Tuesday, 29 October 2019



May the grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit be upon you all.

Here, in this text, in verse 22, we found the greatest gift of Jesus to his disciple, which says, “He gave it to his disciples” (In v 22) and another parallel verse in v. 23, which says, “He gave it to them”. Therefore, based on this text, we will meditate on the theme THE GREATEST GIFT OF JESUS.


Before we come to the main points, I would like to highlight summary of the text, though we all familiar about it.

1.    Before he was being crucified, on the first day of the festival of the unleavened bread, Jesus sent two of his disciples to look for what he foretold to his disciples and to prepare a Passover meal for themselves.

2.    So as they left and went into the city, they found things just as Jesus told them. So they prepare the Passover there.

3.    Then when they were reclining at the table for eating, in v 22 – Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it this is my body”.

4.    And in v.23, then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it.

Now we will move little further outside of the text which are closely related with the text…
During the time of this very moment, when they all have gathered together for a special occasion, which is also to be considered as farewell dinner for a small circle of disciples with their master, I opined and assumed that if Jesus gives a net and boat for fishing to Peter, it would be more appropriate and worth mentioning than any other things, Peter might also have exclaim for the gift because he was a fisherman. 

Similarly, Mathew was a tax collector, if Jesus gives a treasure, or an expensive house or a vast land, etc; I believed, the gift handed to him would be more pleasing than receiving a piece of bread and wain. Because Mathew belongs to a well to do family who had past experience of money power and influence.

In the same way, if Jesus gives some item to James which is more special then another items he has given to others disciples, it would be more delightful then receiving a piece of bread and a cup of wain for James, because James was known as someone ‘whom Jesus loved’, who might have a little more close relationship with Jesus.

But, as found in the scripture, he rather has given the same item of gift to all, that was the bread and the wain which represented ‘his body and his blood’.

However, in relation to this, one or two questions that have struck my mind were –
i)    Didn't the disciples have any other needs rather than the gift being given to them by Jesus?
The answer is – of course, they must have.

ii)    Hasn’t Jesus anything else to give which is more delightful to receive, which the disciples would have put more value?

The answer is – of course, Jesus must have, he must have so many things to give, he must have plentiful treasure to give away, because he was the son of God, who has extraordinary power and who also has the authority over the storm and the sea.

As we move on to the surrounding context, let me draw another imagery picture by tracing back historical background of Roma rule over the entire land of Palestine…

Pompey, a Roman general had concurred Syria in the year 64 BC, and Jerusalem in the year 63 BC.
Therefore, the entire land including Jerusalem became one of the provinces of Roman rule under General Pompey.

When Julius Caesar, who was also known as Augustus or Gaius Julius Ceaser become the empire of Rome, he appointed Herod the great as the king of Judea in the year 40 BC.
Then when Herod the great died in 4 BC, the kingdom was divided into three, and handed over to the three sons of Herod the great (Philips + Herod Antipas + Archelaus). In this way the entire land had become the province of Rom under the rulers of different governors of Rome from many years to another many years; to name a few – Valerius Gratus and Pontius Pilate, etc.

Therefore, under this political dominion of Rom and in this kind of political scenario, one of the expectations that had been developed within the entire community and in the minds of Jewish people at this time was – someone or a messiah would appeared who has political power, who would conquer or destroy Roman empire to deliver Jewish people from their oppressive structure and political rule of Rome. This is what we called it, as known by us, as – messianic hope or messianic expectation.

Therefore, under this circumstance, when the last supper was being held among the disciples under the leadership of Jesus; recollecting a similar type of anticipation or assumption that has been made little earlier; if Jesus promises to fulfill the expectation which was in the minds of all Jewish people, it would be the right and appropriate choice for all the disciples. If he could give the message of hope to bring about a complete deliverance from the Roman rule, it must be a delightful gift to receive for all the members of the disciples.

 But contrary to this, he rather took bread, and when he has given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying, ‘take it, this is my body, which is given for you’
Then he took the cup and as he has given thanks, he gave it to them and said, ‘this is my blood, which is pure out for many, for the forgiveness of sins’

-    Hasn’t Jesus anything else to give which is more delightful to receive then the bread and wain?
-    Did the disciples have not any other needs rather than the gift being given to them?

It is obvious that, Jesus must have so many things to give other than his body and blood, yet he has nothing to give which is greater than his body and blood.

He clearly knows the rightful choice for his disciples, though the disciples did not know it. So he gave himself to them as the father gave his begotten son to the world.

He gave the greatest gift of himself because he clearly knows that disciples can do anything without him (John 15:5). He also clearly knows that He himself is the basic foundation, a mechanism from where success, their secret strength, aptitude or ability to withstand in the midst of difficulties and persecutions, and all others things they might have gone through.

Now, to make some reflection from this short contemplation; one of the main purposes of theological education that has been undertaken in and through various theological institutions is to equip our students (our young people) to become an effective witness in their diversified ministries. To put in another words – it is to build up and equip our students in order to become an effective and a successful minister.

Therefore, to make it accomplish our aim and purpose, yes, the college have offered so many subjects through which you have learnt many wisdom and different knowledge for your future ministry. By having known all these things, some of you might have think that, it is more than enough to become a successful minister. But I will you, this is not adequate, it is not adequate until and unless you are being given or until and unless you have taken the rightful choice which is going to be your secret strength through which you can do so many great things.

Last year, I have presented the message of the love of God to all my hearers through my sermon. In the same way, at this very moment, I still have another gift to be presented to you all, it is my privileged to remind you that the gift given by Jesus to his disciple was the same gift offered to us all...

Only with him, and abiding with his will, his knowledge and wisdom; you could get success in life. This was also the same reason why Jesus gave himself to his disciples.

The body and blood being given to his disciples by Jesus is;

-    Also becoming our source of healing

-    Through which we will receive our inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled, and never fade away which is reserved in heaven for us. (I Pet 1:4)

-    It is also our secret strength through which we only can get our successful stories

There is no distinction, it is given for all, and it is given to those people who are strong, capable as well as to a weaker section. It is also given to well-equipped people as well as to people who are laden and burdensome.

There is nothing, anything else which is greater than this gift of Jesus Christ.

Let all of us take it and have it, for it is the right answer for our needs, for our spiritual journey and for the entire humanity.

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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...