpin  he zirna hmunpui hi an kalpui thei a ni.

Kum 1855-ah British sawrhkar chuan India ram-a Danish ho luah ramte chu Denmark sawrhkar hnen atangin a lei a. Heta tang hian a dinhmun siam rem zelin, tun dinhmun - Theology mai bakah Arts, Science lah commerce zir theihna college a lo ni ta a ni. ASC (Arts,Science, Commerce) bik hi sawrhkar hnuai-ah “University of Calcutta” affiliated a ni a. Zirlai pawh 3000 chuang zet a nei mek a ni.

Theological Department dinhmun
ASC hnuai amite (Staff) hian, sawrhkar hnuaia hlawh leh facilities hrang hrang, sawrhkar college dangin an dawn theih ang an dawn laiin, ‘Serampore College’ tih kan lama kan mitthlaa lo lang nghal “Pathianthu zirna” Theology department bik dinhmun hi chiang lehzuala kan hriatthiam theih nan a hnuai ami ang hian i lo thlur bik teh ang:

- College inrelbawlna a thuneihna pumhlum neitu chu “Council of Serampore College” a ni a. Hetah hian Master, Vice Master leh Secretary (College Principal) bakah India ram kohhran hlawm hrang hrang 14 atangin member an awm. BCM pawh hi India rama Baptist kohhran pawl hrang hrang  6 zinga member hlun 1 a ni. Member 14 atang hian member 6 chu Baptist member an ni ngei ngei tura ngaih a ni. Tichuan he college hi - BMS din, Baptist College, Baptist kohhran tawh phawt chuan ‘ta’ a kan neih bik theih college pawh ti i la kan tisual awm love (Teaching staff nimek zingah pawh hian a zahve aitam Baptist mi leh sa an ni).

- Hemi hnuaiah hian “Senate of Serampore College”, Theology Department enkawltu bik a awm leh a.  Chu chu Serampore College Theology Department avanga lo piang, amaherawh chu affialiated college lo pian belh zel avanga Serampore Theology Department baka affialiated college/centre (Doctoral center-7, Graduate &Post Graduate College – 50, Institution Offering DCPC course-5, Theological Education Through extension-13) hrang hrang enkawl-tu  a ni. He Senate –ah hian Officer 4 an awm a, chungte chu – President, Convener (Serampore College Principal), Registrar leh Treasurer-te an ni a. Rev Dr. R. L. Hnuni pawhin hun rei fe treasurer hna hi a lo vuan tawh nghe nghe a ni.

- Heng member church (14)-te hi sum lehpaia a intun nunna hnar ber tura ngaih a ni a. Amaherawh chu, an zinga member tlemte atang bak hian college-in sum a dawng ngai meuh lo thung.  Member hlun pawh ni lo, Mizoram Synod hi (Principal nihna chelhtu an nih vang nge? ) tun dinhmunah chuan sum lama vur nasa berte zing ami a ni a.  BCM phei chuan 1997 a tang tawh khan Kum 15 chuang zet chu member hlun ni reng siin tanpuina  a thawh ngai ta lova. Heti taka a pachhiat tak avang leh project lian tak tak hmachhawp a neih bawk si avang hian “Promotional Work (Financial Campaign)” ti-a chhuah fo a lo tul ta a. October, 2013 chhung pawh hian zirtirtu zawng zawngte mahni ram/kohhran theuha he hna thawk tura tih hi an ni nghe nghe a ni.

- Sum duh khawp a neih miau loh avangin, zirtirtu-te hlawh a chhe em em a. Zirtirtu, Doctor leh Professor-te hlawh pawh “BCM-in Junior Pastor hlawh a pek-te” aiin a tlem zawk hial a ni. Campus development lam phei chu a chhe takzet a, India ram Theological College ka tlawh tawh – AICS bak-ah, ATC( Aizawl Theological College), UBS (Union Biblical Seminary-Pune), UTC (United Theological College-Bangalore), UTC (United Theological College-Kerala), TTS (Tamilnadu Theological Seminary-Madurai) zingah hian a tawp leh tlabal ber, facilities nei pachhe bawk si a ni (Kum 200 dawn-a upa a nih tawh ngawihtuahin erawh, he tianga a la inenkawl thei hi a lawmawm hle).

