Saturday, 2 November 2019


(This post is being made only for the purpose of keeping a record)


CHAIRPERSON: Principal, Serampore College

DEVOTION: Rev. K. Lalzarliana, Chaplain

I feel honored and privileged to be here to lead devotion of the first session of this special programme.

I thank God, and at the same time would like to express my thanks to our dear Principal and to all other members of the Celebration Committee of the College Foundation Day 2019; for giving me this opportunity to spend a few moments and to invoke the presence of God in our midst.

I would spend only a few moment; first, in reading the scripture, and then sharing few words of exportation and t the end, i will offer a words of prayer.

SCRIPTURE: N.T : Heb 13: 6-8
O.T : Deu 10:21

As we observer and celebrate the foundation day of our College, i would like to recollect one statement, made by Carey and his friends which has been inscribed in their '10 Commandments of Mission' that offen struck my mind; it says, 

"Let us give ourselves up unreservedly to this glorious cause. Let us never think that our time, our gifts, our strength, our families, or even the clothes we wear, are our own. To keep these ideas alive in our minds, we resolve that this agreement shall be red publicly, at every station, at our three annual meetings, viz., on the first day of the Lord’s Day in January, in May, and October."
It is apparent that, by having and following this norm as their guiding principle in all their works, they could achieved so many great things, and it may also be possible to hold the claim that, this is one of the motivating factors from where all great things come into existence through our great missionaries.
This is also one of the reasons why I chose these two passages for our short devotion.
In order that, we may be reminded to remember;
1.      Our God for his wonderful and immeasurable works to his people
2.      Our great leaders for their sacrificial offerings of their lives
Heb 13: 7 says, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of the God to you; consider the outcome of their ways of life, and imitate their faith.”
Considering all the great things and all the achievements they left behind and by imitating their exemplary lives, let us observe and celebrate this special day.

As we observe and celebrate the foundation day of our college, there can be no single word or sentence to express our gratitude unto you O Lord.
We thank you for your wonderful love and mercy that was being embedded in the minds of Carey, Marshman and Ward and that compelled the trio to come over here not only to lay the foundation but also to give enlightenment to the lives of many people of the entire reasons who were in the darkness of that time. We do remember their sacrificial love and their great contributions which are still alive in the minds of thousands of people. We thank you for the entire legacy they left behind for your people of this time.
Therefore, by recollecting all these wonderful news; now, we wholeheartedly would like to make known that - These are your marvelous works through the life of your people for the benefit of the people of this time. We thank you for your internal plan which is implanted and now being disclosed from the life of your faithful savants.
Being a community of your people which has its root and which is built up in you, in the faith and in the foundation laid down by your faithful servants, we once again would like to submit ourselves unto you for you are our God, who is the beginning and the end, and the God of internal, almighty, and everlasting God.
Help us to lift up the banner of love, unity, cooperation, understanding and even the spirit of willingness to live and serve for other; in order that people around us may get benefit and may also see your glory.
Be with us all, and be our guide throughout the entire programme. Let all the items we are going to do be a blessing for all, and acceptable one in thy side. Committing the rest of the time into your mighty care, in Christ name we pray…


CLOSING PRAYER: Rev. Dr. A.C. Thomas


CHAIR  PERSON: Principal, Serampore College

LECTURE:  by Rev. Dr. Dipankar Haldar

TOPIC:  "William Carey and his ethics".


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  Bible thu chiar tur : 2Thessalonika3: 13-18; 2Korinth7:8-12; 2Timothea3:16 & 4:13. Thuvawn           : Chutichuan unaute u, ding ...