Tuesday, 2 February 2016


(John 21:18; Hebrew 6:1f)

According to World English Dictionary;
- Maturity is the state or quality of being mature
- It is also define as fully developed humanity
- Whereas some people opined that maturity is determined by Age.

(Tom Stoppard - Age is a very high price to pay for maturity).

But if we consider about Eric Barnes’s “Transactional Analysis,”- determining maturity by age is not fully acceptable.

We all may know about Eric Barnes’s “Transactional Analysis” (some might have learned it in ‘Pastoral care and counseling’ in BD level). According to him, there are three egos in every human being (whether a person is physically grown enough or he/she is a new born baby).

1. Child ego 

2. Adult ego
3. Parent ego

According to this Ego / Self in Human;

If a (any) person (who is physically mature) behave like a child, the reason behind is - his/her child ego in/within him/her has grown much more than his/her adult or parent ego.

This is true because i have seen some people who looked (is suppose to behave) younger than me, but behaved like as if they are more mature than me. I also used to see some people who looked very old but whereas behaved like a child.

We cannot blame anyone for their lives and for their distinctive/unique behaviors, but at the same time one thing we need to remember is - there is a way to learn or to grow in maturity.

Since spiritual and material things are inter-link to one another and sometime inseparable. Through the reflection from this ego (self) in human especially ‘child ego’; we can learn many things for it can help us to learn more about maturity.

According to psychiatrists and some psychologists, child egos in human are usually;

- Feel insecure and are in need of special love and care

- Their minds are usually full of entertainments, gratifications and fulfillment of needs.

- They usually love images or some idealism or something which has no reality (this is true, for Eg - if we observe a child behavior who opts for cartoon channel more than any other things which contain  reality on TV channel)

- We also can see – negative emotional feelings like; overactive behavior, loose temper for Impatient, intolerance and anger, Carelessness and fond of too much fun, etc.

Besides, there are two different egos which have distinct natures/behaviors from child ego in human:

1. Natural Child: If we behave and respond with probing responses - that shows curiosity, intimacy, fun, joyfulness, fantasy, impulsiveness, and so on, we have natural child ego.

2. Adapted Child: If we behave with confronting responses - that express rebelliousness, pouting, anger, fear, anxiety, inadequacy, procrastination, blaming others, and so on, we are in adapted child ego state.

By observing these nature of 'child self' in human, it may be true or possible to say that – ‘even if I considered myself mature, but  always behave like a child; there is something left behind in me i.e. - I also need to consider my spirituality, because I’m still in a stage of ‘look alike child’.

Therefore, when we talk about bodily or spiritual maturity, some important questions what we need to consider are;

- How does one mature in the Lord?

- What are the scriptural standards for maturity?

- What is it to be a mature Christian?

*One may suggest that - Spiritual maturity is a process that begins when a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. He or she is born again of the Holy Spirit and then chooses to live "in Christ." This is also affirmed by the Apostle Paul by saying that spiritual growth is an ongoing process. (Philippians 3:12-14)

 *(Let me choose only two important scriptures which reflect about Christian maturity).

In John 21:18 - Jesus said (to Peter) “I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old (Mature) you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go."

- In this passage, according to Jesus, a mature believer/follower is someone, whom someone can lead to somewhere, where she/he does not one to go.

- In another words, mature follower of Jesus may refers to - adaptable person, who deliberately adjust him/herself according to the situation demand.

In Hebrew 6:1 (we see another related topic which says)- “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to Maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God”.

Here, the author to the Hebrews also reveals several remarkable points whereby one may measure a Christian's maturity. (Rather than going back to the scripture, let me summarize above points to give the answers for - How does one mature in the Lord or what is to be a mature Christian?)

1. A mature Christian has developed depth of understanding of the Christian faith. He/she has insight in Christ's work on earth, and the will of God in an individual's life.

2. A mature Christian is able to evaluate him/herself in the light of scripture and grow thereby, rather than criticizing himself in the light of other Christians.

3. A mature Christian is able to teach others, rather than being taught himself all his life. A Christian must grow and be able to lead others to Christ and teach them in the way of Christ.

4. A mature Christian deliberately chooses to seek unity in Christ's body.

5. A mature Christian will desire spiritual challenges, rather than desiring entertainment. If we look at lukewarm Christians, we see that they rather seek entertainment than helping someone for Christ, and sacrificing their life for Christ and the Gospel's sake.

6. A mature Christian will study the Bible carefully and the lives of others who claim to follow Christ, rather than following the opinions of people and half-hearted efforts to realize God's Word in their live. He/she would desire fellowship with Christ, rather than waste his time with the trivial things of this world.

7. A mature Christian has active faith, rather than doubt or cautiousness concerning the Christian faith. He/she lives his/her faith in Christ, and is bold to venture risks for Christ's sake. He can truly testify of his walk with Christ, and Christ's continual faithfulness.

8. A mature Christian has confidence in Christ, rather than fear for the world, because Christ lives in him/her. He/she has confidence, because he/she knows the One who overcame the world.

9. A mature Christian chooses to evaluate his/her experiences in the light of scripture, rather than in the light of his/her own feelings, opinions and knowledge. He/she runs to God for guidance in each situation.

Lastly, let me conclude this short sharing by asking one question: Why should we even be concerned with growing in bodily and spiritual maturity in Christ?

1) Because in Him "are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" - Col 2:3

2) Because He has warned of what will occur if we do not mature and "bear fruit" - John15:1-2

Shirley Conran says – ‘You're never too old to grow up’.

- Let our hearts and minds be prepared to move forwards to become mature.

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...