BCM-in Tha a Thawh TawhThin
He College hi India ram puma “Pathianthu zirna kungpui” tih a ni thin a. “He college hi awm lo se, tuna India rama Theological college 50% hi chu a la piang kher lovang” tia sawi thin a ni. India ram hmun hrang hranga Kohhran hruaitu hmasa-te chher chhuaktu a ni a. BCM pawh hian Pastor 43(Pension/thi tawh-13 leh thawk lai 30)*lai he hmun atanga zir tawh leh zir chhuak tawh hi kan nei nghe nghe a, BCM tun dinhmuna hlangtu pakhat kan ti lo thei lovang. BCM atanga sul lo su hmasatu Rev Dr.CL.Hminga pawh hi he College chhuak a ni a.  1955 kum-ah BD zir zovin, College an chhuahsan dawn hian “Serampore College-in tanpui a ngaih zia” mahni kohhrana sawi tura chah an nih angin, hun remchang a hmuh apiangin, zorama a lo chhuah hnuah a sawi thin a. He mi thu kalzel avang hian, 1956 kuma BCM Assembly (hetih hun hian Presbytery an la ti a ni awm e) chuan Phawngpui Bial atanga Agenda lut angin. “Serampore College Sunday” a lo siam ta a ni. BCM Calendar-ah kum tin tihlan niin, Sunday thawhlawm pawh Serampore College pual hian kum 1997 hma zawng, kum 40 chuang zet chu BCM hian serh hrangin a theih ang angin ‘sum lehpai-ah’ tan a lo lakpui ve tawh thin a ni.

BCM a Inhnukdawk Leh Ta
Kum 1996(?) kum khan College chhungah Hmarchhak zirlai-te leh India chhim lam zirlaite zingah buaina a chhuak a. Chu chuan zirtirtu-te pawh kangkai zelin hmarchhak zirlaite lungawi thei lo chuan College an chhuahsan ta a. BCM atang pawhin zirlai 7 lai sawn chhuah an ni awm e. Hei hian nghawng tha lo tak hring chhuakin Mizote rilru-a Serampore, a hming kan lam zawng ringawt pawh a, kan ngaihsan leh kan rilru khawih thintu kha nawhrehin a awm tan ta a ni.

Kum 1997 BCM Assembly, Zohnuaia neih tumin - “Serampore Buaina” chungchang leh zirlaite sawn chhuah an nih dan hi report a ni a. Chumai ni lovin “Thelogical Education Sunday Thu” tia Agenda-a neiin “Serampore College Sunday” chu “Theological Edication Sunday” tiin Assembly chuan a thlak ta a. Serampore puala thawhlawm thawn thin pawh titawp nghalin, he ni puala thawhlawm dah thin pawh tualchhung kohhran tan dah a lo ni ta a ni.

BCM rawngbawlna-in hma a sawn zel a, Mission rawngbawlna bik-ah tha zawng zawng deuhthaw kan pek bakah, sum tham tina em em, Theological College (AICS) leh HATIM keimahni pualin kan lo nei ta a. Kum 40 chuang zet tha kan lo thawh ve tawhna-ah hian kir leh zai reng kan rel ta lo a ni.

Tuam Dam Turin Tha Thawh a Ngai Leh Ta E
Development leh Infrastructure a a tlakbalna chu thuhran, tun hnai hian ‘hmachhawp’ lian tak tak pahnih(2) a nei a. Chungte chu
1. Dt. 5th-8th, Febryary,2014-ah Convocation a dawng dawn.
2. College kum 200 tlinna 2018 ah a lawm turin a inpuahchah.
 Heng bakah hian, a tlakbalna, Meeting neih apiang deuhthawa, inhnialna tenau tichhuak thintu he college hian ava ngah em!
1. College library hi ka tlawh hmasak ber tum chuan ‘ka nuih a tiza’ deuh tlat mai. College dang nena khaikhin, a upat lutuk tawh vang nge, a thlabal lulai deuh a ni.
2. Bulding a upat tawh avangin Quarters eng emaw zat leh Hostel room eng emaw zat a far nasa hle.
3. Administration lam fuh tawk loh vang nge, kum tluanin campus a thing thuap reng mai.
4. Theology Department staff-te hlawh a chhe takzet, etc.

Council-in a tihtur a tih theih loh vang leh member church ten ‘an tihtur a ngaih’ an tih loh avang hian India rama Theological College bulpui ber hian hliam chi hrang hrang a tuar mek a. Tunhmaa mawhphurhna latute avangin ‘tute emaw kawlohna rah’ hi seng mek mahse, BMS sulhnu, Baptiat kohhran mi apiangin  ‘ka ta’ an tih theih tur Institution hlun leh ropui, Minority kan nih rengna India rama Kristianna chelh nghet deuh deuh tura hruaitute chher chhuak-tu, etc a nih avangin ngaihsak hi a phu takmeuh a ni.

BCM Tan Serampore Hlutna
Serampore chauh ni lo, kan rah phak chin Institution zawng zawng hian hlutna an nei vek nachingin, a hnuai ami ang hian i lo tlur bing zel mai teh ang.
1. BMS-in India a mission hna a thawh nasat vanglai kum 1920 bawr vel khan, European missionary-250 leh a ram mi thawktu 1000, India ramah an lo bung mup mup tawh a. Chung zingah chuan kan Pioneer missionary-te pawh an tel ve a ni. Hmun nghet tak Serampore-ah BMS-in a lo bun hmasa hian India chhim leh hmar, chhak leh thlanga BMS missionary-te ‘a thlamuan’ em em thin.
2. Pension tawh leh la thawk mek, kan kohhran hruaitu chhuanawm tak takte, BCM Pastor 43 chher chhuaktu a ni.
3. Senate of Serampore College atang hian tuna kan hruaitu chhuanawm tak tak 9** ten Dictorate degree an lo la/dawng tawh a. Khawvel thang chho zel avangin, he tiang hi a kum telin a la thleng chho zel ang.
4. Senate of Serampore College hi awm ta lo se, tuna kan kohhran hruaitu chhuanawm tak tak, a bikin Pastor-te hi tun ang hian chher puitlinin an awm a rinawm loh. BCM Pastor zawng zawng deuhthaw degree petu a ni.
5. Tuna zirlai kan neih zawng zawng (AICS)-te pawh hi, Senate of Serampore College hnuai ami, an degree petu, rawng an bawl theih nana a fawng vuantu a ni.

Engtin Nge Kan Tih Tak Ang
Thangthar ten kan hriat ve hma atang tawhin BCM hian MISSION rawngbawlna huang bikah “Partnership/networking” (inthlunzawmna) hmangin hmun hrang hrangah rawng a lo bawl tawh thin. Tunah pawh hian Pawl leh kohhran hrang hrang 36 lai “working agreement’ ziahpuiin rawng kan bawl mek a ni. Chung kan partner-te chu ‘sum lehpai’-in emaw ‘thawktu/mihring’ thawhin, a nih loh leh an ni lamin BCM-in a mamawh zawk a nih chuan ‘heng kan sawi tak ang hi’ an tum thung thin. Hetiang ‘thawhhona’ ang diak diak ni lo, a zul-ah hian ‘ruahmanna’ chi hrang hrang a duan theih ang a. Entirna ang chauhin rawtna pakhat lo siam chin ta i la:

- India ram Theological Institution lar leh ropui ber bera kan ngaih – UTC (United Theological College, Bangalore), UBS (Union Biblical Seminary, Pune) leh Serampore College, Serampore-ah te hian BCM hi Council rorelna-ah member a ni mek a. Kan hotute pawh palai/committee meeting-a tel turin an kal fo a ni. Amaherawh chu meeting-a an tel bak, BCM-in tha kan thawhna langsar kan neih erawh kan hre meuh lo. Heng College (leh a dangahte pawh)-ahte hian zirna sang zawk tiin kum tamtak chhung chu kan la intir liam zel lo thei lovin a rinawm. Chuvangchuan, a mihring-a chauh inthawh lo hian ‘Sum leh pai’ lam pawh kan sawr chhuah-a, ‘tel ve kan nihna’  sum hmanga kan lantir hi a hun hle a ni.

- He tiang lam concern, eng department berin emaw (Mission, Theological Department, Pastoral etc) budget-ah khung/siam-in, helama rawngbawlna tur cheng nuai sawm emaw vel, kum khat atan han dah hrang se, awlsamtein kan tihlawhtling a ni mai. A pawimawh berah chuan ‘he tianga tih a nih theih nan hian’ Assembly level committee members bakah, Bial leh ABC level lam kan pawimawh hlein a rinawm.

BCM Mission peng pakhat-ah, he tiang lam rawngbawlna hi awm thei se tih hi Kohhran hruaitu tamtakte rilrua awm mek a ni a. A lo kalpui tawhte atangin a that zia leh a tul zia, media-a puanzar vek rem si lo, thil tamtak a awm a, “BCM hian eng tikah nge he tizawng hian thla a zar ve ang” tih hi thangthar ten kan thlir mek a ni ber e.

A Tawp nan
BCM-in rawng a lo bawl tawhna leh hmachhawp a neih mekte thlir kirin, Kut thlak tura BCM-in thutlukna a siam tawhna reng rengah ‘Pathian remtihzawng a nih leh nih loh’ hi tehfawng lian ber-te zing a mi, kan hman loh theih loh a nih reng rualin, Kohhran hruaitute ‘thlekna lam a nih leh nih loh’ hian nasa takin kawngro a su bawk thin. A din tirh atanga tun thlengin Lalpan BCM hi a hruai a, chuvang chuan Pathian avang chauhin ‘thawh sen loh- rawngbawlna kawltu’ pawh kan ni. Nasa taka kan inzar pharh mek lai hian ‘kan kiang hnaia kan kuah phak renga awm,’ chet kan lak avanga Pathianram leh kein’in kan hlawkpuina tur nisi ‘thil tha’ hi hmuhkan fo lo thei i la a va duhawm dawn em.

1. **Rev-te: Khuangliana,KT.Chungnunga,CL.Hminga,V.Lalzawnga,H.Hrangena,H.Chalbuanga,C.Rothuama,C.Dothanga,C.Sangkama,B.Thangchina,TH.Darkhuma,K.Thanzauva,K.Lallungmuana,Lalthanzauva,C.Vanlawma,C.Chalhlira,C.Lalbiakzama,B.Lalrinawma,R.Zohmingliana,LalthanglianaHnamte,R.Lalchamliana,LalbiaksangaChinzah,C.Chhuntluanga,R.Zolawma,K.Lalbiakchhawna,L.Lalsawmliana,B.Lalramhluna,R.Lalnunzira,JosephVanlalruata,HrangaiaHmar,Vanlalmuankima,SamuelLalremsanga,H.Vanlalruata,TC.Zodinsanga,V.Lalzarliana,H.Lalfakzuala,Lalhmunsanga,Lalzuitluanga,C.Lalhungliana,K.Lalbiakenga,Lalremmawia,Lalchhuankima,TC.Vanlalmalsawma.
2. ** Rev Dr. HS.Luaia, Rev Dr. KT.Chungnunga, Rev Dr. VL.Zawnga, Rev Dr. Laldingliana, Rev Dr. VL.Dika, Rev Dr. Zolawma, Rev Dr. vanlalchhawna Khiangte, Rev Dr. RL.Thanmawia, Rev Dr. Rodinmawia Ralte.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Ministry of the Sacrament

1. Invitation : (After uncovering the elements of the Lord’s Supper)

Here the gracious words of the Lord -
"I tell you the truth; he who believes has everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he/she will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

Jesus also said - "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

2. Let us pray : Gracious and loving God, we thank you - for you did not spare your only son, but gave him for us all. Lord, we are indeed grateful, for your suffering on the cross for our sake, so that we may have life. May all thanks be to you.

We also want to thank you, O Holy Spirit, for you help us, to recollect the love of God, the father and the passion of our Lord Jesus.

O God, we bow before you now, expecting your blessing. Be gracious to grant us fellowship, with you through this communion. May this precious blood and bread, be the quickening to the weak, a healing for the sick, sanctification for the wicket, and a strengthening of faith to doubting ones. We ask, in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. AMEN

3. Words of Institution (Minister)

3.1. Breaking of the bread
For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you that the Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took bread, (the minister takes the bread, breaks it and says) and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, : This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.

3.2. The Cup of wine
In the same way, Jesus took the cup, (the minister will take the cup) gave thanks and offered it to them, and he said, “This is the new covenant in my blood; which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin. Do this, as often as you drink it in remembrance of me”.

Therefore, in obedience to our Lord’s command, we shall take this bread and wine. And let us remember that – the cup and bread which we bless are a sharing of blood and body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord bless each every one of us, that we may remember him and that the Holy Spirit that was in him be within us.

4. (Minister will hand over the bread and wine….. and they will serve)

5. While partaking the bread and wine (Minister) :
(after offering the elements to the elders, and while the elders serves the element the music may be played or some scriptural portions will be read)
- “For as often as we eat this bread and drink the cup, we proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes”
- “This is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is given for you. This is the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is shed for you”
- Jesus said - “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them”
- "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
- “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”

6. After Communion (Minister) – the table will be covered by servers

7. Prayer of thanksgiving: having received this holy sacrament, let us give thanks to God.
Gracious God, we thank you for offering us the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Through him we also offer ourselves to be a living sacrifice. Help us by the power of your Holy Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory. Through Christ our Lord and Saviour Jesus, AMAN!

8. Hymn

9. The Lord’s Prayer

10. Benediction: May the blessing of God the Almighty, the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us now and forever more.

Source: Serampore College Hymn Book (Few modifications have been made by me)

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


(John 21:18; Hebrew 6:1f)

According to World English Dictionary;
- Maturity is the state or quality of being mature
- It is also define as fully developed humanity
- Whereas some people opined that maturity is determined by Age.

(Tom Stoppard - Age is a very high price to pay for maturity).

But if we consider about Eric Barnes’s “Transactional Analysis,”- determining maturity by age is not fully acceptable.

We all may know about Eric Barnes’s “Transactional Analysis” (some might have learned it in ‘Pastoral care and counseling’ in BD level). According to him, there are three egos in every human being (whether a person is physically grown enough or he/she is a new born baby).

1. Child ego 

2. Adult ego
3. Parent ego

According to this Ego / Self in Human;

If a (any) person (who is physically mature) behave like a child, the reason behind is - his/her child ego in/within him/her has grown much more than his/her adult or parent ego.

This is true because i have seen some people who looked (is suppose to behave) younger than me, but behaved like as if they are more mature than me. I also used to see some people who looked very old but whereas behaved like a child.

We cannot blame anyone for their lives and for their distinctive/unique behaviors, but at the same time one thing we need to remember is - there is a way to learn or to grow in maturity.

Since spiritual and material things are inter-link to one another and sometime inseparable. Through the reflection from this ego (self) in human especially ‘child ego’; we can learn many things for it can help us to learn more about maturity.

According to psychiatrists and some psychologists, child egos in human are usually;

- Feel insecure and are in need of special love and care

- Their minds are usually full of entertainments, gratifications and fulfillment of needs.

- They usually love images or some idealism or something which has no reality (this is true, for Eg - if we observe a child behavior who opts for cartoon channel more than any other things which contain  reality on TV channel)

- We also can see – negative emotional feelings like; overactive behavior, loose temper for Impatient, intolerance and anger, Carelessness and fond of too much fun, etc.

Besides, there are two different egos which have distinct natures/behaviors from child ego in human:

1. Natural Child: If we behave and respond with probing responses - that shows curiosity, intimacy, fun, joyfulness, fantasy, impulsiveness, and so on, we have natural child ego.

2. Adapted Child: If we behave with confronting responses - that express rebelliousness, pouting, anger, fear, anxiety, inadequacy, procrastination, blaming others, and so on, we are in adapted child ego state.

By observing these nature of 'child self' in human, it may be true or possible to say that – ‘even if I considered myself mature, but  always behave like a child; there is something left behind in me i.e. - I also need to consider my spirituality, because I’m still in a stage of ‘look alike child’.

Therefore, when we talk about bodily or spiritual maturity, some important questions what we need to consider are;

- How does one mature in the Lord?

- What are the scriptural standards for maturity?

- What is it to be a mature Christian?

*One may suggest that - Spiritual maturity is a process that begins when a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. He or she is born again of the Holy Spirit and then chooses to live "in Christ." This is also affirmed by the Apostle Paul by saying that spiritual growth is an ongoing process. (Philippians 3:12-14)

 *(Let me choose only two important scriptures which reflect about Christian maturity).

In John 21:18 - Jesus said (to Peter) “I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old (Mature) you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go."

- In this passage, according to Jesus, a mature believer/follower is someone, whom someone can lead to somewhere, where she/he does not one to go.

- In another words, mature follower of Jesus may refers to - adaptable person, who deliberately adjust him/herself according to the situation demand.

In Hebrew 6:1 (we see another related topic which says)- “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to Maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God”.

Here, the author to the Hebrews also reveals several remarkable points whereby one may measure a Christian's maturity. (Rather than going back to the scripture, let me summarize above points to give the answers for - How does one mature in the Lord or what is to be a mature Christian?)

1. A mature Christian has developed depth of understanding of the Christian faith. He/she has insight in Christ's work on earth, and the will of God in an individual's life.

2. A mature Christian is able to evaluate him/herself in the light of scripture and grow thereby, rather than criticizing himself in the light of other Christians.

3. A mature Christian is able to teach others, rather than being taught himself all his life. A Christian must grow and be able to lead others to Christ and teach them in the way of Christ.

4. A mature Christian deliberately chooses to seek unity in Christ's body.

5. A mature Christian will desire spiritual challenges, rather than desiring entertainment. If we look at lukewarm Christians, we see that they rather seek entertainment than helping someone for Christ, and sacrificing their life for Christ and the Gospel's sake.

6. A mature Christian will study the Bible carefully and the lives of others who claim to follow Christ, rather than following the opinions of people and half-hearted efforts to realize God's Word in their live. He/she would desire fellowship with Christ, rather than waste his time with the trivial things of this world.

7. A mature Christian has active faith, rather than doubt or cautiousness concerning the Christian faith. He/she lives his/her faith in Christ, and is bold to venture risks for Christ's sake. He can truly testify of his walk with Christ, and Christ's continual faithfulness.

8. A mature Christian has confidence in Christ, rather than fear for the world, because Christ lives in him/her. He/she has confidence, because he/she knows the One who overcame the world.

9. A mature Christian chooses to evaluate his/her experiences in the light of scripture, rather than in the light of his/her own feelings, opinions and knowledge. He/she runs to God for guidance in each situation.

Lastly, let me conclude this short sharing by asking one question: Why should we even be concerned with growing in bodily and spiritual maturity in Christ?

1) Because in Him "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" - Col 2:3

2) Because He has warned of what will occur if we do not mature and "bear fruit" - John15:1-2

Shirley Conran says – ‘You're never too old to grow up’.

- Let our hearts and minds be prepared to move forwards to become mature.


  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...